"That's so sad..." Kairi wiped away tears.

Mickey nodded solemnly. "It was a sad time for all of us. But, life goes on. Goofy did an excellent job at juggling his knightly duties with raising Max. The two became the best of friends. They did everything together."

"What changed?" Asked Sora.

"Well, I suppose it all started when Max was eleven years old." Mickey explained. "Donald, Goofy, and I went on a fishing trip, and Max came along with us."

"Dad, do I have to go?" Max complained. He was wearing an orange life jacket and carrying a fishing pole.

"Yes, Maxie." Goofy said with a smile. He too was holding a fishing pole. "I don't have anyone to watch you, so you're coming with us."

Max groaned in irritation. "I can take care of myself, Dad!"

Goofy ignored him, and they set off to meet the king and Donald. They headed out to Disney Lake, which was the biggest lake in all the worlds. As they got towards the middle, they readied their fishing rods.

Donald took a deep relaxing breath. "Ahh...nothing like clear blue skies, smooth water, and a day of fishing, huh, guys?"

"Ah-yuck, you said it!" Goofy said. He swung his fishing pole backwards. The hook latched onto the back of Donald's shirt.

"Huh?" Donald felt something hook onto his shirt. He then soared backwards into the air and into the water. "WAAAAAKKKK!"

Max peered over the edge of the boat. "Whoa..."

Donald surfaced and coughed and spit out water. "Goofy!" He glared at the knight.

"Oops. Sorry, Donald!" Goofy cringed in guilt. He started reeling Donald in.

"Uh, Goofy, there's an easier way to do that." Mickey grabbed the line and pulled Donald into the boat.

Donald shook himself dry and glared at Goofy, who winced. "Sorry."


The foursome fished all day. Already, they filled two barrels.

"Gawrsh, how'd it get so dark so soon?" Goofy wondered. The sun had indeed set.

"Gosh, we must've been having so much fun, we lost track of time." Mickey said. He turned on a lamp for light. "We better head back."

They were about to drive off, when Donald spotted a boat heading for them. "Wak? Who are those guys?"

"I don't know." Mickey said. "Let's find out. Maybe they're friendly!"

The boat got closer until it stopped three feet away from Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Max's boat. A familiar looking fat cat walked to the side grinning evilly.


Mickey, Donald, and Goofy brandished their weapons "What are you doing here? You're banished!"

"I'm here to show you how it feels to have something taken from you." He said. He summoned up some Heartless.

"Wak? What are you talking about?" Donald demanded.

Pete threw an electro-ball at Donald, knocking him overboard.

"Donald!" Mickey exclaimed. He dived in after him.

Goofy looked after Mickey, holding Max's hand. In a heartbeat, Max was pulled from him.

"Hey! Let go of me!" Max yelled as he struggled in Pete's arms. "DAD! HELP!"

"Max!" Goofy started to rush towards Max, but forgot he was on a boat, and toppled overboard. He came up for air to see the boat Max was taken on speeding off. "MAAAXXX! NO! MAAAAAAAAX!"


"That fatass son of a bitch!" Sora exclaimed. "I swear to God, next time I see him, I'll beat him to a bloody pulp!"

"I'll help." Donald volunteered.

"How did you get Max back?" Kairi asked before Sora responded.

"It wasn't easy." Mickey shook his head. "We searched high and low for Max. The only reason we found him was because Max sent us a message via two birds that could talk. We rushed to where Max was being held immediately. We fought off Heartless...Donald and I fought Pete while Goofy went to look for Max. He found him in a dark room tied to a chair. Pete was defeated, and banished again."

"Poor Max. Being kidnapped must have had a bad effect on him." Kairi noted.

"Actually, it was almost the opposite." Mickey revealed. "Max is one to take things in stride. And though he'd never admit it, what gets him through those kinds of experiences is the fact that he knows his dad will always be there for him."

Sora smiled. "He must have a strong heart."

Mickey smiled and nodded. "Things changed. Goofy became more protective over Max. He was so dedicated, he never had time for himself, and that was okay with him. As long as Max and the kingdom are safe and sound, what did free time matter?"

"Wow..." Riku breathed in amazement.

"I'm guessing Max did not like the fact his dad overprotected him." Kairi commented.

"You guess right." Mickey replied. "Those two started drifting apart once Max was in high school..." He paled as he looked past Sora, Riku, and Kairi. The trio turned to see Goofy standing in the doorway.

"What are you all talking about here?" He asked.


Sorry it's short, but I wanted to update this.