The Abandoned Planet

By Adins

Where do I belong?

I suppose it should come as no great surprise to me. How many outside the sphere of the senshi even know of my existence? None. I have forever been and forever will be alone. I am no longer of the living, of the planets, or of this galaxy. I am not even a child of the universe itself. I do not belong anywhere.

And yet, I still feel ashamed and abandoned.

It's been so long, so unbearably long since I last saw the glittering, icicle spires of Charon Castle. I barely recall the frozen steppes of a small planet, the frigid, endless oceans, and the magnificent violet sky. Alas, the eternal seas of time are my home now.

But just as I left behind Pluto in favor of this impossible burden so too has mankind left Pluto behind in favor of little more than a definition of a word.

And damn them for it.

Have I really become this cynical?

I have drifted alone at the edges of reality since time began without reward and without regret. I suppose it's appropriate that the world I called home has now taken on a very similar existence: disowned and forgotten by the people of the Earth who named it ... how vulgar. We drift as one now. We are both lost and lonely, both orphans of a world that has forgotten more than it will ever learn in the name of "progress."

And damn them for it.

I watch from a lofty realm as a small celestial body of rock and ice drifts through the crushing darkness of space. My eyes burn with tears as I watch my planet, or rather, my object float aimlessly through the void. Even as I want to weep I know my sacred charge outweighs everything. Time will wear on and I will remain, just as Pluto will remain in whatever function the world of man deems appropriate to label her with. Here I will dwell to guard the endless byways of time and there she will float, a silent sentinel on the edge of the solar system; both of us proud and forgotten.

Perhaps Pluto and I are more alike than I would care to admit.

Perhaps in the end the only place I will truly ever belong is that tiny, cold, abandoned planet skirting the edges of mankind's miserably insignificant place in the stars.

But time moves ever onward and so must I. Farewell, Pluto. Planet or not, one day I hope to return to you, the one place I belong, the one place that I can truly call home.