It was years and years later when she met Draco Malfoy again; almost 7 years, to be exact. The war was over, and she had a life of her own. She and Ron hadn't worked out, but it was for the best. They had ended their relationship as good friends, and she was beginning her new job with an air of importance and confidence. She was standing in the lift alone when someone quickly walked in before the doors closed. Her eyes widened at the familiar face.

"Draco Malfoy," she breathed, and he nodded at her.

"Granger." He looked clean cut and dashing in his work robes, which were impeccable. His face didn't look as haunted as it had years ago when he had saved her, but looked more at peace and more comfortable.

"You work here?"

"Just started. I used to be training to be a Healer at St. Mungo's." The doors closed and Draco cleared his throat uncomfortably and glanced up at the numbers without really seeing them.

"What made you change your mind?"

Draco shrugged, still looking uncomfortable and stiff. "Just thought working for the Ministry would be a nice change. And it pays a bit better."

Hermione gazed up at him still, even as he tried to ignore her. "What department?"

"Somewhere on Magical Law Enforcement. Seems fitting for a reformed Death eater, hm?" He finally looked her way and shot her a smirk before looking back up at the numbers absently.

Hermione smiled. "That's my department."

"Is it?" He actually looked genuinely surprised.

"Yes, it is. I just transferred there from Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."

They were silent, and Hermione, her curiosity still bothering her, finally broke it with a long-awaited question: "Draco, what's the real reason you saved me? And why did you cry that night? Honestly, it's been bothering me ever since, and it's been years since I've seen you."

Draco's hand holding his briefcase tightened, and his mouth went dry. "Granger, I don't know if we should be talking about this. It's still a somewhat sensitive subject to me."

Well, that's what he had wanted to say anyway, but he didn't. Instead, he decided to come clean for once, and told her nonchalantly, "It was just a silly crush I had on you. I liked you and wanted to save you like the heroes in all those storybooks. And," he pretended to ponder her question, though his heart was thudding against his ribcage at a mad pace, "well, I suppose I cried like a silly love-sick fool because I knew I'd never get to have you." He smirked, though not at her. "Silly, isn't it? What a love-sick fool I was."

His nonchalance made Hermione feel comfortable enough to laugh, while Draco was feeling himself begin to sweat, his heart still beating rapidly.

"You don't still think about that kiss we shared back then?" she teased, and Draco forced a laugh.

"Oh yes, everyday," he said. It wasn't a total truth. He didn't think of it everyday, but he did think about it still.

Hermione smiled and looked back up at the numbers. "Malfoy, I still need to thank you."

"You don't have—"

"No, but I do. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be alive now, working here, having this conversation with you." She looked over at him and touched his arm. "Thank you Malfoy, really. I feel like a simple thank you can't convey all of what I mean."

"It's fine, really Granger," he said with a chuckle. "Really, I—" He was cut off by Hermione's lips touching his cheek. His breath hitched in his throat and he was too shocked to say another word. He looked over at her to see her smiling face. He felt like a dam had broken, and feelings that he hadn't felt in years broke to the surface and engulfed and overwhelmed him.

"Hermione, I—"

"Level 10, the Wizengamot Courtrooms," the enchanted voice suddenly spoke up, and Draco looked surprised.

"Level 10?" he said, and Hermione smiled.

"Yes. I'm visiting a friend on this level. Apparently you didn't bother to push the button." The doors opened and she stepped out and turned again. "Draco," she said with a smile, "it was lovely talking with you. We should really catch up one day." Before she could walk away, Draco spoke up.

"Wait, Granger, er, Hermione. Let's make it an official catching up date." Hermione's eyebrows rose at the word "date," but Draco ignored this. "When's a good day for you?"

Hermione mentally ran through her schedule. The doors attempted to close, but Draco quickly put a hand out to hold them apart. "This Saturday work for you?"


"Six o' clock in the evening?"


"There's a café right next to the Ministry. I could meet you there."

Draco nodded. "Saturday at six in the café. Sounds perfect. I'll see you then, if I don't run into you at work." He smiled and she smiled back, and when the doors tried to shut again, Draco allowed it. The lift doors closed and he pushed the button to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He smiled to himself, happier than he had been in years.