How to Care for a Blacksmith
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of How to Train Your Dragon, I'm just playing with the toys in another person's toy box.
A/N: Wow, I feel like a fanfic virgin all over again! Be nice, this is my first HTTYD fic.
The sun was warm, which was strange for the normally freezing days of Berk. Astrid sighed softly as she rested against Hiccup's chest, the young man in question was half asleep, a relaxed grin on his lips. Astrid smiled, her thumb brushing over the back of Hiccup's hand, mindlessly brushing over the skin under the sleeve of his tunic.
She took in a deep breath of the sun warmed air, totally relaxed before she felt something on Hiccup's skin. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see several scars covering his wrists, along with a few old burn marks. The tiny scars ranged from barely the size of a needle, to longer and closer in size to one of her Nadder's spikes.
"Astrid?" glancing up she gave Hiccup a look before going to her knees and hauling his arms with her.
"What is this?" she demanded.
"Wah-Astrid, that's my arm! Which you're pulling rather roughly, might I add." He answered, half nervous and half still asleep.
"No." She said slowly, like she was speaking to a young child, "I mean what are these scars on your arm?" she still had his arm in her hands, and didn't appear to be releasing it anytime soon.
"They're just from smiting, now can I have my arm back? Please?" he added, almost nervously.
She blinked, confused, "Why do you have so many? Why don't you wear gloves?" she finally gave him his arm back.
"Astrid have you seen the gloves Gobber has?" he thought back to when he'd first started apprenticing, the gloves had been so large he could've curled up inside one and had a nap. There was a reason he hadn't been allowed near the fires for so long. "My whole arm could fit into one of the fingers. There's no way I could use those and work." His answer was plain, simple and to the point.
And Astrid would have none of it. Her eyes hardened, her lips thinned into a determined line and she took on a tone that brook no argument, "Next time you go to work at the shop come and see me beforehand. Understood?"
He winced internally, fighting the urge to fidget, "Y-yes ma'am."
The next day, Hiccup sought out his girlfriend as the sun rose over Berk. Toothless was home, dozing in the sun that drifted over the island. As he entered the backyard of the Hofferson home, he looked around for the elusive girl.
"Astrid, are you here? I'm going to be late for work?"
The blonde popped her head out of the back shed door, a small smile on her face.
"Yes, come here and sit, this will only take a second." She led him to a bench and sat him down, pulling out a few strips of soft, pliable leather, the kind she wore normally while training. She wrapped his hands swiftly and silently, her fingers deft from obvious practice.
When she finished, she rolled the remaining leather up, "There, no you're safe for work. That will keep you protected until I can make you some proper gloves."
Hiccup rubbed the leather, slightly shocked that she would think of something so thoughtful, and just for him.
Smiling to himself, he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Astrid froze in shock, her eyes widening in amazement.
"Thank you for taking care of me." He whispered in her ear as he got up.
"I'll see you later, Astrid!" he called, ignoring his reddening cheeks.
Astrid smiled softly to herself, her own cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.
A/N: This story was based on the pic: How To Care for a Blacksmith, by Cafcow on Deviantart. My dear, talented artist, I hope this story did your lovely comic justice as it warmed my heart.
Here's the link, just remove the spaces. The 'net hates links.
http:/ cafcow. deviantart. com /gallery /7034008 #/ d2uh9je