-Chapter Two-

Hermione turned her face away from the Snatcher, trying to block out his voice but no matter how hard she tried it continued to seep into her stream of thought.
"Don't pretend that you can't hear me." He warned her. "I don't appreciate being ignored.
"And I don't appreciate being sat on!" Hermione snapped back.
"All the more reason for me to stay here." he replied, sitting back and putting all of his weight onto her hips.
"The more uncomfortable you are, the happier I am. I thought you would have picked that up by now, you being an intelligent witch and whatnot."
"How would you know if I'm intelligent?" she asked, feeling surprised despite the situation.
He laughed once, "It's on your file. Supposedly you're the brains of the trio. Apparently the other two are as blunt as a Nun's cu-"
"Charming choice of words but I suppose it would be silly to expect more from a Snatcher." Hermione spat.
He leant down until his lips were next to her ear, grinning when she winced and tried to move away.
"I can think of plenty of others, but I'd rather hear you say them."
Taking the opportunity presented to her, Hermione suddenly grabbed the tip of his ear between her teeth and bit down. Hard.

Scabior let out a yell right into her ear, but that didn't stop her. If anything, it made her bite down harder.
"Let...go!" Scabior panted, grabbing a fistful of her hair and giving it a hard tug. His eyes were shut tight and his teeth were bared in a snarl. "Let...go...mudblood!" he snarled through his teeth.
Hermione's jaw automatically tightened at the mention of the derogatory name causing Scabior to let out a bellow and a few choice words. Hermione could feel something starting to pool in her mouth. It was with a jolt that she realised it was blood, the tangy metallic taste danced across her tongue. Scabior continued to shout and swear tugging desperately on her hair trying to make her let go. In desperation for the pain to cease he firmly wrapped one of his hands around her throat, digging his nails into the side of her neck. Opening her mouth to yelp in surprise Scabior's ear slipped from between her teeth. He instantly threw himself off her, rolling onto his back and clutching his bleeding, bruised ear.
"Incarcerous!" he growled, pointing his wand at Hermione. Ropes shot from it's tip and began to coil themselves around her body, making it impossible for her to move from her spot on the ground.

As soon as he was certain that she couldn't get up he turned his attention back to his ear. He sat up and started to gingerly feel the tip, hissing when he found the puncture marks. Furrowing his brow he muttered a few healing spells under his breath, trying to fix the damage as best he could. After the skin had knit itself back together he started to clean off the dried blood, as his ear tip was still too tender to touch he muttered "Tergeo" and the tip of his wand started to syphon the blood away,showing the set of teeth marks Hermione had left behind.
Once his ear was clean and healing he turned to face her, she was watching him with wide eyes full of fear. Obviously expecting some sort of repercussion for her actions. He had thought about getting her back, crucio had sprung to mind more than once. But that was Bellatrix's trademark, he preferred something a little more personal with more thought.

"Clever little minx aren't you." he said, a dark smile spreading across his face. "I guess I'll just have to be careful with what I say. You might get ideas. Let me tell you something though." he added, getting to his feet and hoisting her up, he held her in front of his body and rested his head on her shoulder so he could still hiss quietly into her ear without the risk of being bitten.
"Just a word of advice my lovely, do something like that and I'll make sure I do something much worse to you."

Hermione shuddered at the menace in his tone, she shut her eyes tightly wishing that she could get away from Scabior. However she knew that if she tried to apparate he would just be dragged along with her. As if he was reading her thoughts Scabior crooned in her ear. "Don't bother trying to apparate either. I'm not letting you go."

One of his hands slowly snaked down her side until he reached her hip which he gripped tightly. His other arm was wrapped around her chest, holding her up against him. "I really should return the favour, an eye for an eye." he growled in her ear.
"An eye for an eye makes the world blind." She snarled, desperately fighting to keep fear from sneaking into her voice.
"You'd still be beautiful if you were blind and the world would still be a world." he breathed before carefully raking his teeth over the still sensitive skin of her ear.

Instantly Hermione started to thrash about, desperately trying to keep her ears as far away from his mouth as possible. He almost fell forwards in surprise, he hadn't been expecting her reaction to be so violent however, his strong arms managed to restrict her movements until she stopped, exhausted from her efforts. He placed one hand on her cheek and used it to pull her head closer to his mouth until he could reach her ear again. Then slowly he traced it's outline with the very tip of his tongue. She stiffened and held her breath the second his tongue made contact with her skin. She let out a small gasp when he very gently bit the tip, he chuckled darkly as he let go.
"I wasn't going to bite you like a rabid animal if that's what you thought. I was thinking of something infinitely more painful and less messy. Any ideas what it could be?" his voice was low and full of menace.
"No idea? Well that's a righ' shame, I suppose I'll just have to give you an example." he took his hand off her hip and withdrew his wand from it's holster, pressing the tip into the gap between her shoulder blades. Hermione's breath quickened, her mind was buzzing as she desperately tried to think of all the excruciatingly painful spells she'd ever come across, the most obvious one not crossing her mind.

"NO!" she screamed, throwing herself roughly to the left. Scabior let her fall to the ground, this time he'd been expecting her reaction. He looked down at the terrified young witch, her eyes were wide open and her chest was heaving as if she'd been running all day. He waited, expecting her to burst into tears and start pleading with him. He was most surprised when she did the exact opposite.

Her wide eyes narrowed into slits and her mouth contorted into a snarl. The air around her began to crackle with magic. The ropes around her began to smoke until they crumbled and fell useless to the ground in little piles of ash. Scabior took an automatic step back. This was the first time one of his captives had ever managed to use wandless magic successfully. Slowly she climbed to her feet, not taking her eyes of him.
Suddenly the little muggleborn witch didn't seem so harmless. His taunting and teasing seemed to have awoken a dormant side of her personality, "either that or she's completely lost her marbles" he thought to himself.

He subconsciously raised his wand slightly higher, taking aim at her heart in case he had to defend himself, although the cocky little voice in his brain told him that she would be a piece of cake to take down, she was running purely on anger and adrenaline.

Suddenly she flung out her arms, he flinched expecting to be hit with a curse but none came.
"Come on then." She spat. "Do it."

"Do it, just try to curse me!"

"Have you lost your bleedin' marbles?"
"Just do it! Say the words, or don't you have the balls?"
"Oi, watch your mouth Mudblood!"
The second the word left his lips he wished he had a way to recall it because the look on her face was one of the scariest things Scabior had ever seen, and being a Snatcher he'd seen a lot.

"I am sick of hearing that bloody word!" she growled venomously. Her hands had curled into tight fists and her body had sunk into an attacking stance.
The cocky little voice in Scabior's brain shut up and was replaced with the cold, harsh voice of reason.
Take her down. Don't dick around.

He sighed, taking a firmer grip on his wand as he waited for her to attack. Without warning she lurched forwards, he reacted instantly.


The red jet of light illuminated her hatred filled face. Her body turned slack and she fell onto the forest floor with a muffled thud. The wind howled through the trees as he stood there, staring at her fallen body surrounded by leaves and fallen twigs.
For the first time in his life he had no idea what to do.
But the little voice in his head did.

Tie her up. Take her to the Manor.

With leaden legs he stepped forwards, his mouth was dry as he croaked out "Incarcerous"

He watched the thick black ropes twist their way around her body with a blank face. They reminded him of serpents strangling their prey. The only difference was she wasn't struggling, she was still motionless.

He inhaled as if to compose himself before stepping forward and pulling her roughly off the ground. He took a few more steps forward before turning on the spot and vanishing leaving the now eerily silent forest behind.

As he stalked up the drive way to the gate of the Manor, Hermione started to wake up. She whimpered once before stuttering "What happened?"

He sniggered, "Don't you remember love?"

He heard her breath catch in her throat and smirked, if he could convince her that something had happened between the two of them it would help him keep his status as an unforgiving Snatcher who took what he wanted whether it was offered or not. It would also keep the rest of his gang off his back. If they ever found out that she'd shocked him he'd be cast out and forced to leave. Only the cruellest hearts could stay.
As they drew near to the gate he could see Bellatrix leaning on the hedge behind it.
"Ah Scabior" she called out in a babyish voice, "You've brought me a present."
She would have sounded cute if he couldn't see the sadistic grin on her face.

She removed the wards from the gate, allowing him to walk through. She snatched Hermione from him and pulled her close "We're going to have a little chat you and I." she hissed pointing her wand at her throat as she stalked back up to the house. Scabior trailed behind, unaffected by the sounds echoing from the house.

It was after all, all in a days work.

A/N: That's it guys, I hoped you enjoyed it. I do apologise for the large gaps between chapters.
Feedback is appreciated, if you want more, let me know.