After a couple of minutes of Shannon abseiling down, with Michael and Lawson slowly releasing the cables bit by bit, Shannon got onto her coms.

"I'm in position, just about to get over the railing now." Shannon whispered.

"Be careful Shannon." Lawson said.

"Lawson we just arrived, where do you want us?" Josh asked.

"I need you to get general duties to make sure that footpath below us on the west side of the building is clear of any pedestrians or bystanders and keep Stella down there, I need Christian up here, and I need you to meet the manager outside room 214 on level 7, send him away, as soon as Christian comes to take over I will be coming down to you." Lawson said.

"Copy that Lawson." Josh said motioning to the other two to go where they were needed.

"Alright Lawson, I am on the balcony, his heading towards me." Shannon said.

"Alright Shannon, take it slowly." Lawson said.

"What are you doing here?" the drunken man asked Shannon as he slid the door open.

"I am here to help you, my name is Sargent Shannon Henry, what's your name?" she asked.

"Charles, Charles Dickson." He said heading towards the balcony wall.

"How about you step away from the edge there, I am worried about your safety." She says as he looks her up and down.

"Oh you came down from the top did you; I see you're all geared up." Charles says as he laughs and takes a seat on the edge of the balcony on top of the railing.

"Can I take a seat next to you?" Shannon asks knowing this could end badly if she didn't.

"Yeah, sure why not, the more the merrier." He says staring up at the roof.

"You won't be able to see anything from this position; my workmates are up on level 9." She said.

"So why did they call you?" he asks.

"Well Charles, if you're going to threaten to cause yourself self-harm they are going to call us." Shannon said.

"All I wanted was one more drink." Charles said.

"Well rules are there for a reason." Shannon said.

"Some rules were made to be broken though, have you ever broken the rules?" Charles asks swinging his legs.

"Well it depends on the situation, sometimes I have to at work I guess to ensure we get the result we want." Shannon says slowly shuffling over to him.

"Have you broken any rules lately?" he asks.

"I guess you could say I have." She says.

"Are you currently in a relationship at the moment?" he asks.

Knowing that everyone could hear her through her gear she said "Not at the moment, just waiting for the right guy."

"If only we weren't in this situation, we could have met on better terms, hit it off more than we have already." Charles said.

"I thought we were doing alright so far." Shannon said.

"We were, are you happy with your life at the moment?" he asks her.

"I am very happy in my life, things have started to turn around for me in the past year, I don't think I could ask for anything more than what I have already, how about you?" she asks.

"I used to be, but then things turned to shit." Charles said.

"Well things do get better, they just take time." Shannon said taking hold of his hand.

"Do you think so?" he asks.

"Hey Lawson." Stella said into her coms as she looked up at the building, having moved everyone along and General Duties cordoning off the area.

"Yeah Stella." Lawson says as soon as Christian had hold of the cables.

"Both Shannon and the guy are sitting on the edge of the balcony, she is holding his hand and he is swinging his legs a lot." Stella says worrying about her colleague.

"Copy that Stella." Lawson said.

"Don't worry, we got it here, we are ready if need be." Christian says and Lawson runs back down to level 7.


"I don't want to be like this Shannon." Charles said.

"I know, we can get you help, but you need to get off this balcony." She said.

"Okay." He said trying to get ready to get off the balcony.

"Hey guys, you need to get ready, it looks like he is trying to get off the balcony." Stella yells into her coms.


"We need to break down this door now Josh." Lawson said.

"Yep on it." Josh says getting ready to knock it down.

"On my count, one, two, three." Lawson says as Josh rams the door and it falls down.

Entering the building they see two people falling over the edge.

"Oh shit." Josh says and they both run to the balcony.


"Keep holding on tightly Michael." Christian says as they both lean back putting all their force into holding onto the cables as they dig their feet into the ground.

"Michael and Christian, they are both safe, you need to help pull them up a bit until Josh and Lawson can help pull them back over the balcony." Stella says.

"Alright, let's start pulling them up." Christian says as they start pulling the cables back.

"That's it guys, hold it there, Lawson and Josh are pulling them over now, they have the guy, now they are getting Shan." Stella says into her coms while looking up.

After having finished their shifts and writing up their reports, Shannon left base to go and drop a couple of things at the investment property.

Walking in and seeing Michael's laptop open, she puts down the stuff and moves the mouse around so she can turn it off.

Seeing the camera feed on the screen, she decides to rewind it back to see if any other people had actually tried to steal anything from the house, but what she saw made her blood boil, and she pulled out her phone.

Angrily typing into her phone, she sends a sms to both Lawson and Michael telling them to meet her there and she sits at the table and waits.

Hearing two cars pull up and hearing the doors slam shut, she stands at the table ready to blow her top off.

"Hey Shannon, what's up?" Michael asks as they walk in.

"This is what's up." She says briefly playing the video before closing it down.

"Was this what you guys were talking about earlier when we pulled over?" Shannon asks with her voice rising by the second.

As they stood their quietly with their eyes saying it all, she says "Well are you going to answer me or not?"

"Yeah, we were talking about this." Michael says.

"And you knew about this?" Shannon asks Lawson.

"I only found out this morning when we were talking about it." Lawson asks.

"I can't look at either of you right now; I will see you at work tomorrow, and that video better be deleted with no disks made off it." Shannon says before storming out and slamming the door shut.

"Well that went relatively well." Michael says as Lawson shakes his head.