A/N Well I decided to try something new for this one-shot, it's a dialogue fic, and this time, I didn't break the limit! (And believe me, writing McGonagall is hard!) This challenge was given to me by , so I hope she'll like it!

Title: 'Bowling'
Couple: Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore3 words: breakdance, salsa (the food), potatoes
Word limit: 550 words
Word count: 282




"Minerva, I feel like the teachers should do more bonding. I want us to feel like a team."

"A team Albus? What did you have in mind?"

"I thought we maybe could go bowling: it is a muggle sport. It's highly fascinating."

"Bowling, never heard of it. Do you really think it's a good idea Albus? Don't you think it is rather silly?"

"Silly, Minerva? Of course not, it is always a good thing to bond with the staff. It makes everyone feel important and appreciated."

"Okay Albus, if you are sure. How do you play this muggle sport you seem so fond of?"

"Well, I asked some of the muggle-borns about it. They say you have to hit pins with a ball, the person who hits the most pins, wins."

"And you really think that's fun?"

"Yes of course! And maybe we could eat some mashed potatoes and salsa after."

"So, let me get this straight, you want us to infiltrate into the muggle world so we can play one of their sports and eat food?"

"And, I also heard some muggle-borns talk about a dancing game they have in most bowling alleys. I would really like to show you all my breakdance skills."

"Don't you think that's a bit childish?"

"No, it's fun!"

"If you say so Albus, you are the headmaster after all."

"I am, aren't I. So you will help me set this plan in motion?"

"Of course Albus."




"Albus! Smooching the staff on the cheek is highly inappropriate!"

"If you say so Minerva, if you say so."

"Albus, you can't skip! The Healers told you not to, it will damage your bad hip!"


A/N Okay, I have the feeling this was completely OOC, but you try to write Dumbledore, IT ISN'T AS EASY AS YOU THINK! A review is very much appreciated!
Thanks M'rika, for checking, you are truly awesome.