Yeah... It's not weekend yet, so I guess I'm uploading this now:3

I'm finally out of brain-full of imagination for what to write about.
So, I thought I would get a request, ignoring my not-good-enough writing skill...
And it's not just a request, but I'd like to make it a Christmas present... yup.
The first request will be chosen, of course, but I may be able to do one more.
Just send me a message with any request except following:
M-rated fics (due to lack of describing skill, which is what M-rated is all aboutXD)
fics including any female characters (I... um... can't write what females are like...)
I'll try my best, though I'm unsure about the result...
I'm already worried about getting no request at all.

Oh, by the way... The setting of this story...
I have no idea what it is like to be in Italy, let alone a park in Italy, so I researched and got Floridiana park... haha, thanks google.
But it may be (probably will be) different from what you know. Then... Just sue me.

It was a pleasant Saturday afternoon. The weather was great in Naples; it was warm and not too humid. All kinds of people came outside to the streets, cafe, and just about everywhere. The whole city seemed to be full of joy and excitement as people gathered under the bright sun. Of all places, the green shadow of Floridiana park attracted many of those who wondered around. There were tourists as they poured out from the Duke of Martina National Ceramic museum. Families had little picnic in the gentle breeze. Lovers whispered words into each other's ears as they walked around the woods with smile on their faces. Pleasure of the majority of people in the park, however, wasn't granted to few who sheltered themselves in the woods.

Lovino Vargas panted loudly as he rushed into one of the large bush. His one hand held a small Beretta pistol, while the other tried to keep the shaky grip firm. His knees started to lose its strength as soon as he realized that he somehow had escaped the scene. He dropped on the ground and started breathing slower. The pistol fell from his sweaty hands to small beds of white nameless flowers. The amber gaze was fixed on the metal. A hint of hysterical laugh escaped his mouth. Flower and pistol, what a contradictory it is. One was a symbol of life, living through all the hardship it faced, and the other was a mere tool that takes away lives, whether innocent or not.

The laugh soon turned into sobbing. His face held fear; fear of admitting what he did, the consequences of running away, and most of all, being caught.

"I didn't mean it... I really, didn't want to do it..."

Desperate whisper flowed from his mouth, and was scattered into the thin air. To whom he wished to say this didn't matter. Even he couldn't forgive himself for what he did. He just wanted to throw himself in a river or something, so that he wouldn't have to live rest of his life in this terrible guilt. The feeling itself was choking him. The breath wouldn't come out easily. But soon, in the middle of gasping for air, soft sound of approaching footsteps startled him. Automatically, the hand reached for the pistol, pressing the skin firmly to the cold metal. He slowly stood up and listened carefully for the direction of the sound, and started to walk away from it, step by step.

It had been almost ten minutes since he started his little trick for his escape. Whenever a sound from the opposite direction, he would move at the same time, so his own footstep won't be heard. Lovino had almost escaped from whoever those sound belonged to, when a rough hand appeared out of nowhere and covered his mouth. The other arm held his body, especially the hand holding the firearm.

"Be quiet. Stay still."

The low rang smoothly, but in rather threatening way. Lovino stopped fighting against his captor when he realized it was a foolish thing to do. It would only attract attention of the people whom he just thought he escaped from. And anyways, the arms that held him were unbelievably strong. Two waited for the footstep to wonder away, leaving the wood in complete silence except the feeble sound of breath. When he was sure that the cost was clear, Lovino started thinking about how to escape from this guy. But soon, he found out that there was no need to. The grip that held him still was suddenly gone and he was free to turn around to take a look at his captor.

"I'm sorry to threat you like that. I had to, because you could have brought those cops near me."

"Cops? You are running away from cops?"

Lovino couldn't help but repeat his question in a very stupid way. The man who stood in front of him wasn't the type of person who those polices would track down. He was tall and pretty lean considering his strength. His skin was tanned in attractive way, slightly curly brown hair was messy, and eyes with that same color were smiling. He looked more like an innocent farmer than a criminal. But still, Lovino knew better than to judge a person by his look; he had experienced too much things for such mistake.

"Um... It's a long story. But I think... you have a quite complicated story of your own."

The man pointed at the gun Lovino was holding. Lovino fixed his eyes on the man, wondering if it was okay to let his guard down in front of this person. After all, he just confessed that he was a criminal. One of my kind, perhaps. Bitter thoughts ran through his mind, and soon he put it away in the pocket inside his jacket.

"None of your business. Well, you'd better leave this place soon, . Local cops in these areas don't give up that easily. They'll probably be back with more reinforcement."

Then, Lovino started walking away from the man, taking a different route from where the policemen marched through. He slightly groaned as he thought of a place he could go. The only answer that struck him was nowhere. His family knows almost everything about him, including his shelters. He can't hide from the punishment that would follow him. The image of blood splattering wouldn't leave his mind. The grotesque scene, the bursting sound, even the feeling of burning hot metal in his shaky hands... They all remained with him. It was part of him now.

"Hey... Are you okay?"

It was that man's voice that dragged Lovino back to the reality. He was bending down to look into Lovino's pale face as drops of sweat slid down the skin. He startled and pushed the man away, trying to defend himself.

"Wha-, what do you think you're doing, bastard."

"But you just stopped walking out of sudden and started to shiver... You look like you're really sick. Do you have any place to go and take a rest?"

"I said, none of your business."

Lovino snapped when the man pinpointed his concern right away. He would be more than willing to escape the consequence that would befall him. That is, if it was possible, he added. The man looked as if he was thinking about something, scratching back of his head occasionally. Soon, he grabbed one of Lovino's arm as he turned around to leave.

"Shit, you still-"

"You sound like you have nowhere to go. You can stay at my place if you want."

"Why would I do that? How am I supposed to trust you? And even if I trust you, which I obviously don't, you are running away just like me. I don't fucking think it won't be safe to at your house."

The man just stood there, his lips still holding the smile despite the harsh words. Then, he started laughing, as if he heard the best joke in his life.

"You are right! What was I thinking! I could have done you more harm than good by staying with you. I'm sorry."

Lovino stared at the man, dumbstruck, and unable to find a word, even a curse. What was this man talking about? What he spat out was supposed to insult him, not make him apologize. Was he really a criminal who had local cops on his tails? He sighed as the man just stared at him with that stupid, yet bright smile on his face. His suggestion surely was tempting for Lovino, since he had nowhere to spend rest of the day, let alone the night. It's a gamble, anyways...

"Never mind. Seeing you this stupid, I don't think you'll last a day without anyone to help you out. Seriously, you bastard, you're helpless. What kind of criminal are you?"

Bitterness swept across the handsome face, making Lovino feel a bit guilty about his word choice. He would have knocked the hell out of anyone accusing him like that. Criminal or not, everyone holds their own pride.

"Dammit... If I get into any problems from now on, it's your fault."

"You are really going to stay with me?"

"Of course, idiot. As I said, you're helpless. And hopeless!"

Lovino pouted as the man's smile grew larger and brighter. He had to admit, that his excuse for staying with a total stranger didn't made sense. Still, in some parts of his mind, he felt somewhat secure, to be with someone who was in same situation.

"By the way, I'm Antonio Fernandez Carriedo."

"Fancy name, huh... Mine is-"


"How the heck did you know?"


Antonio tabbed a golden necklace hanging near Lovino's collar bone. On the small silver pendent, his name was written with gold in smooth, fancy cursive. He gasped, realizing that he was wearing this necklace even at the incident. If somebody managed to read his name... Worries filled his mind, but soon, Lovino felt a hand gently patting his head.

"Don't worry. It's pretty small, and I don't even think anyone could have saw the necklace itself when you were waving that gun."

"I wasn't waving it, bastard!"

"Okay, but still. Nobody would have saw it."

Lovino pouted as he pushed Antonio's hand away. The words sounded incredibly comforting, making him want to believe whatever he said. Yet, part of him insisted that Antonio must be laughing at him now, saying things like 'Who's helpless after all, making that kind of mistake?'

Trying to hide his embarrassment, Lovino started walking, though he had no clue where he was going. Despite his effort, the other caught his blushed face and chuckled a but before taking a few big steps to grab his hand. Then, he led the smaller man to the other direction.

"It's this way, Lovi."

"Whatever! You can lead the darn way without holding hands! And who told you to call me by that fucking hideous name!"

The complaints drove the silence away, along with the gloomy atmosphere around the two. They were just like those who enjoyed the day in the park; they wanted peace, liked to have happy holiday, and cherished the new bond that destiny brought upon them. What lies ahead may be clouded with grief and fear, yet the day was too precious to waste without getting to know each other.