
Hi, guys!

I wrote this story when I was 13, and as I aged I slowly abandoned it, unfinished. I absolutely HATE when writers leave a story unfinished, so I've decided to write my wrongs. I found a notebook with my notes for the rest of the story in it, and when I have some free time am going to finish writing LAWKI. If not, at the very least I'll post my notes and chapter summaries for you guys, okay? For now, I'm going to update my chapters and make them sound a bit less like they were written by a seventh grader, but no major changes to plot points or anything. Promise.

PS: If anyone would like to beta read my chapters to make sure they keep canon, PM me!

PPS: My god, I was such a review whore!

Much love,

Notthatplatypus(formerly gpgenabee)