Author's Notes: Post-"As You Were", dialogue only. Not first Haven fic (that's still in works), just a side drabble that came to mind.
Here We Are
by Karolyn Gray
"You know I thought you'd gone crazy back there, when you shot the chameleon."
"So did I."
"So how did you know it wasn't Audrey?"
"Just knew."
"Yeah, but how?"
"I'm a cop. She's my partner. I notice things."
"Right, Detective. You observe."
"At the moment I'm observing an ass."
"Officer Wuornos making a joke? Careful, you might hurt yourself."
"Your sideburns are crooked, your goatee needs a trim, and you need more product if you're going to style your hair like that. Should be more careful when grooming you know."
"What! Crap, you're right. Fine, I believe you about the chameleon. Still, that was pretty sneaky getting the gun."
"You sound surprised. I can do sneaky when I want to."
"Then why have you never caught me?"
"Maybe you're not worth the trouble."
"Now wait a minute. That's just rude and insulting. Sneaky or not you'll never catch me."
"You admitting to smuggling?"
"How about I get you another beer?"
"Prob'ly a good idea."
"Why are you here anyway?"
"Because I hate seeing people I know die, even when it's not them."
"So you decide to come here, drink my beer, and harass me to take your mind off things? You really need a girlfriend or a hobby."
"She left and I ran out of lacquer."
"Okay. On that non sequitur, I'm cutting you off."