I'm soo sorry that I've updated in almost a month! I've been super busy with play practice, the end of the semester and mid-terms! Really sorry!
I unfortunately own nothing. :(
40- Pain- Three Days Grace (requested by Flameheart2013)
I've been in love with James for two years now, when we were fourteen. The thing is that is hundred percent straight. Yes you can call me a pessissmist but it's true though, James Diamond wouldn't want to date his best friend, Kendall Knight. It's hard to get over your best friend especially when you have to see him every single day and I live with him too. Ugh, this is so painful for me but I rather feel pain than nothing at all. If I felt nothing then I would feel that James means nothing to me but he means a lot to me despite that he's just a friend. That's better than nothing, again.
41- According to You- Orianthi –
I decided to end things with Camille. She was always complaining about my personality, so boring. I wasn't doing much with my life except studying for becoming a doctor. But, that was one reason another was that I was in love with my best friend Kendall. He makes me feel special, total opposite of Camille. He cared about me and didn't mind me studying for becoming a doctor. I trusted him and he trusted me. I think today is the day I'm going to admit to Kendall that I, Logan Mitchell, is in love with him and that he's the total opposite of Camille.
42- Unfaithful
You could say that James is unfaithful because he always has women lined up at the door and I complete and utter flirt. But, this time it's me that is unfaithful. I cheated on James with my ex-girlfriend Stephanie and I continue to see her behind his back. I should've stop her become she started to kiss me but I let it happen. It was all a blur to me.
" Carlos?" I hear James whimper from behind me and Stephanie. My lips are still pressed against hers and she's in my lap. She slides off heading back to her apartment.
" I'm sorry," I lied to him.
Everyday at noon I meet up with Stephanie, fooling around for two hours. James knows nothing. I should be honest with him but I honestly can't. When he finds out about this he's going to be so damn broken. It's my fault but I can't stop.
43- Sweet Dreams- Beyonce ( bolded is in Kendall's dream)
Every night I rush to my bed so I can dream of Carlos. It's seems so real though pressing our chests together, running my hands through his hair and lacing our fingers together. He whispers my name in my ear " Kendall, I love you." I shiver slightly. He presses a kiss to my temple.
It seems really special and I wish it to be realistic. But, I know that won't happen. It's a shame but I have my dreams to go to and that's where Carlos and I are together.
Please review and request!