
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar it belongs to James Cameron and whoever else came up with it.

Summary: Neytiri dies instead of Tsu'tey. Eywa decides that Tsu'tey needs a mate.

Warning: contains boy x boy don't like don't read

Pairings: Tsu'tey x Jake

It was a sad day for the Na'vi. They were burring Neytiri. The Na'vi were still trying to get all the all the humans to leave Pandora. Tsu'tey had just been found, he was in really bad shape. They were worried that they would not have their leader. Jake had been the one to find him. He had gone out hunting for food, when he heard moaning. Natural he went to investigate.

"Tsu'tey" yelled Jake. Tsu'tey just moaned again. Jake tired to get him up but he was too far gone. Jake was really worried that he wouldn't make it in time to save him so he called the Turok. When Jake landing he started yelling for help. Mo'at was the first to get there. She pulled Tsu'tey down and got others to help her carry him to the healing place. Later after everything had calmed down and they were all sure Tsu'tey was going to survive, Jake went and talked to Mo'at. Jake wanted to know if Tsu'tey was ok.

Mo'at said "Tsu'tey will be fine. He will have to take up the duties of chief soon, however he will need a strong mate so that he can have an heir."

"Wasn't Neytiri supposed to be his mate?" Jake questioned.

"Yes she was, but she mated with, but Eywa has a plan don't worry Jakesully." She said. After she stated this Jake turned to wake off but half way out the tent he collapsed."

"I'm sorry Jakesully, but Eywa has a plain for you and you cannot ignore it. You are to be his mate and produce his heir. It won't be easy but you are they only one strong enough to be given this task. Please don't not fret you shell be happy for your sacrifices Eywa promises." Mo'at pleaded with the unconscious Jake. Meanwhile Jake was talking with Neytiri in his dream.

"Jake you're going to change. Eywa has decided that you are the right person for Tsu'tey. Jake before you say anything I know that you and he never really got along but that was because of me. So please give him a chance he really is a good mate for you." explained Neytire

"Neytiri I have to tell you something. I never really liked you l … l

Hahaha cliffy for you

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