"Miss Dunham? Olivia?" he stopped, stood next to her bed and waited for a response. Ever since she woke from her sleep, she had been staring at the wall as if lost in thought. The doctor was starting to wonder whether or not it was due to a concussion or another form of head injury. However, he was sure that the woman was just confused. Hell, after reading her accident report he was confused as well. He had seen some pretty strange things in his time, which was why he believed that it was possible for a woman to be launched out of her car while it was standing perfectly still.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" he asked when she finally turned around, her olive pupils following his as she tried to make out what was going on.

"Who are you?" she asked without skipping a beat.

"I'm your new doctor. Or at least for today. Doctor White had a family emergency to tend to."

She still looked skeptical. Her eyes traveled all over his body as if looking for a weapon, or any kind of sign that said otherwise. He smiled, stood up from the stool he had placed next to her bed and waited for the woman to feel less skeptical about him. Olivia knew not to trust just anyone, and the doctor knew that FBI agents weren't the most trusting people.

"My name is Doctor Shephard. Jack Shephard," he said with the same smile displayed on his lips. At the mention of his name, her uneasiness seemed to settle. Jack could see it, too. In her eyes, he didn't seem like too harmful of a guy. But she had learned not to make assumptions about a person.

"Where's Peter?" she asked without hesitation, her eyes scanning the room.

"Who?" Jack asked in more confusion.

"Peter Bishop? Has he come around?"

"I don't remember a Mr. Bishop being on the list of visitors," Jack said with a soft tone in his voice.

She nodded her head and then smiled, turning her face the other way to hide her shame and disappointment. Why would Peter not come to see her yet? Did anyone else come see her? She asked the doctor and he responded with another shake of the head. Olivia was starting to feel more alone than ever.

Silence broke out between the doctor and the FBI agent. Nobody said anything for a while until Jack decided to help her forget about her disappointment. "After looking at your chart, things seem to be going pretty well. In fact, after a couple of tests we have to run, you'll be release from the hospital." As he spoke, his eyes never left the chart. He wasn't sure whether or not it showed that this wasn't his area of expertise, but he was trying his hardest to cover it up.

"You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Olivia said with a genuine smile this time. When Jack looked up, he smiled as well and shook his head. Without warning, the two of them let out an unexpected chuckle.

"I'm a spinal surgeon, I don't understand why they would put me to take care of you. Sometimes I think this hospital is understaffed." He let out another small chuckle and set down the chart on the table next to her bed.

"Well, I was an FBI agent who specialized in normal crimes. You wouldn't believe the jobs I'm doing now." The smile never left her face as she spoke. She was glad to finally forget about what had happened for just a second. It felt nice having someone to talk to, anyone. Jack felt the same way, but he refused to show it. He was only allowing himself to care for patients, not the other way around.

"Doctor Shephard, you are needed in the ER," came a voice from a above. Jack smiled, clumsily picked up the chart he had previously put down and waved goodbye to Olivia. Olivia smiled and nodded as he disappeared from view.