Happiness didn't come around here anymore. It doesn't matter that the birds chirp amongst the trees or the water trickles in a stream. We don't have happiness anymore. But at least we had had each other. Now even that is gone.

When Ron first left, I didn't even believe it. My logic screamed at me, telling me he was gone. Yet, I still expected him to walk back into the tent, acting like it was just a joke taken to far. It has been a few days now. He isn't walking back in.

I now understand why Ron would sit by the radio during are resting times. It kept your mind off the things that are absolutely worse than what is right in front of us. The song played out of the radio, the notes drifting into the air. My tears have been dried up, but I feel my eyes welling up again.

I hear the rustle of the tent flap. I don't need to look up to know it is Harry. It is only Harry now. I expect him to tell me what he has been telling me since Ron left: it will be okay. He doesn't even mention Ron's name. He just says everything will be fine.

But he doesn't say a word. He walks over to me and helps me up. He takes the Horcrux necklace from my neck and places it on the bed somewhat carelessly. He takes my hands and pulls me into the center of the tent.

Again, I assume he just wants to talk. He suprises me again. Harry begins to dance, first a slow swaying then faster. Soon, I am following suit, my mind slipping away into an actual state of happiness.

So, we twirl all our troubles away. The song continues, blasting on high. We twist and spin. And we smile. Yes, we actually smile. I even feel myself laughing. The whole thing is almost so surreal, I want to hang on to the moment tight and never let it go.

But, the song winds down as the male voice wails on the last few notes and we are back to reality. One last spin and I meet Harry's eyes. I feel his breath and I notice how close we have been and still are. I feel my body rocking closer and closer…

"And you! Are you staying or are you going?"

I release my hands and my happiness at the flashing memory. I turn my back to Harry and step back towards the radio.

Harry is right; no one said this would be easy. But Ron is right too. We never expected it to be this hard. I thought I knew what I signed up for. I expected running and hiding. I expected long days and weeks, months. I just never expected we would break apart. We aren't the same best friends from Hogwarts. This quest has changed that too.

I can't be the girl who gets in the middle of best friends and I can't be the girl who looks for company with anyone in close distance. I need to be stronger, smarter, than that. I know I want and he isn't here.

It was a moment, not a lifetime. I wish the happy times will stay, but these aren't happy times. I need to be here for Harry, but I need to be here for myself. So, I let go of the moment as I lean my head down and let newer tears fall.

It was a dance. Just a dance.

It was movie verse, but I thought the scene was very beautiful and it fit well. Reviews are appreciated.
