A/N: It's a bit short, but I couldn't really add anything more, and it ends at the best stopping point for this chapter. Only two chapters left (maybe three), the ending is in sight.

Sorry once again for the long wait. My life has been crazy lately. Job related stresses and then a family member dieing. Add in to that massive indecision about where this story was headed, and you have a stalled story.

The next chapter or two will be an epic war scene. Hopefully I can write action, never really tried. The final chapter will be an epilogue/conclusion of sorts.

I apologize in advance for the lack of Calypso in this chapter. I guarantee she will be in these upcoming chapters.

Now about the "Slowly I Turn" thing from the last chapter. It comes from an old comedy skit called Niagra Falls. It was done by The Three Stooges, Abbott and Costello, and many other comedy groups of the time. You can find it on YouTube. Nobody got the reference though, so I guess I get the cookies. *nom nom nom*

Enjoy the story.

"Your defense is only as good as your weakest point," I told the child of Aries as I looked down at her, "You need to be aware of your surroundings, including the ground."

"I would have won if you hadn't cheated," the girl looked like she wanted to kill me.

"What, do you think the Titans will play fair? This is war, not a game of capture the flag. But there is more to it than being aware your opponent will fight dirty. You need to fight dirty yourself. There is a time for pride and honor. Being outnumbered and outgunned isn't one of those times."

"Couldn't you have told me this before I fell into your pit trap?"

"Experience is the best learning aide," I said as I helped the dirt covered girl out of the hole. Training half-bloods is never an easy task. Training them for war is one of the hardest tasks I'd faced. I normally wouldn't have to train campers unless I decided to become a staff member myself, but most of the staff had died at the Battle of the Labyrinth, and I was one of the few senior campers still alive and not involved in other tasks.

"Let's try it again," I stated. We took our stances. It was only minutes until I had my sword against her throat. "You need to be aware of your surroundings yes, but not at the cost of paying attention to your attacker. You need to rely on your instincts and let it become second nature."

"He speaks the truth," I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me. I turned.

"Nico?" They person in front of me only slightly resembled the boy I left behind at Triple G Ranch. He had more scars, more stress lines on his face, and his eyes had a dead look to them. He was no longer a boy, but a war-hardened soldier.

"Percy. It's good to know you didn't die. I guess this means once again the prophecy is most likely referring to you. I should have guessed. It always goes back to that."

"I don't care about the stupid prophecy anymore. The Titans killed my friends. They destroyed my home away from home. They are going down, prophecy or no prophecy."

"Glad to hear it. I feel the same way. I need to see Chiron."

"He's out watching for any sign of the Titans right now. How did you know where we were?"

"Nobody's told you? I ran into the campers when they were in the process of relocating. I helped them set up base here, and then I left again. I stop by from time to time. I never stay here, and I never will. I'm better off fighting by myself. But I have some information I think the centaur should have. Come to think of it, you should know it too. It concerns your father too, after all."

"So what news do your bring us, Nico?" Chiron asked. We sat around the table Chiron usually used for war councils.

"As you know, after the last time I spoke, I planned on going to the underworld and help Hades fortify the defenses."

Chiron nodded.

"Unfortunately our defenses weren't enough. We had some of the greatest heroes throughout history fighting for us alongside the largest army of harpies, minotaurs, and other beasts loyal to my father. It was not enough though. An army led by Krios and Kronos himself vanquished them. The underworld has fallen."

Chiron rubbed his temples. "This is terrible news indeed. Although Kronos won't be able to bring back his fallen demigod followers, any monster he controls will be able to rise immediately. What of your father?"

"He has retreated to Olympus for now. Much to his disdain. He never did get along very well with the others."

"You said this news also concerned my father?" I inquired.

"We received a message during the assault from Poseidon. His ocean fortress was receiving a similar assault from the forces of Oceanus. I do not know the fate of it, but we must assume the worst. The Titans are most likely in control of both the Underworld and the Ocean."

"Shit," I mumbled

"That about sums it up."

"We can't change to past," Chiron interjected, "but we can learn from it and twist it to our advantage."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I demanded.

"Traditional defenses are useless against the Titans."

"We already knew that."

"Also we know that Krios and Oceanus won't be at the assault on Olympus. They are too busy ruling over there new kingdoms. Kronos is spreading his forces. That makes him weaker."

"But not weak enough, damn it! It's not like I can just bathe in the River Styx, become next to immortal like Achilles, and then just mow down Titan after Titan. We need something powerful. Something that could not just only stop the Titans, but utterly destroy them."

"Percy, that's impossible. Well, at least it is unless you're hiding an infinite improbability drive. Most we can hope to do is trap them in a mortal container, like how Kronos is hiding in Luke. If we imprison the mortal container, the Titan get imprisoned as well. But if that mortal container dies, the Titan gets free."

"Does that mortal container have to be a human?" Nico asked.

"Not really. Any living thing will do. It could be an animal like an antelope or even a flower. When the Olypians were more in tune with the human world, they would posses animals all the time. Zeus had a particular fondness of it."

"In the myths Zeus wasn't trapped in the animal until it died, though."

"They can create an anchor to bring their soul back out of the container. However, if that anchor were to be destroyed, they would be trapped."

Nico thought for a second. "Can they possess only one vessel at a time?"

"Not necessarily. If the vessel has identical DNA to another mortal container, the immortal, be it Titan or Olympian, would possess all vessels at once. Such is the case with identical twins."

"And would they be freed is only one of the twins was killed?"

"No. All the containers would have to be destroyed."

"I have an idea. I have to check on it, but it may just work. Meanwhile, I need you to either find a way to trick or to force a Titan to posses any arbitrary mortal object."

"Why don't we sign a treaty saying they have to possess an object of our choice?" Connor Stoll asked.

"Don't be daft," his brother replied, "In order for them to sign a treaty with us, especially one with that requirement, they would have to be losing the war."

"Would both of you just shut up?" Clarisse snapped, "It's obvious we can't force someone that powerful. We will have to trick them. Pity we can't kill them."

"Clarisse, we all lost loved ones in the war. There is no reason to take it out on the brothers," Chiron injected.

"Lost a loved one? Chris didn't die in battle! He was in no condition to fight. They murdered him in cold blood. They are going to pay dearly."

Travis and Connor didn't hear any of this, as they were busy whispering to each other. I could only hear parts of the conversation.

"... weapon ..."

"... wouldn't work … we could ..."

"but what if ..."

"... over hear ..."

"We got a plan," announce Travis.

"Really?" asked Chiron, "What?"

"That's the rub," replied Connor, "We can't tell you the plan without ruining the plan."

"So we are just supposed to trust you goof offs?" Clarisse asked pointedly.

"You said we had to trick the Titans," Travis said.

"And tricking is what we do best," Connor finished.

"They do have a point," I reasoned.

"It might be best to let them handle this," Chiron agreed.

"So what you're saying is the key to defeating the Titans comes down to a practical joke?"

"That is indeed what we're saying," Travis replied.


"But don't worry," Connor continued, "You won't be left out of the fun."

"We need you to still fight to protect Olympus."

"That can be arranged," Chiron said, "The rocket launcher is completed as well as a beta of the automaton."

"How much damage can the launcher do?" I asked. A launcher could be useful, but if it could only wipe out one monster at a time, I would do much better with my sword.

"It uses ambrosia for the explosive. It can easily wipe out ten or so monsters if they are concentrated enough. And considering the small amount of space between the buildings in Manhattan, it will be a piece of cake to wipe that amount out." Clarisse seemed really proud of the weapon her siblings were responsible for.

"What about civilian casualties?" I asked.

Chiron replied this time. "The Titans march has left a wave of destruction. The Mist is causing mortals to see it as the result of a hurricane headed right for New York. There has been a wide scale evacuation of all citizens from the city."

"Then all we need is duplicate automatons."

"The sons of Hermes are gathering the resources as we speak," Travis replied.

"Percy, how is your combat training going?"

"They won't die fighting one-on-one with monsters or maybe even demigods. Fighting groups of either will be a challenge though. And I wouldn't trust them against a Titan."

"Percy, I know you're hot headed, but you wouldn't survive an encounter with a Titan either." It was Clarisse.

"Maybe not, but I could hold my own for at least a bit. Remember, I beat your father years ago."

"Out of a stroke of luck, and he wasn't even fighting seriously."

"If there is no other further items of business," Chiron injected, breaking up the verbal sparring match, "I call this meeting ajourned. Connor, Travis, go do what you need to in order to set your plan in action. Hopefully Nico comes back with whatever he has cooked up."