
Batman/Bruce Wayne, Robin/Dick Grayson, Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane, Riddler/Edward Nygma, Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch, Arnold Wesker & Scarface, Harley Quinn, Dr. Leland, Dr. Bartholomew, Commissioner Gordon, Renee Monotoya, Harvey Bullock, and Alfred all belong to DC Comics and Warner Brothers. All the Rogues briefly mentioned in Arkham also belong to DC Comics and Warner Brothers.

However, I (now) own Joe the thug, the (intentionally) nameless owner of the tea house, O'Sullivan, Robinson, and Wilkes, Harold and Patricia McManus, Ted Torrance, and the Riddler's nameless bodyguards.

Jervis Tetch quoted "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There" by Lewis Carroll quite often; additionally, the "James gave his brother John a box" riddle was written by Lewis Carroll.

The "Where was Peter when the candle went out?" riddle came from Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"; all other riddles were original.

Since I forgot to put in disclaimers in nearly all the chapters, I'll just say it right now: I don't own any of the DC characters, places, or referenced episodes. This was written purely for fun. Any profits will go to the Wayne Corporation, specifically the villain-funding chapter, in hopes of bringing back the unforgettable storylines, memorable characters, and excellent voice acting that was Batman: The Animated Series.