The inFAMOUS Ninja

Disclaimer: I do not, I repeat NOT own Naruto or inFAMOUS.

A/N: Chapter 6 is finally done! This one would have been finished sooner but have had so many things going on. I have had two jobs so have had hardly any time to do any of my stories and have only just got rid of one of my jobs because it was slowly killing me. After getting home from work I had have something to eat, get a wash, get changed and then go to my other job which started 20 minutes after I got in. On top of that I was working till about 11pm at night and getting up at 5am having no rest and falling asleep while driving. So it was either keep going and kill myself or someone else or quit one job. So now I am getting a rest in the night and I can start working on my stories again. All I can say is I am really sorry I have been away for so long. And I know I have said it before but it will not happen again as I have started work on the next chapters to my stories as well as other stories I will be posting soon .

"Yo" Speaking

"Yo" Thought

"Yo" Demon Speaking

"Yo" Demon Thought


Team 7 and the client Tazuna where currently on a motorboat, piloted and owned by Kaji, heading towards the Land of Waves. Naruto was currently looking out at the body of water they were crossing slowly and noticed that it was very calm, only the ripples caused by the boat as they travelled disturbed the still water. Naruto though wished he was calmer but his mind was in overdrive. He had lost control, showed his powers and also let slip the identity of Wolf-San. He could already hear the questions that his teammates would ask him and could feel their eyes on him right now.

Getting aggravated he growled and turned towards them. "What?!"

Sakura jumped but Sasuke kept staring at him with a glare on his face. "Talk Reject. Tell us everything now."

"If you are going to be like that then you can just go and screw yourself." Naruto said as he turned back towards the body of water to thy and calm himself down before he lost control of his powers again.

Sakura slowly found her voice before speaking softly. "W…what Sasuke-Kun was trying to say was…was if we knew what you could d…do, it could help us be a team better."

Naruto turned back around to face his teammates with a glare so intense that it seemed like his eyes glowed blue and the air around him felt as though he was letting off little sparks of electricity. Sakura moved as far back as she could and started to have tears in her eyes while Sasuke actually looked away from him. Naruto grinned before he saw the look Kakashi gave him and just looked down and sighed before looking at them again with a slightly softer look in his eyes. "Fine. When we get to Tazuna's place tonight I will explain everything. And you will not ask any questions till I have finished, got it?"

Kaji suddenly turned the engine of his motorboat as they drifted into fog. "We are getting closer to our destination. We need to be as quiet as possible."

Tazuna was looking at the Genin before looking toward the direction that the boat was heading in. "These kids…in a way I am glad that my grandson is not a Ninja."

Naruto turned to look out at the body of water again before he grabbed the side of the boat and shook his head. "Damn."

"What is wrong Naruto?" Sakura said softly but with a hint of fear in her voice, both for fear as to what was happening and what would happen to her if Naruto got pissed with her.

"I will tell you when I explain to you about my powers when we get to Tazuna's place." Naruto said as his vision got blurry.

"He is basically weaker without electricity in the area and out of power. It is a good job that I brought this along then." Kakashi pulled out a scroll before releasing what looked like a metal sphere with numerous lights on it and a blue core in the centre of the device that glowed a bright blue and was oscillating around what looked like a gem or a stone of some sort in the dead centre.

Naruto glared at him before looking at the sphere. "What is it?"

"This is a device that will restore your energy to maximum and will recharge itself so you will never be out of energy." Kakashi said as he handed the device to Naruto who held it in his hands and instantly felt a bit better being in close contact with electricity. "The Hokage had it developed for you."

"I will need to thank Jiji-san when we get back for this." Naruto spoke as he kept hold of it. "What is it called?"

"It has no name, none that I know of anyway."

"Then for now…The Recharge will do for a name." Naruto smiled. Soon the boat arrived on the shore of the Land of Waves and disembarked from the boat while Kaji bid them farewell and good luck. Naruto looked at The Recharge and started to drain it of its energy as everyone watched as it started to flow into him slowly. Soon Naruto grinned as he stopped and passed The Recharge back to Kakashi. "Fully charged. I feel wonderful."

"Unfortunately that is the only down side to The Recharge, if you drain it completely it takes twenty four hours before it can be used again." Kakashi pointed to a clock on the top of The Recharge that showed 23:59:36 and was counting down.

Naruto nodded understanding the downside as they started to trek towards Tazuna's home but Sasuke asked something. "So what happens to you when you are out of energy and in an area with no electricity?"

"I told you I will tell you when I explain everything to you about my powers later!" Naruto shouted getting aggravated with the questions his teammates where asking him.

"Naruto you really need to be nicer especially to your teammates." Kakashi said sternly.

Naruto just growled before storming ahead of the group to try and cool down before he lost control again. Kakashi just sighed and look sadly at the young Jinchūriki Conduit. His thoughts were interrupted by Tazuna speaking to him. "He really does have trusting issues."

"You have no idea."

In another part of the world a dark figure suddenly appeared in a dark room with a rainbow coloured outline. The only thing that stood out from the figure was the eyes, the same eyes as the The Sage of the Six Paths. As the dark figure stabilised a second more feminine dark figure with the same rainbow coloured outline appeared beside the first figure though nothing stood out from this figure. "Remind me why we are doing this again?" The second figure spoke with caution in her voice.

The first figure spoke in a deep voice. "We are here because according to Madara Uchiha it is…"

"…in your best interest." Both figures turned towards the direction of the voice and waited as the voice spoke again. "I am glad you decided to talk to me. You can call me The Saviour."

"Why did you want to speak to us?" The second figure said with a harsh tone and distrust in her voice.

"Well that is very rude of you to not introduce yourselves is it…Konan, God's Angel?" The second figure, now known as Konan, took a step back as if recoiling which made The Saviour smile slightly.

"H…how di…did you know my name?" Konan asked with a shaky voice. "Do we have a leak? No, it is impossible that we could have one."

"Relax Konan. Anyone with a good spy network would have found out about us eventually. Madara Uchiha must be working with The Saviour and passed the information on when we agreed to meet him. So you must know that my name is Pain then. Are you going to tell us what this is about or not?"

"I am going to tell you…Nagato." The Saviour grinned again as the first figure, Pain or Nagato's rippled eyes widened in shock. "You see your group and my, shall we say Organisation, have a common goal. And I am sure you know the saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." If you join us we will achieve our goal completely."

Nagato looked suspiciously at The Saviour after his statement. "Then why do we have to join your Organisation?"

"Because if we were to join we would just be planning to capture the Bijū and would end up destroying years of planning. If you join us, you could carry on your part but we would organise our part of the plan to use the Bijū effectively. Plus Madara, who is really in charge of the Akatsuki, is already part of us. We just need the rest of you on board." The Saviour replied.

"We will use the Bijū effectively anyway. We do not need you to help us or Madara." Nagato said sternly and was just about to cut the connection when The Saviour spoke again.

"You wish to use them for war and to threaten the world into peace. I would use them as an actual weapon but not against the world. But against something far more dangerous."

"And what is that then?" Konan spoke softly.

The Saviour smiled as suddenly The Saviour's eyes glowed and connected with both Nagato and Konan's eyes as they suddenly had a look of horror on their face. "It would be easier if I showed you. Now open your eyes and your minds to me."

Naruto just kept storming ahead, trying to put as much distance between himself and his teammates as quickly as possible. Growling he fired some bolts towards some trees as he passed them by. He knew they would not do any damage but it made him feel a little better regardless. He knew getting angry with his so called teammates over something as silly as not listening but he always believed that not listening can get you killed in the field. Then Kurama spoke to him again. "Kit. You have to remember that both of them have not been trained like you have. It will take them time."

"I know Kurama. It is just…"

"You think everyone who will get close to you will betray you. You won't know unless you open up. If someone betrays you then you kick their ass." Kurama said with a somewhat sadistic smile on his face.

"That is always your answer." Naruto said with a genuine smile.

Kurama was about to respond when suddenly the area around him got misty. Naruto growled suddenly before calming himself down. He could feel that this mist laced with Chakra and decided to send out a quick Radar Pulse to try and see. As quick as he sent one out he saw someone close to him ready to strike and quickly rolled to the side to avoid the overhead strike of the attacker's sword as it struck the ground. Naruto readied himself for another attack when the mist became thinker then before as the attacker spoke in a gruff voice. "How did you see me?"

Grinning Naruto spoke back, "A good Ninja never reveals his tricks." Naruto looked around trying to pinpoint where the voice was coming from before summoning his Gigawatt Blade on his right arm.

"No matter then. You won't be able to dodge next time." Naruto was having a hard time pinpointing the voice as it sounded like it was coming from every direction. "Eight points…larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys and heart. Now then, which will be my attack points?" Naruto sent out another Radar Pulse but found that it was that misty he could pick nothing up. Before Naruto could react to the second attack the sound of metal clashing caught his attention making him turn to look to his side.

"Yo Naruto."

"Wolf-San?" Naruto shook himself out of his shock at what just happened before moving away from them and Kakashi pushed the attacker back before moving beside Naruto. "I can't believe I let him get the jump on me."

"Naruto, do not beat yourself up about this. You have not trained against someone who can use any Mist Jutsu. Plus he is a powerful Missing Nin from Kirigakure. Please protect Tazuna with Sasuke and Sakura." Kakashi said getting into a Taijutsu stance while holding a Kunai in his right hand.

Naruto nodded looking and finding his team and the client nearby and moved towards them as his blade slowly dispersed. "Damn. What a waste of energy. Ok you old drunk stay close."

"Well, if it isn't Sharingan no Kakashi. I was wondering how a Gaki like that could manage to survive my Hidden Mist and Silent Killing Technique." The Missing Nin said as he stood across from Kakashi resting his sword on his shoulder. He was a tall and noticeably muscular man with pale skin, short spiky black hair, brown eyes, and small eyebrows. He was wearing bandages like a mask over the bottom half of his face and wore his forehead protector sideways on his head. He was shirtless, with his chest only covered by a belt to which he attached his sword to. He wore baggy pants with a striped pattern typical of Kirigakure and mimetic wrist-warmers extending up to his elbows, with matching leg-warmers.

"Zabuza Momochi, The Demon of the Hidden Mist. I am surprised you are here to be honest. I guess I am going to have to go all out." Kakashi spoke as he lifted his head band, uncovering his left eye to reveal a Sharingan eye.

"A Sharingan, but how?" Sasuke was surprised. He knew Kakashi's nickname but he thought it was just rumours but this was proof. He had to find out how his Sensei had an eye from his clan.

"Bringing out the Sharingan right at the start? Well I must say I am honored that you would grace me with your Sharingan so quickly, but that means I will have to fight all out as well."

Nagato and Konan had been released from The Saviour's strange eyes. Their image still just stood still but their faces had a look of horror on them. "You saw everything didn't you? I see it every single second of every single day and it haunts me even though I have seen those images hundreds of times."

"Was that real?" Nagato asked.

"Some yes. It is the future if you carry on with your current plan without joining us. I promise you this world will burn and die. But if you join us and help us we can stop it from happening."

"We…will join you." Konan spoke while breathless. She just wanted the images out of her head.

"Yes we will join to stop the world from falling. We will help you any way we can. The Akatsuki is under your command completely." Nagato said softly.

"Thank you. For now keep planning to capture the Jinchūriki. I will contact you when you are ready to meet the rest of us." Nagato and Konan nodded before their images faded away slowly.

"That went well." Itachi said as he walked towards The Saviour. Despite his status as an infamous shinobi, Itachi's appearance was not the most intimidating, apart from the intensity of his gaze. He had black hair with bangs that framed his face, and a low-tied ponytail which reached down into his upper back but was obscured by the high collar of the Akatsuki cloak he wore which was black with red clouds and a red lining on the inside of the cloak. Itachi's most distinguishing features were the long, pronounced tear-troughs under his eyes. He wore a slashed Konoha forehead protector. He also wore purple nail polish on his fingers and toes and a necklace which had three metal rings. On his right ring finger was his Akatsuki ring, which was red and bore the kanji for Vermilion.

"I never expected you to use your sight on them though. From the look in their eyes I am glad I joined straight away." A new voice spoke as he stepped forward and stood beside Itachi. He was a very tall and muscular shinobi, even taller than Itachi. He had a distinctive shark-like appearance, complete with blue-grey skin, small, round, white eyes, gill-like facial markings under his eyes, and actual gills on his shoulders and sharp triangular teeth. He also styled his blue hair in the form of a shark fin. He wore dark-purple nail polish and also a modified version of Kirigakure's forehead protector with a scratch on the metal, which covered his ears. He wore an Akatsuki cloak exactly the same as Itachi and his Akatsuki ring on his left ring finger, bearing the kanji for South which was yellow in colour.

"Well Kisame, unlike you who has a very open mind, Nagato has a very closed minded view on the world and only his plan would work. All I needed to do was open his eyes and show him another way." The Saviour said softly with a smile at the strange man known as Kisame.

Before anyone else could speak another voice announced itself, which had two tones to it a slightly higher tone and one that was very deep, that sounded like it was coming from the room itself. "Have they gone?"

"Yes Zetsu, they have left." Itachi spoke as a third figure, known as Zetsu, appeared in the room from the floor. "How goes the information gathering?"

"Very well Itachi. I have all the information you requested Saviour-Sama." Zetsu said as he stood in front of The Saviour. Zetsu was easily distinguished by the two large Venus fly-trap like extensions that envelop his head and upper body, giving him a plant-like appearance. He had short green hair, yellow eyes and also his body has two different coloured halves. His left side is completely white, while the right side is almost entirely black. Under his Akatsuki cloak, Zetsu wore blue pants and sandals. He also has both legs wrapped in bandages. Unlike White Zetsu, who possesses human-like facial features and a proper eye, Black Zetsu shows no visible orifices at all and only his iris is visible. Black Zetsu also has white dots along the edges of his body where the two halves meet; these are not flat markings, but rather protrude from his body, like little white bumps. White Zetsu also has unusually rounded teeth. He wore his Akatsuki ring on his right little finger bearing the kanji for Boar and was green in colour.

"Very good Zetsu. Let's see what you have." The Saviour's eyes connected with Zetsu's eyes as the memories on the mission passed over. "Excellent work. Keep following Naruto exactly how you are but also be warned. We will be releasing Project Alpha sooner than expected. Also contact Madara for me. I wish to see him." Zetsu nodded before disappearing into the floor again.

"Project Alpha? Already?" Itachi asked with a hint of worry in his voice. "Are you sure that it is wise?"

"I am sure. Naruto's powers are growing very quickly in a very short space of time. We need to see if this is affecting him in any way and weakening him at all."

"But this could kill the kid!" Kisame said loudly trying to get across to The Saviour that it was a bad idea.

"I know Kisame."


The Saviour turned and looked at Kisame before speaking again. "A little thing called hope Kisame. You should try it sometime."

"Why would you need to hope Saviour-Sama? You can see the future." Itachi spoke quietly to try to keep things calm.

"Out of all the possibilities, he survives in half of them. And before you ask it would be better for him if we release it now. It will make him stronger then releasing it on him later."

The sound of metal striking metal echoed around area as Kakashi moved back from a powerful strike that Zabuza had unleashed on him readying himself again for another attack. However he never had a chance to breathe as Zabuza quickly struck again. Kakashi quickly blocked with his Kunai before using everything he had to push him back and tried to strike a killing blow but Zabuza managed to duck under the attack and tried slashing upward with his sword. Kakashi using his Sharingan managed to dodge the attack at the very last second and stabbed the Mist Nin in the neck on his left side. But what shocked him was that Zabuza turned into water.

"Behind you." Zabuza suddenly attacked Kakashi from behind has his attack hit home cleaving the Jōnin Sensei in two, separating the legs from the body causing Kakashi to turn into water as well. "A Water Clone? But how?"

"A good ninja never reveals his tricks." Kakashi said appearing a good distance away.

Zabuza glared at Kakashi but turn his glance to Naruto who had said the same thing not too long ago. Tightening his grip on his sword, he moved to close the gap between him and Kakashi and swung his sword at him trying to cleave him in two.

Naruto watched as Kakashi attacked, parried and dodged Zabuza and his sword as Zabuza did exactly the same. He was currently in a predicament with his thoughts. He knew he had to protect the client as that was the mission and his current job but he also knew that Kakashi was currently having trouble with the enemy and needed help. Before he could choose what to do he saw Kakashi deliver a sweeping kick to try and trip up Zabuza who jumped over the kick and swung his sword down hard. Kakashi blocked it with his kunai but the force of the attack pushed Kakashi into the water behind him. "WOLF-SAN GET OUT OF THE WATER!"

Zabuza however had already moved behind Kakashi, finished his hand seals and shouted, "Water Prison Jutsu!" The next thing Kakashi felt was Water surrounding and encasing him in a ball, restricting his movements, as Zabuza placed his hand inside to keep the Jutsu active as a water clone appeared in front of him. "Now then I guess I can let me clone deal with your brats and the target."

Kakashi sighed before seeing Naruto move to stand opposite Zabuza's clone. "Naruto what do you think…?"

"Relax Wolf-San. Besides…" Naruto suddenly had electricity sparking from him as he dropped into his fighting stance and smirked, "…I know I can beat him and free you."

"You got guts kid, I will give you that. But when I was your age my hands were already stained with blood." The Clone said as he gripped his sword. "My village named me The Demon of the Hidden Mist because I killed over one hundred students who were all partaking in the final exam, a series of death matches between graduating students, when I was not even an Academy Student myself."

Naruto looked at him before chuckling lightly. "I guess we are both demons then." Zabuza looked strangely at Naruto as did his teammates and their client before he spoke again. "Two years ago I was tricked into killing an entire village…Araganegakure, The Hidden Ore Village! I ended up killing an entire village with a single device!" Naruto suddenly had a look in his eye that made him seem more sadistic as his electricity arced even more. "And because of that I have these powers which I will use to kill you!"

Zabuza had a look of shock on his face as did everyone else excluding Kakashi as one thought went through Zabuza's head. "This kid destroyed a village! Just who is he?" Shaking the thought out of his head he steeled himself and readied his blade and Naruto moved forward to attack, his hands sparking.

And that is it for now. So might as well get on with Reviewer Responces:

Goddess of Night Eternal Faith: Thank you for saying that. You always review and I am thankful for that.

The Storm13: I talked to you over PM and if you do see any, then PM me as soon as and I will sort them out as quickly as possible. Also this is being posted at about 5pm not 5am this time lol.

Wolfone10: Thank you for saying that. That makes me happy.

Assassinstar: Here is the update lol.

Have a Little Feith: I honestly like you're thinking but the only thing I can safely say is anyone within reason could be The Saviour. Naruto and the Genin are excluded.

And finally a stupid response from a stupid person:

Flameus: All I say to you is this…Go and crawl back under your little rock and stay there because you are not needed. Sorry but you did not review a chapter but a comment made to another reviewer and you insulted my intelligence. That is a big big BIG NO in my book. Also you have no idea where this story is going to go. I do so do NOT talk about things thinking you know about it when you do not. UNDERSTAND?!

Here are Naruto's Powers so far for those of you that have not played the inFAMOUS games:

Lightning/Electric Bolt: Lighting/Electric Bolt is Naruto's basic attack. It damages a single target, and does only moderate damage. The best part is that it uses no power, so it has unlimited ammunition. This move can be influenced by Naruto's emotions and become Light or Dark and is unlocked to the first of each Light and Dark Versions.

Light versions:

Righteous Blow (Guardian): Restores a moderate amount of energy each time Naruto successfully hit an enemy. Unlocked

Dark Version:

Sadistic Blow (Thug): Defeated enemies have a change of triggering an electric explosion before dying. Unlocked

Shockwave:Shockwave is a short range push that affects all the enemies in front of Naruto. It is especially effective on buildings where he can push enemies off the side and let them fall to their deaths. When used on the ground, it will push an enemy over, but won't usually kill them. Naruto will either want to finish the job with another power or restrain them before they get back up. This move can be influenced by Naruto's emotions and become Light or Dark and is unlocked to the first of each Light and Dark Versions.

Light Versions:

Guardian: People caught in the blast temporarily float in the air. Unlocked

Dark Versions:

Thug: People and objects caught in the core of the blast get electrified. Unlocked

Electric Drain: Electric Drain recharges Naruto's energy and heals him. Anything that has electricity running through it, Naruto can drain. This move is not influenced by Naruto's emotions (except for colour) and is already at Rank 2.

Rank 1: Increases the speed of electricity drain. Unlocked

Rank 2: Automatically recharge energy by grinding on electrified wires. Unlocked

Polarity Wall: Polarity Wall is a shield. This move is not influenced by Naruto's emotions (except for colour) and is already fully unlocked.

Rank 1: Restores a small amount of energy every time a projectile is blocked. Unlocked

Rank 2: Increases the wall size to shield himself and anyone standing next to him. Unlocked

Gigawatt Blades: Naruto forms blades of pure energy around each of his hands or doubles the size and has it around one hand. They cause massive amounts of damage when used as a melee attack. This technique channels a large high concentration of electricity to Naruto's hands that is so great it becomes visible. Once the technique is completed, Naruto charges forward and thrusts the blades into the target killing the target instantly if the target is relatively weak otherwise it will leave them severely injured. They are one-use weapons and must be re-triggered every time he uses them on an enemy unless he has both on the same hand then he can use it twice before he needs to re-trigger them. The cost it consumes is three battery cores making it the one of the most draining of his powers. They will also be deactivated with time if he does not use it on someone. This move is not influenced by Naruto's emotions (except for colour) and is already fully unlocked.

Rank 1: Increased melee damage. Unlocked

Rank 2: Further increased melee damage. Unlocked

Rank 3: Maximum melee damage. Unlocked

Arc Restraint: Arc Restraint is used to capture wounded enemies and costs nothing to use. Doing so will allow Naruto to start finding peace with himself unless he was enraged beforehand or during it. If he is in a rage when he uses this, he can use Arc restraint and then kill them for an Execution allowing his rage to build up more. This move is not influenced by Naruto's emotions (except for colour) and is unlocked.

Precision: Precision is a bit like a sniper rifle. When activated, Naruto's vision can zoom in and out and time slows down for him but to everyone else his speed increases making him a blur. Naruto's eyes get what look like crosshairs over the top of his pupils. When he fires, it fires a high-damage shot. It has very long range, but uses a lot of energy to activate, uses energy over time and uses extra energy to fire shots off making it the most draining power Naruto has at the moment. Precision does not have any upgrades but Lightning/Electric Bolt's upgrades affect it. This move can be influenced by Naruto's emotions through Lightning/Electric Bolt and is unlocked.

Radar Pulse: Naruto can use this to find electrical devices or detect people hidden as well as tell if they are friend or foe, almost like how some bats use Sonar to see in the dark, by sending out a pulse of energy from his body. When Naruto uses Psychic Vision on a human corpse, it can be used to detect the echo Naruto sees ether being someone related to the recently deceased or the killer to track them down.

Now that this chapter is done I can work on my other stories more now and finish their chapters quicker now. I am back with a vengeance and I will finish all my stories including my planned ones.

Until next time

Reven of Darkness