8/9 AkuDemy Demy POV

I walked into the Oblivion High Choir Hall, greeting everyone I knew.

"You going to a practice room Dem?" I heard my blue-haired friend call. "Yeah, Zex. Tell Axe that's where I am if he comes looking for me."

Zexion nodded and kept talking to his blonde companion. I walked into one of the big practice rooms, closing the door on the chatter of students and took my sitar out of her case.

I left my school bag next to the case against the wall, I held my Appregio in one hand as I loosened my uniform tie more, moving to sit on the only table.

I took the pick out of my back pocket and strummed a few chords, closing my eyes. I smiled at the sound, and began to play a slow song.

I softly sang along with it and I lost myself in the music. Halfway through, I heard a small noise that I didn't pay attention to at first, and then the accompaniment of the piano.

I kept playing as i poened my eyes, seeing a boy with a head of spiky red hair at the piano, playing with me. I smiled as we finished the song, the last notes on the piano as soft as my voice.

The person at the piano turned emerald eyes to me meet me as he said, "Passion, Utatda Hikaru right? That's your favorite song."

I smiled gently, "Axel, i forgot you played this song so beautifully." Axel leaned back and ran his hands through his hair, "Nah, Dem. You're the best sitarist and singer in the school, you were great."

I set my sitar down gently against the wall, and walked across the room to place a kiss on my boyfriend's lips.

"What was that for," he asked with a grin on his face.

"For being amazing."

Axel turned slightly red at that, at the same time I heard a couple of 'awe's' at the door to the soundproof room and saw a group of our friends clapping and teasing.

"I didn't shut the door again, did I?"

Zexion beat me to answer Axel's question by saying, "Nope. Like always." All our friends poured into the room instantly, saying how good we played together on the sitar and piano.

We both shifted uncomfortably under their stares and praise. We suddenly heard our Choir Conductor, Aerith Sakamoto, softly call for an announcement.

I quickly put Appregio back in her case and Axel grabbed my books as we rushed out the door after our crowd of friends.