
Thanks to everyone who's read or reviewed this, and taken the time to show an interest.

A special big thanks goes out to dwatlaskrh for all the reviews and messages and ideas that have been given. A special thank you for giving me the idea for the wedding song "Heaven" by John Barrowman. A talented writed that I'd recommend looking up and reading.

The sequel is up now and available from my profile - it's in the Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover category too. It's called The Difficult Adventures of the Doctor's Daughter

It starts 6 months after her wedding to Jack, and will show Jack and Lily settling into married life, Children of Earth and End of Time (the Master's return.) and the Doctor's regeneration, meeting Amy. This should give lots of difficult stuff for Jack and Lily and should be their most difficult adventures yet.

I'm hoping to do a story after that one which will involve rebuilding the hub after CoE and some series 5 of Doctor Who (Matt Smith's first season.) Somewhere down the line there might be pregnant!Lily, but it won't be in this Children of Earth/Master's return/Doctor's regeneration story. I could go on writing Lily forever and ever, as long as I'd have people who'd want to read it!

Hope everyone likes the next story as much as they've liked this one and the others, and as much as I enjoy writing them.