Truth be told, I kind of hate this season of Bones. However, my home girl Lauralea asked me to write her a fic based on the promo for next weeks episode and I love her too much to not comply. I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: If I owned it the writing would be infinitely better.

She was tired. Exhausted would be a far more apt word. Not exhausted from physical exertion and not even from the trying case she had found herself caught up in but rather exhausted to the point of breaking from the emotional tango she and Booth had wrapped themselves up in. It had been months, more likely years, that they had been playing the back and forth, pushing the line and running away from it. And now, Temperance Brennan had reach her breaking point.

Little things had been building up. What once was hers was suddenly to be shared with Hannah and, even though she truly liked the journalist, she felt like a child asked to share it's favorite toy. Booth was changing and that scared her. Never before would he have asked her to lie to their friends to sleep with his girlfriend, never before would he force her to share their time with a woman. Sitting in the diner watching Parker with Hannah had been the snapping of the final straw but Parker's presence and the child's ability to make her smile had kept her lips fused in a tight lipped smile.

Now, sitting in backed up traffic with the case fraying at her exhausted nerves, Temperance Brennan snapped, "I don't like you with Hannah."

"Bones," Booth's head snapped to look at her, "what the he-"

"You asked me to lie, Booth." Angry tears were pooling in her eyes, "You are the most honorable man I know and you asked me to lie to Angela and Hodgins. You were supposed to be there and I'm mad at you for that. Hodgins, he looks up at you as the alpha-male to lead the pack and he needed your support. And Angela was looking forward to you coming and I had to tell them that you weren't. They were so disappointed, Booth, and because you made me lie to them it was... it just wasn't right, Booth."

He took a few ragged breaths, jaw slacked as his mind searched for the appropriate words, "Bones, I'm sorry that I asked you to lie and that I missed the announcement but you can't blame Hannah for that. She didn't ask me to."

"No, but she's the reason you did," Her hands were shaking as she chewed lightly at her bottom lip, "you've changed since you met her. You're... you're not my Booth anymore."

"What?" His brow furrowed in confusion, "Bones, I'm still here. I'm still your friend."

"You've let her into your life, Booth," She breathed and pulled at a stray thread on her pants, "the things that were just yours and mine. You let her in to them."

"Bones, hey," He reached over to take her hand and she pulled away, "c'mon..."

"I blew my chance," The tears fell freely now, "I let you walk away and I blew my chance." Booth pulled the SUV off to the side of the road, turning off the car and giving her his full attention, "I spent my entire time in Maluku waiting to come home and tell you that I know you're that guy. I blew my chance you love her and I know that she's perfect and she feels things and-"

In a whirlwind the center console was shoved up and she was pulled into a tight, bone crushing hug. Her body was stiff as he tightened his grip and she relaxed against him letting all the tears long held inside fall. His breath was warm against her ear as he spoke softly, "I'm sorry, Bones. I'm sorry that I hurt you." He let her cry until she couldn't cry anymore and her breathing came in hiccups, "Bones, look at me."

"What?" She whispered and she looked up at him with her eyes all red and puffy.

"The thing about chances," He whispered, cupping her face with one hand as he traced his thumb over cheek, "whenever you blow one another eventually comes around. Don't give up yet."