Disclaimer: I do not own The Hurt Locker, only original characters and the plot based off the movie. Enjoy.

"Ma'm, Sergeant James is here for his appointment." A voice rang out from the intercom letting her know her first patient for the day was in. The woman sighed in defeat but answered her assistant while brushing her bangs from her eyes.

"Send him in." She stood and walked from her desk to the two chairs that were across from each other. The man in question walked in and smirked when he saw her waiting.

"Morning Doc." He plopped into the seat across from her and put his feet on the table. She pushed his feet off and adjusted her skirt.

"Good morning William." She responded and picked his folder up from the table. "Today we will be discussing the letters your wife has sent you and how you feel in regards to them." She looked up at him and her hazel eyes connected with his blue. She noticed they dulled a bit at the topic but he forced a smile none-the-less.

"What's to discuss Gab, she wants' out. Simple as that." Gab frowned at his shortened usage of her name and checked a box regarding his avoidance of subject.

"Doctor Harper, please William." She crossed her legs and adjusted her glasses. "While she might want the divorce, how do you feel in regards to it? I know she blindsided you with the documents and you are within your right to feel betrayed by her for not discussing this with you the last time you were home." She spoke while reviewing notes from his last visit, looking up she noticed he was staring at her legs. Clearing her throat, Will glanced up and smirked at being caught.

"Shoulda, woulda, coulda, Doc. She wants a divorce and wants to keep our son. I want to stay in the military. It's a win win situation." He shrugged and clasped his hands behind his head. "Now what I want to talk about is when we're going on a date." She bit the inside of her mouth to swallow her rude comment and ignored him.

"So did you take another deployment to escape your wife and child?" She ventured deciding to change discussion to his work. He frowned and thought a moment before answering.

"Not to get away no, it was too different." Gab raised her brows in surprise as the man in front of her rarely answered her questions. She quickly jotted down his comment and asked her next question.

"Different how?" She watched him struggle to answer and spoke before he could. "I know this is difficult for you right now William, but the more progress we make, the sooner I can clear you back to field work." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"After going through so much on my last deployment I felt restless, useless almost. I found it agitating not to be doing something more than just grocery shopping or cooking dinner." She noticed he began to play with the button on his military jacket and wrote it down.

"Do you think after your last detail you needed a break? When I spoke with your previous team members they said your methods were unorthodox and reckless which made it hard to work with you at times." She glanced up at the clock and noticed they only had 5 minutes left out of the short session.

"No, yes, no. I wouldn't say I needed a break from the military life but maybe I needed to speak with someone a little sooner then this. Maybe I should have taken a short leave after the incident with the young boy. Who knows?" He shrugged and leaned back in his chair looking at her. "Maybe I just needed a pretty woman to keep me in check." He waggled his eyebrows at her and she frowned glancing at the clock again. Relieved to notice the time was up she stood and placed his folder on her desk.

"Times up William. Scheduled your next appointment with Lukas and have a good weekend." She walked over to the door and opened it while gesturing for him to leave. He stood from his seat and walked over to her stopping in front of her.

"How about this weekend eh? Mess hall makes a great meal." She gently shoved him through the door and with a strong no, shut it behind him.

Will walked back to the weapons locker after his therapy appointment and punched in for the day. He walked over to his station and picked up a gun from the pile. He began checking it over to make sure the gun wouldn't jam in the field and then began to polish and clean it. It was a mundane job and was slowly beginning to grate on his nerves. He couldn't wait for Gab to clear him back to field duty. Another man walked in and sat next to Will.

"How was your appointment with the lovely doc?" He question while pulling a gun towards him and inspecting it.

"Wonderful as usual Anderson; something you wanted?" Will quirked an eyebrow at the tall man and took the pistol back from him.

"Just seeing how that bets coming along. So far none of the guys have gotten anywhere with the frigid bitch." Will looked over amused at Anderson whose grey eyes were fuming in anger. "She kicked me out the other day even after I tried to put the moves on." Will frowned at that and put the gun down.

"Ever think she ain't interested in dumbasses." He stood from the table and put the inspected guns into a cabinet. He began to clean bullets before loading them into their clips.

"I'm telling you James, she's got a stick up her ass that I'd love to remove and replace with something else." The two men chuckled and set back to work both imaging things they'd do to the doctor.

Comments are always loved :)