AN: The way they've portrayed Mercedes thus far in season 2 has really irritated me. She's a strong, beautiful woman, do they really have to make her obsessed with food because she's got curves? So, in an effort to appease myself, I churned out this little one shot. Because Karofsky's always struck me as the type to be scared of anyone who would fight back. Takes place before Furt. I don't own anything, don't sue!
"He threatened to kill me."
Mercedes felt her whole world stop. Kurt was sobbing softly on her shoulder, and Mercedes brought her hand up to stroke his hair. Kurt had dragged her into an empty classroom before Glee practice and told her that Karofsky had been bullying him for some time now, and he had been too scared to mention it to anyone until now. A cold fury welled up inside of Mercedes. "Call Blaine," she said softly. Kurt did, and as soon as Blaine arrived, Mercedes handed Kurt off to him. "I'll be right back, okay?"
Blaine nodded. "Thank you for having him call me," he said softly.
"You're welcome." Mercedes left the room, and marched into the locker room, a red haze obscuring her vision. Karofsky was in the locker room, putting on his letter jacket. Karofsky gave her his standard glare.
"What are you doing in here, loser?"
Mercedes balled up her fist and let a killer right hook fly. She smiled grimly as she heard the crunch of breaking bone. Karofsky went down like a ton of bricks, Mercedes right after him. She grabbed him by the jacket and banged his head against the lockers. "If you even think about looking at Kurt the wrong way again, I will remove what little balls you have. Understood?"
Karofsky merely stared, eyes wide and terrified. Mercedes slammed his head against the locker again.
"Answer me," she growled.
"I got it! Let me go!" Karofsky howled suddenly.
Mercedes did as asked, and stood, carefully kicking one foot into his ribs, making him cry out in pain again. "I'll be watching you, Karofsky," she said, smiling sweetly. She left the locker room, dusting her hands off.
Well, what did you think? Remember, reviews are love, flames are stupid! Thanks for reading!