Hello all. I know you may hate me for not posting this sooner. Life butted it's ugly head in and took me by surprise. I had no inspiration. Right now, love isn't coming my way. Anyway... enjoy it... I guess. :\

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly, but I am plotting on ruling the world. But shhh... "Don't tell Caaarly..." ;-)


It had been a little over a week since the iCarly featuring Freddie's dream, and the three friends barely talked to each other since.

After Sam revealed her 'secret', Carly completely flipped out. She just couldn't wrap her head around it. It was impossible! Absolutely impossible!

The whole rest of the night for them was quiet and unsure. Carly wanted to ask what happened to her friend's common sense, but didn't want Sam getting upset.

The next morning, Sam kind of disconnected herself from everyone. She wouldn't talk or eat. And anyone that has ever met her for only a few seconds knows that there is something wrong when Sam doesn't feel like eating.

On Carly's side of things, she was nervous every time she saw Freddie because of Sam's secret. She was still trying to do the math in her brain, but nothing would add up. Nothing about the whole situation made sense.

Freddie felt neglected. He had texted Sam multiple times, trying to regain the little friendship he still had with her. He called her, hoping to get some kind of response but all he received was the answering machine. When he tried to talk to Carly she would smiled and try to get away from him as soon as she could.

School was pretty hard, but it was the only time that they actually talked to each other. As for this week, thing were going to change. Of course, they all weren't talking, but it was going to be different. All three of them made their minds up the day before, to make what went wrong, right.

It was raining that morning. All morning. Sam ran into the school with a newspaper over her head.

"Stupid Seattle." Sam mumbled, tossing the soggy newspaper into the school trash can. Freddie came up beside her, only waving at first. When he saw she was actually soaking wet, he stopped.

"Uh... You walked?" Freddie picked up a piece of Sam's hair and smacked her face with it.

"No, Freddie, I flew." Sam sarcastically said and whacked his hand out of her face. Sam was trying to stay calm because she couldn't make things right when she was mad, "Ya know, Fredwardito..."

"Hey, guys..." Carly looked as if she hadn't had sleep. Her eyes had giant bags underneath them and her usual shining smile was weak.

"Are you ok?" Sam turned her attention to her best friend, putting her hand on Carly's shoulder.

"Yeah, just a little tired." Carly tried to giggle, but more of a squeak came out. She sighed and walked over to her locker leaving the two (A/N I hate using this word, but I can't think of anything else... :\) 'frenemies' alone once more.

"Were you gonna say something before Carly walked up?" Freddie hoped Sam had nothing to say so he could say what he needed to.

"Uh... no... not anything important." Sam rung her hair out on the floor, leaving a rather large puddle of water on the floor and pointing to it, "But you can clean that up."

If this was how they would all 'make it right', this was going to be a long day.


Carly felt somewhat uncomfortable sitting in the silence that came with lunch. Gibby was sick that day and they had no one to talk to except each other, which made everyone in an awkward position.

"Can you two just make up already!" Carly let it out, but instead of clamming up, she kept on going, "I mean, you can't hold a grudge. You are friends! You don't hate each other as much as you claim! And I know that because... I can just tell. I don't want us to stop doing iCarly and I don't want us all to stay in this weird silence!"

"Carly, I've been trying to make up with that THING for almost a week now! She's the one, not me!" Freddie defended himself and gritting his teeth.

"I'll forgive you when you tell me what was going through your mind when you dreamed that!" Sam glared at the boy who brought this all on himself.

"I'll tell you when you tell me why you were smiling through that part of my dream!" By this time Freddie shoved his tray aside and stood up.

Sam, on the other hand was stunned. She slowly turned to Carly and whispered, "You told him?"

Carly shook her head no, but Sam grew angry and stood up as well. She kicked Freddie and tackled him to the floor, straining to keep his arms down.

"If you want to fight," A teacher's voice said, then pulled Sam off of Freddie, "Then take it outside."

Mumbling all the way to the cafeteria doors, the bickering duo attempted to hit and kick each other. The teacher pushed them into the rain and scolded them, "You'll be let back in when your next class starts."

After the door was shut, the two glared at each other. They yelled. They screamed. They wrestled each other. Then they finally sat alongside the wall of the school.

"It's so coooold." Sam complained, looking up at the freezing drops of rain and rubbing her arms to give them back heat.

"I would offer my sweater," Freddie picked up a corner of his striped sweater, just to show how wet it was, "But I'm soaked, too."

"No duh, dipthong." Sam glared at Freddie, then looked back up at the sky, "Look.. I'm sorry all of this happened... I just... Gah, I don't even know."

Freddie nodded and looked up at the sky as well, "I should apologize. It was my dream. My fault."

"Yes, yes it was." Sam smirked to herself and looked over at Freddie, "But you weren't the only one who had a dream like that. My dream was... kinda... like that."

"The end of it was..." Freddie started to laugh. He wasn't sure why that would be funny, but it was.

"You know I hate you with every fiber of my being right?" Sam closed her eyes for a moment, getting a little more nervous.

"Of course. And I totally reciprocate that feeling." Freddie was still laughing, but it slowed down to a chuckle, " But since we , KINDA, dream the same thing..."

"Should we... kiss? Again?" Sam wanted to slap herself for saying it. She directly ordered herself to say nothing of the sort.

"Just to get it over with." Freddie smirked and wiped his hands off on his pants. Sam tried to pull the hair out of her face, but it kept coming back. She finally decided to ignore it, so things wouldn't go to the extent that she was too focused on her hair to complete the kiss.

All I am going to say is that from the point of the beginning of the kiss and the end of the kiss was a wonderful feeling for both of them. Yet, that feeling was interrupted by a scream.

Carly had walked through the doors to where her friends were. "Hey guys, I know that... AUGH!" Carly's face was full of shock and disgust and awe and hate, "I didn't mean for you guys to get THAT friendly!"

"It was just to get it over with!" Freddie stood up to look Carly in the eyes, helping Sam up off of the ground.

"Totally, Carls. Just to get it over with!" Sam repeated what Freddie had just said, putting her hands in her pockets.

"Come ON!" The brunette girl crossed her arms and glared, "You already did it to 'do it'! So what was that for?"

"Practice?" Freddie grinned weakly and Sam jabbed him in the ribs.

"I will never understand you guys." Carly couldn't help but smile to herself when her friends went back into their arguing mode.


I am considering making another chapter because, 1. This was SHORT. and 2. I don't like how this ended.

You guyses tell me whatcha think. Mama needs your support.

Still can't get over how short it is... ah, well... no matter... Always remember, FLAMES! THEY BUUUUURN! :P