Me: Sooooooo uh I don't own Jane and Maura and quite honestly if I did they'd be together! And Maura would've gotten grabbed instead of Jane because that's a little bit more dramatic.
Bonnie: Yeah yeah so anyways moving on from your Rizzoli and Isles pyschobabble...
Me: Uh oh yeah I don't own them or the Grey's Anatomy characters I'm using or the lyrics I'm using in this story, so uh enjoy and I hope you read and review!
It hadn't really been that long since Jane had come and told me the news. Engaged... Getting married... To Alana... That girl hated me from day one, and I couldn't understand why. I loved Jane; sure it had taken me a while to come to that realization for myself even though it seemed as if for Frost and Korsak it had never been a secret, and it was for that very reason that I had done my best to be overly nice to the girl Jane had brought to my house claiming to love.
For some reason though my attempts to befriend the girl that Jane, whom I was head over heels for, failed me. It seemed as if to her I was something utterly repulsive and no matter what I tried, I couldn't get her to think otherwise. Maybe she thought I was a threat, but I certainly wasn't. Yes I loved Jane, but if Jane didn't return the feelings then I was happy being miserable for the rest of my life while she dated everyone around us; so long as she felt happy. But the day Jane came up to me two months ago telling me of her soon-to-be nuptuals, I felt like my life was over.
I immediately withdrew from Jane which wasn't hard to do considering how her new fiance made errands up just to keep the two of us apart. Which, now that news of the engagement had spread throughout the homicide unit, I didn't mind. In the beginning when they started dating I was devastated that her girlfriend wouldn't let me near Jane, but now it just made it seem like it was the wedding's fault and not my own.
I sighed as I tried to pull the zipper up on my dress, but failed because of the unfotunate placement in the middle of my lower back. Suddenly a pair of hands was helping me along with sighing as they looked at me in the mirror. I turned around to stare at Arizona as she looked at me sadly.
"You know you could still go talk to her... Alana is in a room with her bridesmaids on the other end of the church...It's not too la..." Arizona said but I cut her off.
"It is too late...It was too late the moment she told me they were engaged..." I whisper softly. She looks at me with soft, sad eyes and hugs me tightly.
"You know I thought that once too... But I was wrong, maybe you are too. I mean..." she whispers as she pulls back but again I stop her.
"That's you though Ari, not me. I...I decided that I would rather her be happy than me and if for some reason Alana makes her happy than who am I to get in the way of that?" I say turning slightly away from her.
"A friend. You know that once Alana has her grimy paws into Jane that Jane's gone right? Alana won't ever let you guys hang out anymore! That's not fair to you, just because she's getting married doesn't mean you guys have to stop being friends Maura. Besides, Alana is a bitc...sorry I mean a jerk and you know that. She's just on her best behaviour with Jane. What happens when they get married and Alana doesn't have to keep up her facade? It'll break Jane, Maura!" Arizona says desperately and impatiently.
I...I can't be the one to tell her...I..I can't hurt her like that..." I say looking away.
"Maura if you aren't the one that tells her and she realises you knew, that'll hurt her more than you telling her. Maura if that happens she'll never forgive you!" she says raising her voice slightly.
"I can't. I can't be the one to break her heart on her wedding day Ari, and if that means she'll hate me for it, I guess I'll have to be okay with that too." I say as a tear falls down my face.
"Glyka* you don't honestly believe that it's that easy do you?" she says putting her hand on my shoulder. I whirl around at this, flinging her hand off my shoulder in the process.
"You think this is an easy decision for me? This is anything but easy! I have no other choice! This is the only option that won't hurt her." I scream as the tears fall freely now. I turn to walk out of the room but she says something that stops me. Five simple words that resonate in my head and make me stop mid-step: "Unless she loves you too."
"You think if that were the case we'd be at her wedding right now? If she honestly loved me as much as I loved her we wouldn't be having this discussion either. She's happy, I'm leaving her that way." I say as more tears fall.
"That's not completely true! I thought that once too, remember? When Callie and George were getting married and I was just going to sit there and say nothing, you talked me into standing up when the priest asked if there was any reason they shouldn't be married! What was it you said to me?" she asks slowly starting to smile.
I sigh her reasoning slicing through my better judgement before whispering: "Pote mhn afhnete to fobo ths na xtyphsei eksw na sas krathsei apo to paixnidi toy paixnidioy."
"Exactly! You told me 'Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.' It's because of you that I stood up in that church and took that leap. If it wasn't for you saying that to me I wouldn't have Callie right now. Isn't Jane worth that same risk? Isn't she worth the little bit of embarrassment you'll experience standing up in that church?" she says grinning fully now.
"Of course she's worth it but..." I sigh.
"But nothing! If she's worth it than go for it! The only thing keeping you from going for it is you don't believe you're worth it. But the moment you decide you are, that's the moment you'll realise it's not too late and you need to stand up for her." she says handing me a handkerchief. I wipe my eyes before we both walk out to where Callie is waiting for the main doors to the chapel to be unlocked.
I sneak in and see your friends,
And her snotty little family, all dressed in pastel,
And she is yelling at a bridesmaid,
Somewhere back inside a room,
Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry,
This is surely not what you thought it would be,
I loose myself in a daydream,
Where I stand and say:
"Don't say yes, run away now,
I'll meet you when you're out,
Of the church at the back door,
Don't wait or say a single vow,
You need to hear me out,"
And they said, "Speak now,"
While we're standing there we hear a small crash and then hear a string of profanities that follow. Instantly I recognize the voice; Alana. She starts cursing and I drift off, daydreaming. I snap out of my fantasy and soon hear another small crashing sound also followed by a string of profanities. This voice, however, I recognize as easily as my own and I silently slip away into the direction of the cursing. I find a door that's slightly cracked open with a cursing Jane standing and nursing a bleeding hand.
Without thinking I walk in and gently take her wounded hand from her. I turn it slightly before walking to the desk and taking a rag and dipping it in the water bowl on the nearby table. I then dab gently at the cuts on her knuckles, before retrieving her handkerchief from her and ripping it to make a bandage large enough for her hand. I tie the ripped handkerchief securely on her hand before discarding the bloody rag.
"Thanks...I'm surprised you helped me..." she mumbles under her breath so softly I almost don't catch it. Almost, but I do catch it which makes me reply with a "what on Earth is that supposed to mean?" trying to hide the hurtful look from crossing onto my face.
I fail though, it's obvious from the way her eyes instantly soften, and I suddenly have to fight the urge to curse because I know exactly what it is that made her demeanor change. She once told me that I am exactly like glass, the glass you don't know is there because it's so easy to see through. She said that whenever something was wrong with me, no matter how small it might be, that she could tell because I was easier to see through then clean glass. And it was true of course, my inability to lie didn't really help that, but right this moment I hated myself for being that way because the last thing she should worry about on her wedding day was me.
"Maura I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." she immediatly apologises and takes a step forward. For a minute I get my hopes up because it looks like she's going to hug me, like she used to do before Alana came into our lives, but she doesn't. Thinks better of it and crosses her arms.
"D-don't be. I just want to make sure you're ok. I heard a crash coming from here and I didn't know if you were hurt or not. I...I-I should g..I should go." I say trying to will the tears to stop building in my eyes.
"Go where?" she says a look of panic flooding her features, but as soon as it's there it's gone and I begin to think I imagined it.
"To find Arizona and Callie. They...they're waiting on me to go into the chapel." I say mustering up a smile.
"I didn't think you were coming...you didn't RSVP." she says looking at the ground.
"I...I-I didn't get an invitation...but I had Arizona say she was bringing two guests. I wouldn't miss my best friend's wedding, because you wouldn't miss mine either right?" I say softly as tears slowly build up in my eyes.
"Of course not! And you didn't get an invitation? Your invitation was the only one I wrote myself. I even put it Alana's pile to send...how could you not get it?" she says thinking.
"I...I-I'm sure she just dropped it o-or s-som-something. B-but I sh-s-should go." I stutter trying not to say what I'm actually thinking.
I walk towards her to get to the door behind her but my heel catches the rug and I fly forward. Her arms shoot out on reflex and she catches me. I stand up and back away from her quickly and try to readjust my dress. Her wedding was a ball theme, meaning we all had to put on corsets and ball gowns; the whole nine yards.
I sigh as I blush smoothing out my aqua blue dress. The dress is full and slightly flares out to a cup around my bottom half with a slightly dropped waist. The top is satin with a lighter shade of aqua sheer netting on it, with jewels covering the bodice elegently. It had see through short sleeves made of nothing but the pale blue netting with smaller jewels on it. The bottom half flared out to the ground in multiple layers of the sheer material, with a wavy line of jewels on the very bottom. It had random small jewels placed throughout the layer to make the dress sparkle when I moved. About a foot from the bottom layer of the dress there started a thinner shorter layer whose line of jems landed a foot above the end of the dress. The dress kind of looked like an aqua blue version of Cinderella's dress. The embarrassing thing was that my shoes were only an inch tall, and though they were aqua blue they were so plae they were almost translucent.
After I had fixed myself I stood up straight and turned to keep walking, but before I could make it out of the room Jane stopped me.
"Hey Maura?" Jane called after me. I sucked in a breath and turned around.
"Y-yeah?" I asked a tad frightened.
"You look beautiful." she said in a whisper. I thank her softly before running down the hallway where I find a very freaked Arizona.
After she scolds me about running off and not telling her, and she thought I'd been kidnapped and blah blah blah, we go into the chapel and take our seats on the right side of the chapel: Jane's side. Soon the ceremony is starting and I sit there with my heart pounding so loudly I think Arizona could hear it. As if the thought that my heart is getting in the way of my older sister enjoying the wedding isn't enough my stomach is doing cartwheels in me and I feel so scared I might throw up just watching the ceremony.
Then I hear the priest say speak now or forever hold your peace. There's complete silence and a hundred different scenarios pass through my head and I realize that Arizona is right; this is my last chance. So with that I take a deep breath and stand up with shaky hands, and before long all eyes are on me. There are horrified looks from everyone in the room but I'm staring straight at Jane. The priest prompts me to speak, and Alana glares at me angrily. I look her in the eyes for a minute and there is a silent message passed through the air. Because she knows what I'm fixing to say, and I know she didn't accidently lose my invitation from Jane.
So I take a deep breath as my gaze wanders back to Jane before saying in a soft voice: "I am not the kind of girl, who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion..." and I find myself interrupted.
"Good, then don't. Shut up or leave." Alana said with a sneer. I gulp and I almost obey her, but then she is shushed by Jane's entire guest section, including Jane herself. Alana looks ticked as she glares at Arizona, Callie, Korsak, Frost, Frankie, and Jane's parents. Angela Rizzoli glares straight back before turning towards me with a smile and saying "Go on Maura, dear. Finish what you were saying."
"But you aren not the kind of girl who should be marrying the wrong girl, so don't say yes. Please don't wait or say a single vow, you need to hear me out, because I...I-I... I love you Jane." I finish slowly as my whole body flushes red. I'm sitting on the first row in Janes section right next to her father who's to the right of Jane's mother. So everyone can see me standing there like an idiot, so I started to sit down; leaving the ball in Jane's court. But before I could even bend my knees Alana has lept forward and jumped on me beating the crap outta me as she curses.
"You stupid slut! I did everything I could to keep the two of you apart! EVERYTHING! I even threw away the wedding invitation she made you! And you STILL ruined my wedding!" she yelled as she hit me over and over again. By this point I was sobbing and apologising and begging for someone to help me.
Blood began pouring from cuts on my face and Alana still kept hitting me. Now Korsak and Frankie were trying to get to me to help but before they got the chance Jane's face was over Alana's head and she grabbed a fistful of her hair before yanking Alana off me. I curled into a ball slightly under the pew crying, but everyone forgot me for the moment because Jane had completely flipped her lid. She was now going off on Alana, and Korsak and Frankie now ran to pull her off of Alana. They pulled her off and dragged Alana outside of the church her whole side following after her. Alot of Jane's side did too, but that was mostly to arrest her, or watch her get arrested. The rest remained sitting; dumbfounded by what had just happened.
I remained on the floor crying as I gushed blood from cuts on my arms and faces, and before I could comprehend anything I was being picked up by Jane's strong arms and she was carrying me to her car; completely ignoring the questions following us.
We got into her car and she grabbed my face and crushed her lips into mine. I pull back dizzy gasping for breath as she gently wipes away a stray tear. She started the car and went towards the hospital but stopped at the exit to the parking lot. She turned to face me in her seat and her lips crashed into mine again, but this time she pulls back first and whispers "I have always loved you."
AN: *glyka is the greeklish word for sweetie. Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase read and review, constructive criticism welcome, flames are not!