Pairing: Hermione/Scabior

Warnings: Adult themes. Scabior in this story is dark (he is a Snatcher after all!)

Disclaimer: If I owned this do you think I'd be writing fanfiction?

"He can't save you. It's just us. You and me beautiful." he crooned, stroking the side of her face with the backs of his grubby fingers. She winced at the contact and tried to turn away. "Don't be like that." he said, grabbing her chin and turning her head to look at him. He leaned in slowly, amused by the fearful look in her eyes and the gentle quiver of her jaw. "You'll be my favourite." he breathed, his breath brushing across the milky white skin of her neck. He leaned in closer, inhaling the soft scent of flowers that still lingered on the collar of her jacket. Her body was rigid, trying to keep as far away from him as she could which wasn't very far at all. He'd trapped her against one of the trees, bracing one arm beside her head, the other held her shoulder pinned hard against the bark. Her wrists were bound with thin coils of rope and her wand lay useless in the grass ten feet away. She whimpered audibly when she felt his lips graze the soft skin of her throat, making it tingle where his stubble brushed roughly against it.
"Leave her alone!" Ron bellowed from across the clearing. He was struggling valiantly against Greyback who had him tightly by the arms. Harry lay unconscious on the leaf strewn ground, his captor; a weedy looking wizard, stood with one muddy boot against his chest. He'd been stunned well before Ron and Hermione had been caught.
"What are you going to do, ginger?" Scabior sniggered, not turning to look at the furious boy.
"Let her go! Just take me!"
Scabior grabbed a handful of Hermione's hair and pulled her forward off the tree, keeping her body pulled hard against his own. He walked forward a few steps, smirking.
"The thing is ginger, she'll be more fun than you."
Ron's jaw dropped for a second before his face contorted into a snarl.
"Do I detect a hint of jealousy?" Scabior taunted, pulling Hermione even closer and wrapping an arm around her waist. "I think I do. Well, isn't that interesting." He looked down at Hermione, "Did you know he had a thing for you?" he asked her mockingly, pulling her head back so that she was looking up at him. "Did you know that he wants to jump your pretty little bones?" He looked at her confused expression with amusement. "I didn't think so. He kept it a secret, too much of a coward to say anything. Well I bet you're wishing you said something now ginger. If you're lucky I'll tell you how she is."
At this Ron let out a loud yell and flung himself forward, the force nearly pulling Greyback of his feet.
"I swear if you lay a finger on here I'll kill you!" he roared. The aggression in his voice was scarily unfamiliar to Hermione who took an automatic step back, right into Scabior who tightened his grip on her waist to the point where it was painful.
"Careful ginger, you're scaring the girl. Take 'em to the Manor." he drawled, gesturing towards Ron and Harry.
"What about the witch?" Greyback growled as Ron continued to fight against him.
Scabior smirked down at her, "We're going to get to know each other a bit better."
The Snatchers sniggered loudly at the petrified look on Hermione's face, however Greyback looked sour, he'd been hoping to get his hands on her and maybe find out if her blood really was as dirty as they said. His expression was not missed by Scabior whose hand dug deeper into her skin. Greyback cast one last dark look at Hermione before roaring at the others to get Harry up off the ground, they scrabbled to pick up his limp body, not wanting to anger the hostile werewolf any further. There were three loud pops and the Snatchers disappeared, leaving Hermione and Scabior alone in the woods.

"So, you must be Miss Granger if you're hanging out with the ginger and Potter." He murmured in her ear. He released the grip he had on her hair and spun her around roughly so that she was facing him. Hermione didn't make a sound, she kept her eyes downcast and her body rigid. Scabior looked down at the frightened witch. A section of her hair had fallen in front of her face, obscuring it from his view. With surprisingly gentle fingers he brushed it aside his cold fingers trailing down the side of her neck, coming to a halt on her shoulder. She shuddered slightly, her jaw still trembling and her eyes still downcast refusing to look up at him.
"Look at me." he murmured, leaning down so that his face was closer to hers. "Look at me." he repeated, forcefully grabbing her chin and tilted her head up to his. Her eyes glittered in the dying light of the forest. Her tears threatened to spill down her cold, pink cheeks.
"Don't be like that beautiful." he crooned, brushing his finger underneath her eye, collecting a single tear drop. He pulled her tightly against himself, he pressed his lips against her temple briefly before roughly shoving her to the ground. Hermione shrieked in surprise, landing with a heavy thud on the cold earthy ground. Her head snapped forwards from the impact before snapping back and smacking into the dirt. Before she could even struggle to get to her feet he was upon her. Straddling her hips and leering down at her with a predatorial smile. He braced himself with one arm on either side of her head, his long ponytail hanging over his left shoulder, inches away from brushing against her cheek. The reality of the situation finally hit Hermione. She was in the middle of the forest with a man; a Snatcher, who had every intention of doing whatever he pleased with her and there was no one around to save her. So she responded in the only way she could think of: with fury.

With a snarl she started to thrash about, trying to dislodge him. Her wrists were still bound which made it hard for her to keep her balance, she violently bucked her hips upwards in a last desperate attempt to unseat him. Not expecting the sudden movement Scabior jerked upwards, sliding forwards onto her stomach and chest, compressing her lungs. She gasped loudly as the air rushed out of her lungs yet again. He slid back onto her hips, sitting slightly heavier than he did before.
"So there is a bit of a spitfire in there." he said, amusement apparent in his voice. "Good, I was starting to think that this would be too easy."
Hermione glared up at him icily. Her brain was ticking away, trying to think of a way out of the situation yet she kept drawing blanks. The other Snatchers had seemed dimwitted and borderline stupid however Scabior was downright cunning and difficult to trick. She would have her work cut out for her if she wanted to get away. He leant over her until his face was centimetres away from hers. She could feel his breath on her lips, it smelt faintly of cigarette smoke and whisky. He brushed his lips against her cheek, dragging them softly against her skin until they reached her ear.
"Cat got your tongue?" he whispered harshly.
"Don't touch me." she hissed venomously.
He laughed darkly. "Oh I'll do more than touch you beautiful. You can be sure of that." He kissed the shell of her ear before he rapidly sunk his teeth into the very tip of it. Hermione's screams echoed throughout the woods. A few startled birds flew out of the trees around them.
"Let go! Let go!" she screeched as he continued to bite deeper. He tugged on it once before releasing it. A satisfied smirk spread across his face.
"Surprisingly painful isn't it?" his voice was silky, his eyes danced with satisfaction at the look of shock and pain on her face.
"You're sick." she spat, wincing from the pain in her ear.
He flicked her swollen ear tip, chuckling when she squealed. "You don't even know the worst of it."

A/N: Continue? Leave it at this? Let me know what you want.