Adversary Shipping

" Sometimes, Words just aren't needed... "

The depression set across the man's face clearly stated it all, Yusei roared down the streets of Satellite in the red shiny D Wheel. There was someone he needed to talk to, a good friend of his, and for whatever reason he just didn't want to talk to Crow about it.

Meanwhile, the tall blond haired man had just gotten a call from Aki about 5 minutes ago. The girl who Yusei was trying to talk to, but it turned out that her words just weren't working. All he was wearing was his white pants, socks, and the black shirt. Jack was actually almost ready to call the day quit, but Aki especially asked him to do this.
Jack had shuffled through the fridge downstairs in the workshop Yusei spent most of his time working, improving his D Wheel for the new tournament coming up. Jack must've emptied that fridge a few times; did Crow drink all of the alcohol? He slammed the door shut, hard and turned around. Scanning the place for something...when the idea hit him! Jack knew Yusei would be there at any moment, so there wasn't a second to waste. He hurried up the stairs, as he came to the door he knocked on it once; hearing no answer he slowly opened the door in front of him. "Crooooowwww...?" He called, almost silently, into the empty room. Good. Crow wasn't there. That would leave the perfect opportunity for him. Jack slowly crept into the room, and soon quickened his pace as he walked up the white mini fridge Crow bought a few weeks back. He opened the door, kneeling down he shuffled through the fridge. Finally finding what he was looking for, Jack grabbed the bottle and closed the door and headed out of the messy room Crow lived in. Trying to keep everything like it was, not like Crow would notice it anyhow, Jack was beginning to close the door behind him when the all-too-familiar sound of entered Jack's hearing. Yusei's D Wheel.

As Yusei entered the bottom garage entrance, he rolled in slowly, thinking Jack and Crow were asleep. As the D Wheel came to a stop, he titled the vehicle, then lifting the red helmet from his head, releasing the three black and yellow spikes on each side of his head. As Yusei stood up, placing the helmet on the seat behind the main seat, he looked around. Why were the lights still on? Was someone still up? Yusei wondered.

Jack walked down the stairs, the large beer bottle in his curled hand. "Yusei! Just the person I was looking for." He called, walking down a step at a time, holding the bottle clear of Yusei's view.

Yusei turned to Jack's voice and raised a brow at what Jack said, and what he was carrying. "Jack...?" He asked, the noticed what he was carrying..."What's that for?" He asked, looking strangely at his blond friend.

The moment Jack was at the floor of the garage, a stupid, happy-go-lucky expression was slapped on his face. "This?" He asked, holding up the bottle. "Well, for us." He replied, walking up and grabbing two large glasses that were made from scraps. They were pretty handy actually, and walked up, tossing one at Yusei.

Yusei's quick reaction never ceased to fail him, as he caught the glass. "I don't want any though..." He said, then looking at the ground to the side. "I'm not in the mood right now." He added.

Jack ignored what Yusei was saying, and opened the bottle a couple struggles. Crow wouldn't mind, it was to help Yusei cheer up after all. Crow shouldn't have any objections. He walked over and looked Yusei dead in the eyes. "You're going to have some, and that's final." He demanded, rather boldly.

Yusei looked at Jack as he walked over; Yusei blinked a few times after he spoke. Well, it would seem Jack had his mind made up. "A...alright..." He responded, though he really didn't feel like drinking tonight.

Jack had a look of intent on his smile, "good." At that, Jack turned around and walked right up to the table, while pouring himself something to drink. Then placed the bottle on the table and turned back to Yusei. "Cheers?" He offered, holding the cup up in the air, waiting for Yusei's reaction.

Was Jack actually trying this hard to cheer him up? Yusei gave a forfeiting sigh, and raised his cup up to Jack's making the two cups make a colliding sound. Yusei shot his hand back and drank.

After the cups collided, Jack threw his hand back and drank from the cup. After he drank, he lowered the cup from his mouth.

Yusei, after drinking the whole cup, lowered it quickly. Wiping a small drip of excess beer from his chin, and walked up to the table and poured some more into his cup. Immediately, began to indulge the drink.

Jack looked at Yusei with an odd expression, it wasn't much words...but actions that Yusei needed...or was it? Jack walked up to Yusei at the table, taking a last gulp of the cup until the next refill.

After about an hour, the bottle was gone. Completely gone! Jack and Yusei now lay flat on the floor, their feet beside their heads, Jack was looking up at the ceiling, and Yusei was as well, until..

Yusei looked over at Jack, and gave a small hiccup. "Thanks Jack..." He said, after the hiccup he took a final sip of the remaining alcohol in the cup. Then placed the cup beside him, and then lay flat on the ground. Almost right beside Jack, who was lying in the opposite direction.

Jack looked over to Yusei, who was drunk. It was a large bottle they finished; although Yusei had finished more than Jack least Jack had helped – in his own, unique way.

Yusei sat up, after not hearing a reply from Jack and looked over down at him. His face slightly red, "Jack...I..." He began to say, but stopped in a long pause on thinking what to say.

Jack sat up, placing his arms on his knees, now looking directly over at Yusei as well. "You...what?" He tried to get out what Yusei was trying to say.

Yusei looked over at Jack, who was looking at him back. ,b"Well, I don't know...lately I've just been thinking lately...about...err..."/b He tried to say again, but stopped midsentence.

Jack tried to stand to his feet, stumbled somewhat, but after balancing he looked over at Yusei. "About what exactly?" He was starting to get slightly annoyed, but didn't show it. He had to try and not make Yusei...more upset in the slightest. Aki asked that of Jack, and he gave his word.

After seeing Jack stand up, Yusei tried to stand to his feet, only to fall backwards on the rough cold ground. After giving a moan in pain, he tried to stand up again.

As Yusei fell, Jack walked over, "whoa...Easy there." He said, reaching down and gently grabbing his forearm, and lifted him up from the ground. "You alright?" He asked, raising a brow at how actually silly Yusei looked.

Yusei looked away, slightly embarrassed, he put a hand to his forehead and rubbed it for a moment. "Y-..Yeah..." He said, lowering his hand, the arm that wasn't being held by Jack for structure support, and looked up at Jack eventually. "You're an ass. You know that?" He responded, the truth was...Yusei was actually too drunk to know what he actually said just there.

Jack, drunk but not as drunk as Yusei, laughed at his reaction. "AM I now?" He asked, glaring at Yusei with a certain look, a smirk on his face.

Yusei pulled his arm from Jack's grip, and looked away. "Yeah, you are." He answered, then looked at Jack noticing the look he was being given. "...What?" He asked, a confused but pouted look on his face.

Jack smiled at Yusei's reaction, and laughed slightly. "You're so adorable when you're angry." He laughed, lowering his head slightly to Yusei's.

Yusei looked up at Jack with an odd expression, his large blue eyes looking at the smiling features of Jack's face. "Is" He smiled back, he had never noticed this side of Jack before...but Yusei liked it. He took a step towards Jack, and reached up and grabbed the necklace around his neck. Pulling the necklace closer to himself, the smile still on Yusei's face.

Jack felt the stringed necklace being tugged gently; he took a step forward and looked Yusei dead in the eyes. "Yeah, is." He smiled at Yusei, almost teasingly.

Yusei pulled the necklace more, this time down. When Jack's neck lowered just an inch, Yusei brought his lips up to Jack's.

Jack's eyes went large for a moment, he was not planning this. But when his lips connected with Yusei's, closing his eyes, he put a hand behind Yusei's head, bringing the two closer together. The height difference wasn't that much now, earlier before it would've made a difference. Jack was tall, Yusei had been shorter but he grew quite nicely in height in the last two years.

Yusei let go of the necklace, placing the same hand to Jack's surprisingly soft face. He hadn't planned this either, but it just kind of...happened. After he broke the kiss, Yusei took a step back and looked at Jack. His eyes went left and right, what had just happened? Did he actually just kiss his best friend? His best friend...Jack Atlas/i? Without thinking, he walked from Jack and headed up stairs. Once he had made his way to the top of the stairs, he placed the palm of his hands to his forehead and began to think...or tried to. Being as drunk as he was, it was a little difficult.

Jack felt himself from Yusei, and just watched as his friend hurried upstairs. Jack rushed after him, as he found Yusei in the hallway he stopped. After a moment, Jack walked up to Yusei. was weird, he had never thought about Yusei in that way...until now. And...the truth was...he liked it.

Yusei heard Jack walking up, and looked up at him with a confused look. As much as a kiss was a kiss, he was thinking the same thing Jack was. He pressed his hand against the wall, and stood himself too his feet. Just looking at Jack, because the truth about it all was – he had never had an actual kiss. Not a kiss like the one that just happened between him...and his male friend.

Jack bit his lip, looking at the confused Yusei. He...looked cute when he was confused. Almost like a puppy lost from its home, but not in the sad way. Jack smiled; he had to break the silence between the two. "I...I liked that..." He admitted, rather sheepish, as his face turned slightly red. Either from him saying that, or the effect from the liquor, didn't matter either way in the end.

Yusei was soon having it hard to bare; he had to try it again. He took a step towards Jack, and leaned up for another kiss. As the two's lips connected once more, the more Yusei became addicted to it. He had forgotten why he was upset earlier; the only thing he kept thinking about was Jack. Taking a few steps back, motioning Jack to follow a little. He had wrapped an arm around Jack, while his hand pressed against the back of his head.

Jack watched as Yusei walked up, and just kissed him again. Returning the kiss, Jack put his hand again behind Yusei's head, pulling his head and lips closer to Jack's. The kiss soon turning more passionate and Yusei was hinting to him. Jack moved his feet, as he followed Yusei, the kiss seemed as if it was becoming more and more intense.

As Yusei's body slammed against Yusei's bedroom door, he reached back and opened the door with the hand that wasn't around Jack's. As the door flung open, the two stumbled into the room. Their lips still firmly together and their tongues now intertwining.

Jack felt his body press against Yusei's as they hit Yusei's door, then the falling feeling of their bodies as the door opened. Jack kicked back his foot, closing the door shut, and inside the room Jack had already attempted by striping Yusei of the ragged dark brown jacket, and his red and black shirt. While, Yusei on the other hand, already had Jack's black muscle shirt off and Yusei must've started working down.

Later, the next morning, Jack was woken from the ringing of the phone beside Yusei's bedside. Yusei was still asleep, so Jack reached over and answered the phone. "Mmm? Hello?" He answered, putting the phone to his ear; his voice a little stumbled due to the fact that Jack had just woken up. The voice on the other end was familiar...too familiar. "Uh...Jack? Oh hey! Did you cheer Yusei up?" She asked, not even wanting to ask why Jack had Yusei's cellphone.. "Yeah...he's cheered up, Aki." He responded as he looked over at Yusei still very asleep beside him, "alright! I knew you could! You just seem to have a way of words with Yusei! I'll be down later...say, three hours?" Aki said, and Jack beginning to fall asleep again. "Yep. See you then." He said, then after the byes, Jack hung up and placed the phone on the bedside. Sliding back under the sheets, and within a minute or two had fallen asleep again.