Finally the, drum-roll please, last chapter. We have come a long way haven't we? Sorry for the long wait, but this chapter is the longest freaking one yet. Anyway, i wanna dedicate this chapter to everyone who reviewed, sent me a pm, or just looked at this thing. I'm amazed at this story's success. Anyway time to read. So i now command you to read this chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own glee, ever, but i do own Ben, always.
"Ben, open up!" Rachel yelled as she banged on Ben's door. She didn't have to worry about his parents opening the door, because like her, his parents were hardly at home. Rachel sipped on her grape slushie.
"I'm coming." Ben called impatiently. "Why hello Mrs. Berry, I suppose you have the Glee dorks' videos?" Ben said casting Rachel a mischievous smirk.
Rachel used all the will power she had to keep herself from slapping that stupid smirk right off his face, for good. But she remembered why she was here. She was here for revenge. Rachel Berry was not usually one for revenge, but this, this was an exception. Rachel practiced her lines in her head, fixed her jacket, and put on a fake smile. She was going to use the power of seduction to take Ben down!
"I did get the videos, but first I was wondering if I could come inside? I wanted to see you upload them, and maybe we could, you know, mess around." Rachel gave him the sexist stare she could muster up, and waved the video camera in front of his face.
"Well if you put it that way, come on in!" Ben practically pulled her up to his room. Rachel felt awkward going up there. Sure she had been in there plenty of times, but this time was totally different. When she left she would be single. Gosh, how amazing would that be? To be rid of Ben! When they entered his room, she set down her slushie, and removed her coat, revealing black and white lingerie, covering her torso and breast, but revealing everything else. But no matter how sexy she looked, she felt utterly uncomfortable. The freaking thing was super scratchy. Oh well, at least she wouldn't be wearing it for long.
"So Ben, I was wondering if you wanted to get to the fun part now," she played with his shorts, "or later?"
Ben grabbed Rachel's face, and began to roughly kiss her. No passion, just a horny boy wanting sex. Rachel pushed him on the bed, and began to kiss him. She hated every moment, but it was for the greater good.
"Close your eyes, I'll make it worth your while." Rachel whispered in his ear. Ben did as he was told, and closed his hazel eyes. Rachel grabbed her slushie from his bed side table, pulled out the video camera from her jacket and turned the camera on. She clicked the record button, and began to record Ben's face.
"Alright Benny, you can open your eyes now." Rachel laughed. This was going to be too easy.
Ben opened his eyes to see Rachel straddling him, a camera in one hand, a grape slushie in the other. He pretty much knew what was about to happen, so he braced himself. And his prediction was right, in the next 2 seconds he had a grape slushie all over his face, and that wasn't even the worst part. No the worst part was that the whole experience was on video. After he was sure Rachel wasn't going to throw anymore, he threw her off of him, and ran into his bathroom in attempt to wipe off the slushie. He heard a laughing Rachel run out of his room, fly down the stairs, and slam the front door shut. Great. He thought to himself. Ben did not want to know what she planned to do with that video.
"Finn." Rachel said into her phone.
"Rachel?" Finn answered disoriented, he had fallen asleep kinda early, and his cell phone ringing had waked him up.
"I have something to give to you. Meet me at park, our usual meeting spot in 10 minutes."
"Um, okay." Finn replied.
Finn paced around the swings, his hands in his pockets. He had been a little early, and was now waiting for Rachel to show up. He was a little nervous, what if she was just playing with him again. No, he had to stay positive. He glanced up and spotted Rachel making her way to him, her grey coat buttoned tightly.
"Finn." She spoke first.
"Hey Rachel, whadd'ya wanna give me?" He asked innocently.
"This." She handed him the blue video recorder.
"What for?"
"It has a pretty embarrassing video of Ben on it. At first I was going to give it to Jew-fro to put on his blog, but then I decided I wanted to give it to you. You should decide what to do with it."
Finn felt a rush of emotions flow through him. He had the power to destroy Ben. To destroy the boy who single-handily ruined his life. Ben took Rachel, Ben made life for Glee miserable, Ben sought out to destroy Finn, and now Finn had the power to take all of Ben's fortune away.
But he didn't.
He handed the camera back to Rachel, and for a second almost regretted his decision. But he was going to be the better person. Rachel looked up at him in confusion.
"Nah, I don't want it."
"I thou-thought you might want this, Ben has made life miserable for you, don't you want to make him pay?"
"Yeah, but I can do that by just being the better person. I mean if I just be myself, that'll kill him. And I have you now and what more could I want? So nah, I don't wanna make him pay in embarrassment. I'll just ignore him."
Rachel smiled at her boyfriend. "When did you get to be so noble?" she asked leaning into him.
"I've got my moments." Finn smirked, before pulling Rachel in for a kiss.
The kiss was passionate, yet sweet. Simple, yet unique. Rachel never wanted to pull away. But she remembered that her dads had no clue she had snuck out, and could go into her room at any given moment.
"I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow for Glee practice, right?" Rachel whispered.
"Always." Finn whispered back.
"Until then, I guess." She smirked as she walked away.
"Until then!" Finn confirmed.
"Where is the diva, I'm ready to hear her apology." Mercedes scoffed. She was not thrilled about Rachel coming back. Rachel being back meant that Mercedes was not t going to be the only diva, and being a diva was kinda fun.
"Mercedes! Lay off, okay, you're luck she is even saying sorry, you deserved all of the insults she gave you." Finn sternly told Mercedes. He was trying to defend Rachel more often, besides Mercedes really did deserve to get knocked down a peg or two.
"God Finn, take a pill." Mercedes rolled her eyes and walked away. What the hell was eating him? Right then, Rachel walked in, wearing her red and white animal sweater, pleaded skirt, knee socks, and her black loafers. Finn thought he had never seen something so beautiful.
"God it feels good to be back in here." Rachel quietly said to herself. It really did. She looked around the choir room. Artie, Mercedes, Quinn, Finn, and Sam were sitting in their usual seats. A new girl sat next to Mercedes, Rachel thought her name was Lauren. Glee was a lot smaller. Rachel felt a twinge of guilt for leaving them when they needed her the most. But that was the past, this was the future. She waved to her fellow peers.
"Hi guys." She smiled awkwardly, and glanced up at Quinn, who was giving her an encouraging smile.
"I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'm sorry for acting the way I did, and I hope I can acquire each of your forgiveness. Especially Tina, I'm so sorry." Rachel smiled anxiously.
"Well I forgive ya!" Mike said, he really did like Rachel. Tina smacked him over the head.
"Mike! You are not supposed to forgive her before I do. Rachel I forgive you. Truth is, I wasn't very mad; I just wanted an apology, so you're forgiven." Now it was up to Mercedes.
"You put us through hell because you felt the need to go all diva on us." Rachel bit her tongue; she was not going to ruin her last chance with Glee. "But, I do miss your solo-stealing ass, so yeah all is forgiven."
"Wonderful, I have prepared a song for you guys." Rachel nodded towards the orchestra. "It's short, but I think it portrays my feelings quite accurately.
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me
If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me-e, yeah
Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh now now stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me
Darlin', darlin', stand by me-e, stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me
As the song finished, there were tears in Rachel's eyes, tears of joy. Finn jumped out of his seat, and ran to hug Rachel. Words couldn't describe how much love he felt for this girl. The two teens were so engrossed in their own little world, that they almost didn't hear the clapping in the background.
"Finally! It was weird to see you guys broken up." Puck said from the doorway.
"Puck? What are you doing here, I thought you quit when Santana and Brittney quit?" Rachel asked the self-proclaimed badass.
"Ha! No one tells Puckzilla what to do." Puck mocked. "And I kinda miss Glee."
"Welcome back dude." Finn smiled at his best friend. "It's good to have everyone important back."
At that moment Mr. Shue walked in.
"Hey guys what's going on? Rachel? Puck? What are you doing here? I thought you two quit."
"Kinda a long story." Tina said.
"Well we have an hour, why don't you guys start at the beginning."