AN: Before you start reading, this is a sequel to my previous story, "What just happened?" which I recommend reading first!

I'm magic

POV: Rose

"Rose, we're going out darling," called my mother from downstairs.

I shot up from my bed in surprise and ran out to the landing,

"Where are you going?" I said, leaning over the banister.

"Just Diagon Alley, we're out of floo powder and a few other bits and bobs, we won't be long, only an hour or two," she smiled.

I smiled back joyfully, "Ok!" and waited anxiously for the telltale pop of their apparition. I then dug into my pocket, retrieving a small circular mirror, about the size of my palm.

"Scorpius," I yelled at the mirror.

Eventually a pale face appeared within the plastic green casing, "Hello?"

"Finally! Do you want to come over to mine?" I said excitedly.

"Is that, 'Do you want to come over to mine because my father has finally decided to forgive me for having a Death Eater family, wants us to be together, get married and call him Daddy?"

"No… but I do have the house to myself for a couple of hours."

There was loud pop followed by quick knocking on my front door.

Thank god one of us was seventeen and can apparate, I thought as I raced down the stairs, tore open the door and flung myself at him.

We were two weeks into the summer holidays, and had not seen each other since we'd said our sickenly sweet goodbyes on platform 9 and ¾. We really were quite disgustingly happy, I actually judged myself for it. Though to compensate in my mind, I had started a few arguments over our two months together. The best so far had been when I told him he was performing his wand motions in "Wingardium Leviosa" wrong. He actually ended up storming out. But we made up passionately after. Oh god, I'm a hideous member of a happy couple. I should be ostracized immediately.

We kissed fervently on the doorstep for about five minutes before I finally pulled apart and led him upstairs. Closing the door behind us we fell to the bed, beginning to lose ourselves in our teenage passion, until something sent chills up my spine and a block of lead to my stomach.

The front door slamming.

We both jumped up in horror, hissing expletives under our breath as my Dad yelled "Rose!" rushing up the stairs two at a time by the sound of it.

"Ronald!" yelled my mother angrily from the front door.

In desperation, I shoved Scorpius into my wardrobe and rushed back to sit on my bed, just as Dad flung open the door.

"Where is he?" he demanded.

"Who?" I said, picking up a magazine and casually flipping through it.

"Seriously Rose," said my Dad, "Really. Are we really going to do this? …I'm magic."

I stared at him petulantly.

He sighed "Homenum Revlio," paused a second, went to my wardrobe, and opened the door.

"Hello Mr Weasley," said Scorpius.

"Get out."

"Goodbye Mr Weasley," and he scrambled for the door as quickly as he could.


I stood up, slammed the magazine down on my desk and stared at my father angrily.

I suppose I was emanating my mother, because he did shy away ever so slightly.

"Goodbye Mrs Weasley," I heard Scorpius say as he passed my mother downstairs.

"Goodbye Scorpius dear, sorry about Ron…" and I heard the front door close.

"What did I say Rose?" hissed my father, folding his arms across his chest and staring at me.

"I'm a narrow minded git who wouldn't know a truly good person if they punched him in the face?" I said, folding my arms too.

He stared at me in outrage, opening his mouth to chastise me, but I interrupted him.

"How did you know he was here," I said sharply.

He stopped, tongue tied.

"Yes Ronald," said my mother, appearing behind him, "How did you know?"

"Well I…"

"How, Dad?"

"I may have set up a charm… or two."

"Oh for god's sake Dad. What is it going to take for you to trust him? Maybe he should what, stand up for me? No wait, he already did that, I don't know, risk his life to save me? No, did that too, that's clearly not good enough, why don't you bounce some ideas around Dad, or you know what, better yet, just get out."

"Now Rose, I…"

"Please, Dad. Just go. I've heard it all," I said sadly, turning my back on him and sitting on my bed, gazing forlornly out of my window.

"Rosie I…"

"Please…" I said quietly, injected a small sob into my voice.

I heard him hesitate, and then shuffle slowly out ashamedly. He should be feeling plenty guilty now.

I got up and closed my door, laying back down heavily on the bed and pulling out my concealed two-way mirror. They were now standard issue from Weasley's Wizard Wheeze's, available in a range of shapes and colours. They were easy to conceal and had an anti-summoning charms on them, so despite being banned from Hogwarts they were in common use, and my Dad had failed to confiscate mine yet as he already had my mobile phone and eagle owl Horus.

I waited a long time for Scorpius to appear. I was beginning to worry that he was angry until suddenly his face popped into the circle,

"Scorpius I'm so sorry, I…"

"I just had some news."

"Oh, sorry, what's happened?"

"Apparently my grandfather is dying…"

I raised my eyebrows in shock, "You don't mean…?"

"Yes, I mean Lucius Malfoy. He wants to meet me."

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

AN: Ok... so forgive me, this was a little bit teenagery... but I thought it nice to start light-hearted! Please review, and why don't you let me know what kind of stuff you'd like to see in the sequel?