Author's Note: I'd like to thank you all for your support on this fan fiction with your reviews. It's been pleasantly surprising to get so much feedback on this story when my "9" fan fiction has been relatively dry on reviews as of late. Hope yo all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and I hope to write and read some more fan fiction in 2011!

*S. Snowflake, 12/24/10

It's a Wonderful Nightmare

Part Four: A Happy Halloween

Jack took a moment to fully realize that he was in the Halloween graveyard, then checked to make sure that he wasn't dressed as the poor pumpkin farmer as he had been before. He could have cackled with glee when he saw the familiar pinstripes and bat bowtie he was wearing.

"Well done, Jack," said the familiar voice of a jolly old man from behind.

Jack turned around to face his addressor. "Sandy Claws! Are we really…"

Santa nodded. "We're both back, no worse for the wear."

Jack blinked and grinning wide, then thought it all over. "But…how did it work?"

"You learned your lesson. You care so much about the people in your town that you actually reversed a spell made in selfishness. It's not an easy thing to do, Jack."

Jack smiled in satisfaction. "Well, that was one adventure I hope I never go on again."

"Agreed," said Santa before he looked up toward the sky. "I'm afraid I must be going now. I wish I could stay and celebrate, but there's a lot to get done back home. Only sixty-four days until Christmas, you know."

Jack nodded. "I understand. And thank you so much, Mr. Claws."

"No problem, Jack," said the jolly old elf before floating up into the air where a reindeer-drawn sleigh magically appeared not twenty feet above Jack's head.

"Now go have a Happy Halloween, Pumpkin King!" Santa called as he drove out of sight, Jack waving back all the way.

It didn't take Jack long to follow old Saint Nick's advice as he set off toward town. He was so happy to be back home that he kept on shouting, "I'm home! I'm home!"

The gate to Halloween Town was wide open and welcome, just as Jack had left it. A rather surprised gatekeeper was there to greet him too.

"Gatekeeper! I'm so happy to see you back to normal!" Jack exclaimed, strolling past the crow creature.

"Uhh…sure!" the gatekeeper squawked.

"Yes siree, it's good to be back!" Jack said again as he walked into the town square. The serpent fountain spewed green water, just as it always had, and everyone was working hard to make Halloween thrills and chills, just as they had been before.

"My good people!" Jack addressed all the monsters, who each turned their heads to look at their leader, "I'd like to apologize for my behavior earlier. Somehow I forgot that I have the finest kingdom of hideous, disgusting monsters that's ever been."

"Aw Jack, you're just saying that," the witch sisters cackled, blushing. All the monsters seemed flattered by Jack's complement.

"Not at all. I mean every word," Jack said, searching the crowd for Sally, though he couldn't see her, "And furthermore, I'd like everyone to take a break from preparations."

The monsters murmured about this idea. Some even gasped, but they followed their king's orders.

"But Jack, what about the Halloween Harvest Spectacular?" the Mayor asked nervously as the Halloween working committee gradually put down their decorations.

"Ah, Mayor! It's good to see you back to your old job!" Jack said, confusing the politician even more. "A change of plans is all I ask, my good Mayor."

"A change of plans? On Halloween?" the mayor yelped, his head literally spinning at the thought.

Jack chuckled. "Not to worry. My plan is simple. We do what we can, and if all else fails, we put on the good ol' routine. After all, if it isn't broke, why fix it?"

The mayor pondered this idea for a moment, then came to a happy conclusion. "I suppose that's true. Very well. I'll announce it to the whole town!"

Jack smiled as he watched the mayor leap into his car and drive down the ravaged road, announcing, "Attention, everyone! Change of plans, folks! Change of plans!" And when Jack heard a soft, familiar voice behind, saying his name, his undead heart skipped a beat.


"Sally!" he said, taking her hands the instant he saw her. "Oh Sally, I'm so happy to see you. I'm back!"

Sally chuckled. "I'm glad to see you too. But back from where?"

Jack leaned in closer to her face, making sure he was just a few centimeters away from the kiss he was about to give her. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Sally blinked with a wide, stitched smile on her face. "I doubt that."

And Halloween went just fine after all. The monsters pulled together both their old and new scares to make something enjoyable. Jack and Sally watched the haunted trapeze act together, though all throughout, Jack only thought about his adventure and how happy he was to be back in town. He held Sally close as the thrills and chills ensued.

And when it was his turn to be the star of the show, Jack gave it his all. The Pumpkin King knew that the people he loved needed him, more than he had ever known before.

The End.