AN: Yes I live. I am soo sorry this took forever to get anywhere. I had a bunch of personal stuff come up when I first started this, then I had the brilliant idea to finish my other two first since I had an outline and knew how they were ending. But they took forever, I have moved 3 times in the last 3 years, changed jobs 3 times, and am now getting married in two weeks. I am not trying to make excuses but I can't help but feel guilty because I really like writing this. Anyway the main reason this chapter is out is because of amiser2 for poking me and reminding me I have 3 stories I'm currently working on not just two. Anyway I'd love some feedback on this, sorry again!

Chapter 3: Call Me Sensei

Sakura sighed as she looked through her old anatomy text book skimming through it and wondering just how she was going to do this. She couldn't use her old text book, she was a book worm and loved studying so she had no problem working her way though this complicated book. But normal 12 year old wanna-be ninjas probably couldn't wrap their heads around things like the different veins and arteries of the body, the different parts of the brain, or the different parts of the small intestine; but she was having trouble bringing the information they needed down to their level without writing her own damn book. She moved her head as a pair of shorts went sailing passed as Naruto continued his energetic hunt for his lost frog coin pouch. In the end she decided to stay with Naruto this week. She could have went home to her mom, but she knew her mom would try and help her work this out, but she also knew herself well enough to know in the end she'd snap at her because her mom was still a civilian and while meaning well, couldn't possibly understand what had happened. So to avoid the problem altogether she stayed with Naruto. Though she was considering putting a little money aside and hiring a genin team to come over and clean up this sty one day while he was gone. If her apartment was bad, this was abysmal. She scooted a little to her right as some pants landed in the spot she had just vacated.

"Naruto seriously how could you loose your coin pouch, I thought you just had it yesterday?"

"I did! That's why this is so annoying!" She sighed closing the book to turn and look at him.

"Ok yesterday you went with me to the mini-mart and I bought a frozen pizza pocket and you bought a few things of cup ramen. We got back here and sat down to eat. Where was it then?"

"It was still in my jacket, I remember because I took my jacket off and it jingled."

"Ok, then you left your jacket there until you went to bed last night, I remember because I was cleaning the kitchen and told you to grab it, so you took it in your room then what?"

"Ok then I got dressed in my night cloths," he said as he shut his eyes trying to recall the night before. "Then I was thinking I was going out for ramen today and I was really happy and wanted to make sure I didn't forget my wallet so I..." His eyes popped open as if finally realizing something.

"...You?" He now looked sheepish as he rubbed the back of his head before muttering something. "Naruto," she said telling him he'd better tell her what he finally remembered.

"I put it under my pillow so I wouldn't forget," he said softly his face red in embarrassment and went to his room where she heard a jingle and he returned with the little bloated frog purse. She couldn't help the small smile that made it's way on her face at his embarrassment. "Ne, Sakura-chan, what do you seem so stressed about?" He made his way over to the couch and plopped down next to her.

"I'm trying to figure out what text books I need for classes, Tsunade wanted to know by the end of the week." He made a face when she said textbook but continued listening.

"So what's the problem?"

"I'm only teaching basic medical training, I never actually did basic, I started at a more advances level then most. So all the books I used are way too advanced for their age, I was thinking of going to the bookstore but even then I don't know how much info is too much and how much info isn't enough. It's been a while since I was that age, it's hard to remember what we already knew then." He stifled a snicker and she glared weakly at him.

"I'm sorry Sakura-chan, but you just sounded old." She hit his shoulder playfully. "Oh come on the way you said it made it sound like your 30 instead of 20."

"Sometimes it feels like it's been that long." Naruto looked like he was thinking hard trying to help her with her problem, even though she was pretty sure he had no idea how to. That was what she liked about her teammate, even if he had no idea how to help it wouldn't stop him from trying.

"Wait Sakura-chan, come with me to Ichiraku!"

"Huh? Listen Naruto I know you think ramen can fix everything but-"

"No, no, no. It's not that. I'm meeting Iruka-sensei for ramen today. He's been a teacher at the academy forever." She snorted at his over exaggeration and knew Iruka would hit him upside the head for that if he found out. "So you could ask him for help, he'd know how stupid the kids are." For that she did smack him upside the head.

"They're not stupid, I just have to teach at their level if they're going to understand." He rubbed the back of his head but kept smiling.

"Anyway Iruka-sensei would know where they're at." She thought it over and found he was probably right. Iruka had been teaching for a while and he'd probably know better then most, Naruto had ended up helping her once again.

"Yeah you're right." He smiled widely like a puppy being praised. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to buy you a bowl," she added as she got up and grabbed her side bag and put the few texts she was looking over in there while throwing on her jacket. Naruto's face crumpled as she caught on to what he was thinking. Even if she wasn't going to use the texts she could try and show him and see what he could suggest. It took them no time at all to make their way to the small stand. They made their way out to the west side of the village to the ramen stand and saw Iruka already waiting on a stool. He waved as he caught sight of Naruto but seemed surprised to see Sakura with him.

"Naruto! Ah, Sakura good to see you, what brings you out here?" He smiled though it seemed a bit weaker then usual. 'He probably heard about Ino,' she thought feeling a pang. He was the kind of teacher who always looked out for his students even when they weren't his students anymore and was probably a bit worried about her, and she wouldn't doubt he was also silently grieving over Ino.

"I was over at Naruto's place and helping him find his frog," at this Naruto blushed. "And was having a problem and he thought maybe you could help me." They finally sat down on the stools, Sakura sitting next to Iruka so she could continue the conversation, Naruto sitting on the other side of Iruka. But before they could continue the conversation Ayame the Ramen owners daughter came over to take their orders.

"Naruto, Sakura this is your third time together here this week, are you two dating?" Of course she was just being nice, but Sakura knew she shouldn't encourage such things. Naruto started blushing and started to reply but Sakura cut him off.

"No, it's not like that. I'm staying over at his place while mine is is being fixed up." Naruto's face fell but he didn't correct her. Iruka's face seemed to say 'shot down again.' They all quickly ordered.

"So Sakura, what kind of problem can I help you with?"

"Well I know you've heard about next semester we're going to start teaching basic medical training at the academy. I was trying to figure out the kind of text books to use for the course, but...well I kind of skipped the basics and went into more advanced medical training. There really wasn't a 'basic' for Tsunade-sama, it was all or nothing."

"Wait, you're teaching that class?!" He was genuinely surprised and she felt a bit put out by his reaction. 'Is it really that odd to think I can teach?'

"Well I figure if they can let Shikamaru teach every now and then, than I should be a shoe in," she said with a tight smile letting him know she was a bit sore with his last comment.

"Ah that's not what I meant," he said quickly looking a bit flustered. It was odd to see him like that, maybe it was just because she never saw him as more then a teacher, but soon enough she was going to be a co-worker. It was kind of cute. She almost choked on her spit at the thought, 'I did not just think that!' She quickly stomped that thought dead but not before a light blush spread on her face.

"Sakura are you ok, you're face looks a little pink?"

"Oh really? Maybe its the chill in the air," she said trying to downplay it. There was no wind but it was in the 40s so she could chalk it up to the chill. "But what did you mean then," she pressed wanting to know why he was so surprised she was teaching.

"Ah well," he stumbled again before sighing in defeat. "I'm not trying to be offensive but with what happened on your last mission I didn't think you'd be up for a challenge right now." She felt a stab to her heart and tried to keep the pain at bay. She knew he wasn't trying to intentionally bring bad things up and she understood where he was coming from but it took a minute for her to swallow the lump in her throat before she could answer him.

"Tsunade-sama thought teaching would help get my mind off of things and focus. She finally got her medical classes approved and I know how important it is, so I won't let her down," she said with a conviction that showed on her face. She was a bit surprised when she felt his hand land on her shoulder but couldn't do anything but stare.

"I'm really proud of you Sakura, and I'll do anything I can to help you and Tsunade-sama." The look her was giving her, it was more then him just being proud of her, it was like some kind of understanding, she wasn't sure what about but she just smiled back at him. Their conversation was interrupted then by Ayame arriving with their ramen which they all turned to dig in. Sakura finished fairly quickly since she was starving from skipping breakfast fretting over her dilemma. She waited for Iruka to finish eating and let her mind wander as she thought back to the academy. She wondered how much it had changed since she'd left. It seemed like she'd be stuck behind those walls forever, when becoming a genin was such a huge goal, and now as a chunin she looked back on her younger self like she had no idea what she was getting into.

"So Sakura what was it you needed help with," Iruka said breaking her from her thought, but she recovered quickly.

"Ah well," she started pulling out one of her books from the satchel. "It's textbooks. Tsunade-sama wanted me to tell her what textbooks I needed by the end of the week, but when she taught me there weren't really basics to medicine, it was all or nothing. She started me on anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, poisons. I need a good starting point for the basics class that won't go too far over their heads." She opened the book and turned it to him to flip through and he did so eyes furrowing in a few places obviously not understanding some of it.

"All the teachers at the academy have to learn basic medical jutsu but all we got was a small pamphlet really. This seems so far beyond even my league."

"I don't need to teach them everything in there, probably not even half of that for the basic class. But when I went to look at the bookstore at anatomy books and such I couldn't find anything even close to basic, and knowing the children they might give up before even starting if it seems too hard." He flipped through a few more pages before closing the book suddenly like he just realized something and turned back to her.

"You said you looked for anatomy books right?" She nodded not seeing where he was going with this. "You should try looking up science instead. It's kind of like basic biology books, you could supplement it with some handouts you can make up to go into detail on some of the things you think are important. Even the most basic books for their age group go over all the major body systems. Maybe a basic first aide book could be used as well."

"Oh my god I can't believe I overlooked something so basic! I thought I was supposed to be smart," she said exasperated. She'd been wrung out over this all morning and never thought of something so simple, of course basic science covered human biology.

"Don't feel bad, it's been, what, six years since you graduated? Sometimes you're so caught up in more advanced things you don't remember the basics. It's not like you can think back and remember things like your first words or first steps but you do know how to walk and talk."

"Jeez that sounds like something Kakashi would say." He didn't seem so please by the response.

"Please don't compare us like that, I don't want to think of myself like someone so quirky."

"He might be a bit odd but if you dig deep enough he does have some wisdom. You don't survive a war without picking up something useful."

"Jeez it's hard to believe he's only three years older then me but just a year after I became a genin the war came to a close because of things his team were doing during the war. I respect him as a ninja, but as a person...I'll leave it at that." It was amusing to see someone like Iruka was not too fond of her genin sensei. Though apparently she'd heard rumors that they'd had words before the first chunin exam. He always seemed to over protective, but it was better then teachers not caring at all.

"I guess that's just how it is people either like him or hate him. I guess in my case...he just kind of grew on me. Not that you'd see me reading any Icha Icha in public anytime soon." The look that crossed his face was hard to read as it went pink but was strained, 'I kind of wish I knew what just crossed his mind.'

"Please don't, that's all we need is someone picking up his habits." That was enough to bring a smile to her face.

"Anyway," Naruto said finally pulling himself away from his third bowl of ramen. "I think it's going to be cool, you're going to be Sakura-Sensei." She bopped him on the head but she decided to be nice and not use chakra.

"You're not my student so don't call me that. It's creepy."

"Oh come on, that's what everyone will call you. Just like everyone calls Iruka-sensei, Iruka-sensei even though we graduated. Even he'll call you Sakura-sensei."

"Eh? Wouldn't that be odd," she asked even though she was responding to Naruto she directed the question towards Iruka.

"I don't know. We will be working together so I guess I would call you sensei."

"Hmmm...I don't know if I like that. I mean it makes me feel kind of old."

"What do you mean by old?" The look he gave her once again reminded her of his impressive temper and how it was usually directed at Naruto.

"Ah, I didn't mean it like that," she said trying to appease him. "Even you probably felt a bit old when you first became a sensei, you were even younger then me then weren't you? It just seems too odd when I haven't even been out of the academy a whole 10 years yet. He looked a bit put off but seemed to have let it go.

"Anyway are you going to be at the meeting this Friday Iruka-sensei? I know sometimes you work the mission desk."

"Hmm? Oh that's right it was a meeting for everyone to meet the new teacher. Yeah it's mandatory so I'm not working the mission desk. Be warned though after the 'official' meeting is over the alcohol is going to flow. Unfortunately that's how it is with most academy meetings, once the business is over it's like that. Not that everyone drinks but the few who do you should watch out for."

"Hmm like what? Or more like who?"

"I really don't like to gossip," he said warily even though it was obvious he did want to tell her something.

"It's not gossip if it's true. You don't have to tell me everything. How about you just tell me a bit about everyone, good or bad. I heard a lot of teachers retired after the last war and a few chunin and jounin decided to start teaching at the academy instead of mission work."

"That's true, well we have changed things around a bit. You know there are five years at the academy and that we usually had 3 teachers per class years? Well they've decided to have four teachers for the first two years just because the few drop outs we have are usually in the first two years, so we have to make sure they have basic schooling that would transfer over to a civilian school."

"Ah that makes sense, I always thought we needed more teachers for the younger classes so they could focus on all academia and not just ninja arts."

"Yes then there are three teachers for third and fourth years and then two for the fifth years. You won't technically count as a teacher only because you work on a specialization and have them for a block of time instead of being their main teacher."

"Ah and then I'm also doing the extra classes as well after school."

"True, well to start with for the first years there is Atsuko Okamoto, she's a chunin and a mother of a little boy Shin who's four. Unfortunately her husband was killed two years ago when his team accidentally ran into Akatsuki and recognized them. She's kind enough but doesn't take nicely to obvious flirting when she makes sure they know she's not interested."

"Ne, you know that from experience Iruka-sensei?" Naruto pipped up but Iruka didn't look happy at the fact Naruto was also listening in but he figured it would be a moot point to not include him now.

"No Naruto unlike some people I know what the word no means. Then there is Setsuko Mishima, she is actually married to another teacher Noboru who is a third year sensei. She about five years older than him and was already at the academy for three years when he came in. Even those who hate romance couldn't help but notice how cute their puppy love was until he finally asked her out. They've been happily married for two years now. Then there is Ichiyo Nakahara, he was originally from suna but came over right after the second shinobi war to try and strengthen relations by sending families from each of the village. He's a good man though hes always comparing Konoha to Suna. Lastly for the first years is Sakumo Fujita, he's fairly energetic and a bit younger has a bit of a baby face so it's hard for some people to take him seriously."

"None of those people seem so bad, what were you worried about Iruka-sensei?" Sakura seemed baffled after what he had said earlier.

"That's because those are just the first year teachers. The second years have Nami Hokusai, she's very traditional and wears kimono and yukata all the time, and though it's hard, when you actually get her mad a you she's extremely scary and deadly. Then there is one of the ones you have to look out for. Hideki Yamawaki, he has hit on any and every female teacher in the school and even some guys who look more feminine on accident. Or at least that's what he claims, who knows? Then there's Kentaro Kaminaga, and this part might not be true but there's rumor he's ex-ANBU but no one knows why he would come to the academy of all places. While adapt at teaching the basics no one has ever seen him go all out and he refuses any sparring. Then lastly there is Chika Tsukatani, don't mistake her for a student or she'll get really pissed. She's short, bubbly, over energetic, and usually wears pig tails and clothes some of the older students would wear. Don't let her surprise you though she's older than me."

"No way, I'll believe that when I see it."

"Like I said just don't call her a kid."

"For the third years I already mentioned Noboru, then there is Saito Ihara, he kind of reminds me of Ibiki with his eye patch but he's a good guy. He has five kids and all of them are making their way through the academy his oldest will be in the fifth years with us. Then there is Reiko Oshin, she has a 6 year old girl but she's going to through civilian schooling."

"Really? I know most kids like to try and follow their parents to be a ninja."

"Apparently she was in the ninja academy last year but after a year she decided she didn't want to be a ninja so he mom transferred her. It's rare but it does happen, and her mother has her hands full. She doesn't like talking about it but the father didn't stay around. And I only know that after Hideki tried hitting on her one too many times and then tried to say her daughter needed a father. The things that guy will actually say. But on that hand then there is Rinako Uehara a fourth year teacher the bane of every single male at the school. She has hit on any and everything male and once or twice on certain women." He stopped at this point to let out a drawn out sigh. "She takes every chance she gets to try and get other teachers drunk at outings so she can 'make sure they get home alright.' The few guys that have actually tried to date her say she's a bit eccentric even for a kunoichi and quickly jumps the gun in the relationship and tries to move in after a few dates. Thankfully I only ever went on a date with her once and while not horrible I do no wish to relive it."

"That bad?"

"You don't even want to know." It took him another moment before he continued as if trying to banish a lingering memory. "Then the other fourth year sensei is Maki Nakao, she has regular classes but also teaches kunoichi classes as a special class like you're medical one. Though you wouldn't recognize her at first."


"She has a tendency to dress androgynous, she's very pretty but the way she dresses you can't tell if she is pretty or if he is pretty."

"Though she doesn't get upset over it and secretly I think she likes messing with people's heads. Lastly for the fourth years is Renji Tenshin, he is a father of two and unfortunately his wife became a missing nin after the last war and so he was left with the kids. The oldest is four so he won't be entering the academy until next year. No one knows the reason his wife left and that's for him to tell if he wants, but upon her missing nin status the hokage declared an official divorce if he would take it. He didn't at first but after his daughters first birthday came and went with no word he decided to take him up on the offer."

"That's so sad, to leave not just your village but you're family behind. I wonder what she wanted so badly."

"People have their own goals and agendas and sometimes no one but themselves will ever know the drive behind them. Then of course for the fifth years there is Shikamaru and I and then you'll be teaching the medical classes once a day for basic and after school for the advanced class. Like I said I tried to just give you the facts, gossip is already all too prominent in the teacher's lounge."

"Thank you Iruka-sensei, I think I need to head back to the bookstore now, I have a lot of work ahead of me tonight."

"It's no problem. Even though I was surprised I'm really glad you're the one they appointed to be the new academy teacher." She felt herself blush at the compliment and scratch the back of her head embarrassed.

"Thank you Iruka-sensei, that means a lot. If you have this much faith in me then I know I can do it." He gave her the same warm smile she remembered from her childhood that could always put your heart and mind at ease. She turned back to grab Naruto when she noticed his spot was vacant. She turned back to Teichu the ramen stand owner and asked where he went.

"Said something about being busy and you'd cover his tab." She eyed the stack of empty bowls and felt something inside of her snap.

"NARUTO!" Somewhere a few blocks away Naruto shivered before continuing sneakily down the alleyway. "That block head!" She turned to fish out her money but stopped when she saw Iruka put down a hand full of money.

"Don't worry Sakura-chan I got this."

"N-no please don't. I don't want you to waste your money!"

"It's fine, unfortunately Naruto does this often enough I come prepared. I think he's picking up Kakashi's bad habits," he said with a sigh.

"I'd feel really bad though, at least let me pay for mine."

"How about you get it next time?"

"Next time?"

"I don't know about you but I usually come here once or twice a week after school for a snack and to go over assignments, just come with me some time and cover me then ok?" She shook her head trying to push the unwanted thoughts out of her mind. 'He's not Naruto, he's not trying to trick you into a date, he's just being nice.'

"Fine but you really better let me pay next time."

"Promise, night Sakura-ch, ah sorry Sakura-sensei." Once again she blushed but felt herself smile all the same.

"Night Iruka-sensei."

~Page Break~

She had gone back to the bookstore that night and ransacked it buying 4 different science text books, though one was thankfully specifically biology and she decided to use that one for the textbook. Out of the 24 chapters about 18 were pertinent to her class, and then she needed to make up supplements of her own to go with it. Also, as expensive as it was she knew she had to get a computer to help with these, she mentioned this when giving Tsunade the information on the textbooks they needed to order and was surprised when she was allocated with money for the computer. She had insisted it was too much but Tsunade insisted since it was for school use it was possible. So within that same week she had also went and bought a basic desktop computer system. Her mother has owned a computer so she knew basic programs and everything she would actually need for the class. But there were plenty of others things she saw on the computer she knew nothing about. Maybe she could ask Iruka-sensei if he could help her? She knew they had computer systems at the school in the main office for keeping track of records, maybe he would know something.

So finally come Friday she had gotten her textbook request in, did a basic course outline that incorporated Tsunade's plans plus her own, and had typed up supplements for the first three weeks of class. On top of that she had to make a specific test for her students to take by the end of the week to find those who might specialize in the advanced class. So Friday night even with the warning of many drunken chunin sensei lingering in the back of her mind she figured it might not be so bad to loosen up for a night. She was already running herself ragged and she hadn't even met her students yet. She was told it was informal dress so she put on knee length black short pants, tight like her normal leggings, with 1" block heel sandals and a green zip up t-shirt with pockets on the chest and the Haruno symbol on the back. She checked herself out in the mirror, double checked she looked ok, locked her apartment (her finally clean and recently moved back into apartment), and left.

The meeting was scheduled for the teacher's lounge in the school but with the policy on liquor at school she figured the minute it was over they were heading for the bar or maybe even a kareoke bar. She approached the school feeling nostalgic as she did remembering her first day of school and how nervous she was. She was glad Iruka had given her some basic info on the teachers before hand so she didn't stick her foot too far in her mouth tonight.

She entered at 7 in the evening, the sun slowly making its way behind the horizon, darkness engulfing the building anywhere the lights weren't shown in the cool spring night. She made her way in and knew where the office was already. She entered and all eyes were automatically drawn on her, she didn't know if Iruka-sensei had let the others know just who the new teacher was or if this was a surprise for everyone.

"My Iruka told us you'd be young but he didn't say how young," said a a young woman with blonde hair and brown eyes, and very little else on considering the current weather.

"Huh? What do you mean? I'm in the same graduating class as Shikamaru."

"Oh with how petite and small you are I pegged you as younger," Sakura saw in both her eyes and her words the way she was sniping at her, at her body figure no less! Sure she was short, and she might be a bit small in some areas, but she didn't think her B cups were too far behind the other woman's, especially the way they seemed too perky, probably a push up bra or some type of padding.

"Well can't look a gift horse in the mouth, we can't all look young forever," she said trying to hold back a smirk at the glare the woman was directing at her. She barely knew this woman and already she knew there were going to be problems.

"Ne, Sakura save it for introductions later," Iruka chided her. She looked over at him at the sound of his voice and noticed him for the first time. It was all she could do to hide her shock, he looked so different in casual clothes. He still wore basic shinobi black pants and sandals but he was wearing a black tank top with an open button up blue shirt over top and his hair down. 'Damn' was the first thing that came to mind. The moment she thought that she shoved the though to the back of her head and tried to compose herself. She could feel a small blush on her face but tried to play it off.

"You look really nice in casual clothes Iruka-sensei." He rubbed the back of his head seeming embarrassed.

"Thank you, you as well. It's a bit different to see you in something other than red."

"I thought something different would be fun tonight." He nodded and led her to the large table where people were slowly filing in and sitting at. She noticed Shikamaru in one of the seats looking like he was on the verge of nodding off with his arms crossed over his chest and his head drooping.

"It hasn't even started yet," she said plopping down next to him. He didn't really sit up any straighter but he seemed to be a bit more alert as he looked over to her.
"So the rumors are true," he asked though he seemed a bit more tired than usual. She nodding smiling wondering how he was holding up but not wanting to bring it up right now. She knew when people brought it up with her she might have been fine at the moment but the mention of it brought a stab to her chest. She was getting ready to say something when Iruka stood up gathering the groups attention.

"All right I know a lot of you have heard about the new medical classes for the 5th years. Today I'd like you to meet the newest academy sensei joining us next semester teaching the classes." Sakura took this as her cue to stand and bow.

"My name is Sakura Haruno, it's good to meet all of you. I look forward to working with you this next year, please give me your guidance." She bowed again and sat back down looking to Iruka to continue with the meeting. Thankfully it wasn't that long, they went around the room and made introductions. She found out her new possible enemy in the school was none other than Rinako. 'Guess she won't be hitting on me tonight then,' she thought thinking back to the advise Iruka had given her that week.

They continued with the meeting after that, going over some back policies she'd already read in the handbook and went over a list of a handful of trouble makers letting the next years sensei know to look out for them. She particularly paid attention to year five but they also handed out notes on such students. It was barely a half hour before the called the meeting to a closed and it was announced they were reconvening down the street at the barbeque place for drinks. She got up and walked along side Shikamaru as he made his way down the darkened street.

"It doesn't looke like a lot of people are going tonight."

"Well Saito, Atsuko, Reiko, and Renji have kids waiting at home so they're not staying. Noboru and Setsuko I think have a date planned tonight. Nami thinks the group gets too unruly, which they sometimes do. And Rinako took off because she's already hit on everyone going tonight but you and you pissed her off."

"Seriously? Ah well I think it might be better if the group was smaller, maybe quieter at least." Shikamaru snorted and she wondered just how wrong she might have been

Oh how wrong she was! She was student of Tsunade and had learned many things under her shishou from her monstrous strength to her perfect chakra control and her amazing drinking skills. But that damn Ichiyo! She swayed again and if not for the arms around her shoulders holding her stead she would have toppled into the gutter.

"Almost there," came a warm voice next to her ear which made her shutter. The less formal introductions at the bar had gone good, she had gotten to speak with some of them and found them to be almost as eccentric as the jounin sensei she was familiar with. She especially got along well with Chika and Kentaro. Chika was overly bubbly and happy and reminded her of a less crass Naruto. Kentaro seemed very book wormish and took an automatic liking to him. He looked and acted like he should be a civilian which once again brought to question the rumor about him being ex ANBU. They all had a good meal and then the drinks had started and it was pleasant for a while.

She didn't even remember at this point what had started the conversation but there was something said about Fire Country Sake and Wind Country Sake and then she was pounding shots down with the sandy bastard Ichiyo one for one. That is until they both ended up throwing up somewhere around...what was the count? 18 shots? They didn't want to but the remaining more sober part of their group made them call it a draw.

Now here she was late at night, or early in the morning if you wanted to say that, being dragged home by none other than Iruka. 'Jeez I feel so bad for having him take me home, but he wouldn't take no for an answer.' She slid a glance to her left where he was helping hold her up and she got a whif of Sake and some kind of earthy smell like wet soil and felt his hair brush the side of her face.

'Go home Sakura you're drunk, you're smelling Iruka-sensei!' She tried to focus on putting one foot in front of the other and just getting home. They finally stopped in front of her apartment as she fished out her keys and opened the door. She tried to shrug off his arms but he kept a hold of her as he pulled her into the apartment and leaned her against the wall to get her sandals off.

"You don't have to do that! I swear I'm good enough to take it from here."

"Don't worry about it I don't mind," he said as he got the first one off and went to take off the second.

"I don't want to keep you, I know this must be a burden." He got the second sandal off and put his arms around her shoulders again and steered her farther into the apartment.

"This isn't a burden, this is what friends do.." She felt more warmth in her cheeks then was from the alcohol. 'It's so odd going from being his student to being his co-worker, and not just that but friends...equals. It's messing with my head.' She steered him towards her room and sat her on the bed which she fell back on. He left the room without a word and she wondered if he was just dumping and leaving her when he came back with a glass of water and what looked like two aspirin. She took them wordlessly and drank the whole glass of water while taking the pills.

"Thank you."

"You're just lucky you don't have to teach class with a hangover. Get some rest and if you need any other help with the syllabus just ask."

"Iruka," she said trying out the name without the normally attached 'sensei.' He looked at her waiting, his dark form silhouetted in her door frame once again made her stomach clench. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said with a smile. "Get some sleep." She waited until she heard him leave the room and the front door shut behind him before she lazily dragged herself into an upright position and strip herself down to her underwear and grabbed a night shirt to throw on before falling back into bed. Banishing any thoughts of the smell of wet soil and warm smiles.

"What a night."

AN: I have two things to bring up about this. One is that I plan on using the Japanese school calender meaning it starts in spring, they get a summer break, and continue in fall with a winter break. Secondly they use scrolls and messenger birds but in the anime and manga some video, computer, and even video game technology exists. So I'm going to try and place what computer info they have at about late 1980s to early 1990s. So like Windows 3.1, maybe Win 95. Sorry this took so long to get out but the thing about me is I like my info to be correct so I tried to look up any info on the academy and you know what I found? NOTHING. The school system, the teachers, all of it I created and I didn't want just bland 2D characters so I had to flesh them all out a bit. Same with some of the students who we're going to see coming up. Anyway sorry this took so long to get out again. Thank you to anyone still reading this!