A/N: Okay, so, I don't know if this is going to be the last chapter or not, I'm still deciding. Hope you enjoy the chapter! I didn't get as many reviews as I was hoping to, but thanks to those who did! I know it's been a gazillion years since I updated, and I apologize. School and all that crap. Haven't been doing as well as I hoped, but not bad. I can finally relax and rest and update! This is for you, anon(: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO

Percy POV

As soon as I asked Travis, a bad feeling came into my stomach. I knew better than to ask Travis for any help; he would just make a joke into it.

"A-actually, Travis. It's okay. You can just repay me another time," I told him.

"Okay…well, bye!" And with that, he took off.

Well, what was I going to do now? Our anniversary was in two days, and I had no idea what I was going to do. A sudden idea formed in my head, and as soon as the bell rang for dismissal, I ran out of that building.

Annabeth POV

"Percy, are we there yet?" I asked. He had said that he had a surprise for me, and that I had to be blindfolded for it. It was around six at night.

"Yeah, hold on."

"Can I take this stupid blindfold off?"

"What, you don't trust me?" he said, pretending to be hurt.

I hit his arm playfully. Well, at least I thought it was his arm…I wouldn't know since I had the blindfold on. I heard a car door slam. He must have got out of the car. Did I make him upset? Then, the door on my side opened. He grabbed my hand and we started walking. It felt like…sand?

"Okay, Annabeth. You can open your eyes now." I took off the blindfold to find…a picnic blanket set up in the middle of the sand. I stared at it. It was so…simple. I guessed he could see the expression on my face.

"You don't like it?" he asked, a little hurt.

"No, I love it. Nice and simple. This was sweet. Where are we?"

"Montauk. My mom and I come here every year, and I thought this would be the perfect place. Happy Anniversary, Annabeth."

I gave him a huge hug and we held hands while we walked to the blanket together. I was curious to find out what he had made for dinner.

"Are you hungry?" he asked. Truth was I wasn't really all that hungry. I guess he could tell by the look on my face. He picked me up over his shoulder and I hit his back until he would let me down. Obviously, he didn't, like the Seaweed Brain he is. He ran to the water and before I knew what was coming, he dropped me in the water and I went under. I could hear him laughing on the surface.

I popped back up to surface and said, "Percy, I think you twisted my ankle." He came rushing over to help me out.

He held out his hand, and I yanked his arm and pulled him in.

"Hey!" he yelled. I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. He reached out his arms to grab me, but I moved away. We played like that for a while: he tried to grab me, I dodged. Then, he disappeared.

"Percy?" A pair of arms grabbed me from behind, and I screamed. Then, the hands went over my mouth and spun me around to face the person. It was Percy.

I took his hands off my mouth and said, "You scared me!"

"That's what you get for pretending you had a hurt ankle!" I just laughed and we headed to shore.

We sat down on the picnic blanket and Percy gave us each a towel.

"So, what have you prepared for dinner, mister?" I asked as I took my hair out of my ponytail and dried it with the towel.

"My all time famous, ham sandwich with mayo and barbecue chips!"

"Really, Percy? Chips in a sandwich?"

"Try it! I bet it's going to be the best sandwich you've ever had." I took my sandwich, took off the plastic wrap, and bit into it. I had to say, it was actually pretty good.

"So, am I right, or am I right?"

"It's pretty good."

"See, that's why I'm the Sandwich King."

I burst out laughing. "The Sandwich King?"

"Yeah! I can make the best sandwiches," he said, defending his title.

"Oh really. Well, Mr. Sandwich King, we'll see about that."

Percy reached behind me and grabbed a pitcher of iced tea. He took out two cups and poured us each some.

"This is the perfect meal," he stated.

"Ham sandwiches with mayo and barbecue chips with iced tea?"

"Yup. I could live on this meal every single day."

"So you're saying that if you were stuck on an island, all you would need is iced tea and a ham sandwich to live?"

"One more thing. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't ever be able to live on that island."

"What's that?"

"You," he said. I hugged him for that. We finished our sandwiches and iced tea while talking about random things. After, I took out a box and handed it to him.

"What's this?" he asked me.

"Why don't you open it and see." He opened the box to find a piece of red sea glass stringed onto a leather string.

"Annabeth, did you make this?"

"Yeah, I went to the beach and found this piece of sea glass and I got someone to drill a small hole in it and slipped a leather string through it. Like it?"

"I love it. Did you know that red sea glass is one of the rarest colors?"

"Yeah, you know me. I did my research," I said, laughing.

"That's my wise girl," he said, pulling me to him and kissing my forehead.

Layla POV

I was walking down the school's hallway. Being early, there was no one in the halls but me and the teachers.

"Hello, Layla, do you mind if I talk to you for a while?" our newest reading teacher asked, in an all too knowing tone of "you did something wrong and I am going to 'talk' to you to make it better." I had always been a good student, and hadn't failed any classes yet, so I wondered why. I followed her down into the darker hallways and in an old classroom in the school. She locked the door?

With her back faced to me she said, "Do you know why you are here, Layla?"

"No, Mrs. Grunsel, I don't," I said with confusion and curiosity.

"It is because, my dear, you are a half-blood, and my breakfast!" She yelled, while her voice changed into a loud screeching noise that hurt my ears.

As she turned around, her arms shriveled, her back sprouted wings, and her nose grew into an old blood stained beak. Her head grew into a bird's head, her feet became large talons, and all around her body, feathers took route… She looked gruesome. Suddenly, Percy appeared and yelled, "Catch!" He threw me a flute…? I pressed a key on it and it turned into a bow and arrow! Just then the creature pounced at me. As if it was instinct, I shot the monster with the bow and arrow. It sliced through like butter. Then the monster turned into golden dust. I turned to see where Percy went, but I found no one. I left the classroom then, shaking, and without thinking, I ran to the one place I knew was safe: Connor.

Connor's POV

I was just about to step outside when I was tackled by a crying Layla and a flute hit my head. Iguessthesurprisehasbeenfoundout. Apparently I had said that out loud because Layla asked, "What the heck are you talking about?"

I sighed, "Well, there's a little secret about you, me and my friends that I think you should know…"

"Correction, my friends and I, not 'me and my friends.'" I sighed.

After it seemed I had gotten her calmed down from her crying, I asked her, "Do you believe in the Greek gods?"

"Umm, well, I had always had an interest in them, but I don't know if I actually believed in them," she answered.

I sighed, saying, "Well, they're real."

Then she looked at me with wide eyes of fear and said, "Are you going to try to kill me now?"

She was starting to shake, and I took a step closer to her saying, "What do you mean?" Then she told me about what happened with her reading teacher and Percy and started to cry.

"Hey," said to her, "it's okay, I'm here, you're fine," I said over and over again as I picked her up and carried her inside the house. "Calm down Layla, you're fine. It's okay, I'm here and I'm going to help protect you for as long as I live," I told her.

She crawled away from me and climbed into the blankets that were on the couch. I went over to her and she stuttered, "I-I'm s-soo c-col-ld…" I took to her into my arms and climbed next to her with my arms wrapping around the broken down girl I loved and wanted to protect.

Connor POV

After Layla warmed up and calmed down, she asked me, "So, there are just like, Greek Gods and stuff?"

"Yeah, and, uh, demigods…" I explained the whole concept to her.

"Yeah. I should call the others. I'll ask them to come over later, since we're supposed to be in school."

"Oh my God, school! I totally forgot."

"It's okay, Layla. I got this. Hand me the phone?" She gave me the phone and I dialed the schools number.

"What are you doing?"

"Hold on." I waited until the ringing stopped. "Hello, this is Mrs. Rose. Layla isn't feeling well and will be staying home for the day, thank you."

"Connor!" she yelled.

"Yes?" I asked innocently. She pulled me towards her and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed. On the outside, I was totally chill, but in the inside, I was spazzing so much.

"So, who's your godly parent?" she asked me.

"Hermes, messenger, God of traveling and thieves."

Percy POV

Wow, what a hectic day. I didn't expect to see Layla back at school after the incident. I hope she's okay... After school, I got a text from Connor telling me to tell everyone to meet him at his place. After I forwarded everyone the message, I headed towards his place. I was the first one there, and I saw him and Layla holding hands and sitting on the front steps.

"Hey, Connor. Layla… I can explain."

"Hey Percy. No need to, Connor told me everything. But, I have one question. What am I supposed to do with the flute?"

"It's like a magical weapon. I have a ballpoint pen, but it turns into a sword."

"Oh, okay. I get it."

"Yeah, just carry that around with you everywhere. That should keep you safe. Though, there aren't many monsters here, there still are, so just keep an eye out."

By the time everyone else got here, we had gone over everything, explaining what had happened to Layla. Everyone introduced themselves by their godly parent, and we all went our separate ways.

"Did you notice that Layla and Connor were holding hands?" Annabeth whispered to me after we left.

"Yeah," I responded.

"Awh, they make such a cute couple," she said.

"Annabeth, you're starting to sound like Silena." She hit me in the arm playfully. I took her hand in mine and started to walk her home.


P.S: DID ANYONE NOTICE THE TLT CONNECTION UP THERE? :O Hey, anyone wanna tell me what P.S and P.P.S or P. S. S even stands for? XD

P.P.S: ANYONE HAVE A TUMBLR? If so, PM me your url and I'll check you out for sure. Oh, and, for those who've read the SON, (SPOILER ALERT), who do you think Jason should be with? Piper or Reyna? I personally think Reyna, but review, and leave your answer in the review!