Elisa gave me the prompt "chimes" and this was the result. I don't own NCIS...

Her voice was like chimes in the wind. It was melodious, it was soothing, and it was beautiful just like she was. He loved listening to her voice. It didn't matter what she was talking about; Tony could fall asleep listening to her voice at any given time.

There were times that Tony would fall asleep to her voice. They had their date nights often, and the senior field agent would just be lying in bed with Ziva when she would start mumbling in Hebrew. Tony figured she was singing; her melodious voice ranged in pitch, and Agent DiNozzo sighed. He would pull her closer to him and kiss the top of her head.

He knew that she sang when she was sad. She did not need to acknowledge the fact that she was sad. They had been together long enough for Tony to learn her habits. So, when she started to sing in Hebrew, Tony would wrap his arms around Ziva and pull her close to him, smoothing down her hair. It didn't matter what she was upset about. No words needed to be spoken between the couple. Tony knew how to make her feel better.

Even though she was upset, Tony still loved her voice. It was beautiful just like she was. He could hear the pain in her voice, which, to Tony, only made it more beautiful. When Tony heard the hurt in her voice, he knew that he wanted to make her feel better.

Ziva's voice was like chimes in the wind, and Tony only wanted to make her happy. He would do anything to make her feel better, which is what he did every night they were together. Tony DiNozzo would make sure that Ziva was happy when she was with him.

No matter what though, whether Ziva was happy or sad, Tony could fall asleep to her voice at any given time and he wouldn't change a thing.