Author's note: I did not own these character's just the plot. Please if you want to use any of my stories or translate any of them, contact me first.

Okay so I lied. This is the last chapter. I didn't want to leave you all with that mega cliffhanger.

Thank you all for reading this. I truly appreciate all of you. Thank goodness this is all over. Lol. Cheers!

I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I heard someone crying. Alcide was yelling, everything seemed far away, like I was still buried but there was no pressure on my chest. And then there was pressure on my chest. I could hear them now, "This isn't happening. This isn't happening!" "Pam, just calm down-" "Calm down! Calm down! Godric, you son of a bitch, I thought you could do this. It's been three nights. How long are we supposed to wait?"

I was aware now that the pressure on my chest was someone laying halfway on top of me. Their head against my chest. I knew instinctively that it was Godric. His body wasn't cold anymore, in fact he was warm, he didn't inhale. I knew as a vampire, we didn't need to breath but it was still creeping me out right at this moment. The crying and arguments lasted for what seemed like hours. I wanted to strangle Pam, I couldn't believe Godric didn't. He hadn't moved, hadn't said a word in defence for himself. I was enraged, Godric was my maker, my immortal companion. How dare anyone insult him, even Pam, especially Pam, who knew how much he meant to me.

Godric finally moved, slowly, I felt him kiss my lips. "I told you to come back to me." Tears dropped onto my face, I could hear the raw emotion in his tone. His body was trembling. Then slowly I was coming back to myself. When I opened my eyes, Godric was looking away from me. I was disappointed. Then I noticed how quiet the room was.

Pam was gone then. Slowly, I felt the tinging sensation of my limbs coming back to life. I tried to move my hand to raise it to touch Godric. I managed to move a few fingers. It wasn't Godric who noticed, a gasp from across the room caught my attention. Sookie. Godric was in his own world, his gaze distant.

"Godric, Godric he's moving!"

It was then that I noticed the room lightening. We were in my bedroom. It faced the east. No! Godric turned to me swiftly and our eyes met just as the sun rose over the hills. I moved in a blur, exploding energy boosting me into action, slamming him against a wall in the still dark hallway. For a minute we were silent and then slowly I smiled and said, "Good morning."

His beautiful face lit up and before I knew his lips were on mine.

One year later.

I was a vampire. I was still a demon. My life was still just as confusing but I loved a good challenge. Pam was yelling at me to hurry up. We were in Berlin, ready to go out, Godric's hands were on my shoulders. I was wearing my lucky leather jacket, one of two things Godric had saved from the farmhouse six years ago. The other was a family picture that was currently framed and on Pam's bedside table. "Remember, no showing off." I smirked and replied, "I thought you liked it when I showed off." He practically rolled his eyes.

"You look good." "I know." At that he gave me a look and I continued, "Not as good as you." I got small smile out of him then. We headed down the hall, our flat took up the top floor of a vampire friendly residence. Pam and Jessica waited for us by the doors. Sookie and Alcide were back in Bon Temps visiting their families for Thanksgiving. Oddly enough, we found out that first day, I didn't crave Sookie's blood. In fact she smelled too sweet, like a sticky desert left out in the sun too long. My demon blood did not like faeries. She and Alcide would be joining us for New Year's in Rome, before they went to New Orleans. Alcide now ran the company in America, even though I could go back, I just wasn't ready yet. Perhaps I would, perhaps I'd just give it to him and his future children, Pam and I wouldn't have any after all. I hadn't quite decided yet.

I was a new creature once again. A true unique creature. Because of my demon blood, I took to being a vampire quicker than was usual. By the second month, I was rational again, not wanting to give in to my instincts so quickly. Most of which involved feeding or having sex. Though Godric reigned me in, I had still killed three men. I hadn't been affected by it, Godric then made me swear to never do it again without his knowledge or permission. I think, like myself, he was scared that I felt no empathy, not a single thing. That had been my demon blood reacting. I was a born killer now living as a predator. Godric was always beside me when I fed now.

I was also stronger than Jessica and her older friends but still weaker than Godric, though I had a sneaking suspicion that was because he was slightly too old, given ten years I was betting I could match him. I all ready had a match planned for my birthday present.

It had been my new senses though that I really needed time to get used to. They were astonishing and I had spent an entire night starring at a Persian rug, fascinated by the weave. My endurance increased dramatically, I tended to show that off in the bedroom. Godric didn't mind that particular showing off. Nor did he mind when I fed off him in those situations as long as he could feed on me as well.

My demon blood had one downside though, I had to feed more than a regular vampire. It seemed like I was never full, that was why those three men had all died in less than five minutes. I also couldn't drink Trublood. Not a single drop. Instead, it was donor bags and a person here and there, who I kept trying to glamour. It was a trick Godric had been trying to teach me. While most vampires picked it up within a few months, it was taking me much longer. Jessica thought it was because it was magic and my demon side didn't do so well with magic.

That's why now, we were going to see witches. Witches, who, while not friendly with vampires, were willing to set aside differences to witness a demon hybrid. It was information they needed to see if witches themselves could be turned. Now that I was officially a vampire, I was off limits, at least in theory. I kept alert though, waiting for someone to strike. It was humorous, I was so full of energy; a constant battery that was always charged. I would laugh at whatever fool thought to kill me. Besides, even if I were hurt, they wouldn't survive Godric's revenge.

Our bond had indeed been heightened. He was truly everything. No human could ever understand the true devotion between that of maker and child. He was my equal, though, truly he was superior to me, I never forgot that. He was the centre of my world. I would die for him in a heartbeat. I would give him everything and anything. And as always he was at my side, he after all still had four years of making up to me and we had centuries left to enjoy life together. Even if one day we were to separate for a time, which I couldn't picture clearly because right then I couldn't even fathom not seeing him every day, I knew he would just have to call and I would be by his side. Or vice versa.

Once outside, Pam started walking to the car. "Did I mention how I learned how to glamour when I was just three months old?" Pam gave me a smirk and I glared at her. Jessica chipped in, "I learned when I was just four weeks old, My maker was extremely talented at teaching me. Or perhaps I was just a very good student." Jessica giggled, making light of the insults and I would have laughed too if they weren't targeted at me. They'd been making fun of me all night because of my epic failure last night. Godric put a hand on my back as he said, "Eric almost had it. He is learning and eventually, with a little time, he will succeed." Then he smiled and looking forward said, "And you know with his brotherly rivalry with you two, I have no doubt he'll keep working on it until he becomes better than you." Pam narrowed her eyes at that and looking at me said, "Any time." I grinned.

Stopping by the car, I focused and said, "There is one thing that I can do that you can't." I was half bluffing here. I had been able to do it a month ago but it wasn't for long, and while I practised, it was touch and go. Jessica raised a brow and said, "What can you do, Northman?" I grinned and said, "Demon blood."

Then I bent down, concentrating and jumped, rising ten, twenty, then thirty feet in the air. I was weightless, the air around me was charged and I could see the whole city before me. I felt powerful, charged and in control. It was truly incredible and I cherished this gift.

I was truly unique. I was a child to my first and last love. I had a sister who would live just as long as I would. I was surrounded by a makeshift family and I was happy, content with everything in my life. I would be hunted eventually, I knew, I would make many mistakes, but I had eternity stretched out before me, an eternity to learn and grow and become who I, always, was meant to be. I loved every minute of it.

I was Eric Northman and I was ready to take on the world.

I couldn't help but laugh.