Hatsuka-chan Well, you'll find out about Reborn in this chapter. LOL, yes, Hibari has a Tunafish schedule. Pft, I love sticky notes too though I barely use them. Yes, we all keep empty juice cans in our drawers.
DarkRoadHina LOL. Yes Hibari, if don't save Tsuna now, fangirls will hurt you. Or…we might get bitten :D
Orcux LOL Haha, Tsuna is such a dork. Yeah, it's the last chapter. T_T I know, it's so short but…lol it's the final!
Breathless02 LOL reborn is a evil. So Evil. POOR Tsu-Tsu.
ezcap1st Mhm, the story is reaching its conclusion! It was supposed to be fairly short so yes. You'll find out who the intruder is in this chapter :)
peanutkisses HM, you got your guess half correct! Enma or Reborn…though…more…? :D You'll see. Aw! I'm so happy to hear that you like this story so much! So I hope you enjoy this final chapter…T^T
Mel-Chama Haha! Aw that's ok. Being banned from the internet must be a bitch. . Haha, but yep! The story reached its climax…now…its conclusion :D
Assasinatress LOL. Yes…Hibari playing a game…oh gosh. Who would make him do such a thing? XD A certain evil man.

So, I don't know if everyone read my author's note, but ^^, this is the final chapter :) So please enjoy!

C H A P T E R E L E V E N ~ What needs to be said ~

This question was obviously directed towards him. Who was it that could possibly know such secretive information? Not even the two themselves even spoke that much in public or showed any ounce of affection towards one another.

Obviously, Hibari knew the answer; it was of course, himself. But, that didn't help him much. Since he was the answer, there should be a note to the next question but there isn't. Or, maybe there was?

Standing up straight, Hibari checked the pockets of his pants and jacket. He felt like he might find something; however, there wasn't.

Sighing loudly, he felt like he had hit a wall.

This was a game after all; it wasn't going to be easy considering the fact that someone had kidnapped Tsuna.

Hibari Kyoya. Me. What could it be about him that would be the next clue to find the Vongola boss?

It was a game of hide and seek. Hibari being the seeker and Tsuna who was hidden. The clues should lead me to a place.

As Hibari contemplated about his name and anything that could be tied to it, he felt like he was getting warmer. If Tsuna liked Hibari then, the next note should be on something he owns.

My room? Wait…it couldn't possibly be?

Suddenly, a light bulb lit up and Hibari felt like he knew where exactly to find his answer.


Finally entering his room, Hibari set his gaze upon the first place he planned to check, the closet. Taking wide and long strides, he approached the door.

Sighing loudly, he braced himself. If the Vongola wasn't in here, Hibari was ready to bite someone to death.

Slowly, he slid the door open and was relieved to find the person he had been searching for.

"Who's there?" Tsuna shouted, startled.

That wasn't all he found though. Again, another note was left. This time, stuck right on the wall.

Congratulations. You found him.


That was it? Hibari was completely thrown off by this whole hide and seek game. What was the whole point of this anyways? He had thought it would be something threatening, but that wasn't the case.

Shaking those thoughts aside, Hibari tried to not contemplate about it too much for now. He was beginning to get a migraine. Tsuna was more important.


The guardian kneeled in front of the Vongola boss and examined the state he was in. Tsuna was kneeling with his hands tied behind his back and a blindfold around his eyes.

"H-Hibari-san?" His voice was quivering.


Hibari untied the blindfold around Tsuna's head and tossed it to the ground. His gaze met with chocolate brown orbs and he could see the slight fear hidden beneath those glistening eyes. Right after undoing the bandana bounding his arms together, he was immediately jumped by Tsuna.

The smaller male threw his arms around Hibari, embracing him tightly. "Hibari-san." He murmured as he buried his face in the crock of the guardian's neck.

"I'm here."

Holding his small trembling body in his arms, Hibari tightened the embrace. "Tsunayoshi…"

It was time. He had to say it now.

Tsuna answered with a meek yes while still hiding his face.

"I love you."

Finally, those three forbidden words were said. Hibari whispered them gently against Tsuna's ears, his warm breath tickling the porcelain skin of the boss.

Blinking, Tsuna was stunned to hear such words come out of Hibari's lips. Pressing his palm against the older man's firm chest, he propped himself back to meet face to face with Hibari.

"W-What?" he questioned, looking for confirmation if what he had heard was correct.

"I'm not saying it again," the guardian said with a small smirk.

Pouting, Tsuna lightly punched Hibari's chest and leaned forward, resting his forehead against the male.

"Me too…" he mumbled, cheeks turning a rosy red, embarrassed.

Thin lips curved into a smile and a hand gently brushed against Tsuna's cheek, cupping it. Lifting his face back up so their gazes would meet, Hibari pressed his lips against the Vongola and kissed him deeply. Tsuna, falling prey to the intoxicating kiss allowed the older man to advance further.

Tongue probed against the brunette's moistened lips, asking for permission to enter the warm cavern. Tsuna parted his lips willing and their tongues met in a fiery dance. To counter his balance with Hibari's rough but sweet movements, the Vongola placed his hands behind HIbari's back, holding on tightly to his lover.

As they kissed over and over again, Tsuna was losing his breath and found it hard to breath. Hibari took notice and pulled pack, their lips parting as a trail of saliva was left behind, trailing down the side of Tsuna's wet lips.


The young man was in a dazed, face as red as a tomato. He was already so turned on from just a kiss. Hibari only smiled at the state Tsuna was in. So cute. With a sudden urge, he roughly pulled Tsuna into his arms and hugged him so tight, that it was almost suffocating the brunette. The embrace was so passionate, filled with Hibari's true feelings that it made Tsuna melt.

"Should we go to bed?"

"E-Eh?" Tsuna exclaimed, surprised by such an abrupt question.

B-bed as in…"H-Hibari-san?"

The smaller male tried to pull away from the hug but failed. Hibari's hold was far too strong for him to break out of.

"Sleep I mean."

S-Sleep? Oh…so…not sex. For some odd reason, he felt disappointed but at the same time, relieved.

Chuckling, Hibari released his hold and stood up on his feet. He scooped the kneeling boy from the ground and into his arms.

"Ah!" Tsuna yelped. That always surprised him.

Hibari's place was that of a traditional Japanese house, so, his bed was a futon. Carefully, Tsuna was lowered onto the cushioned futon. Before joining in with the Vongola, the guardian stripped the male out of his sweater and pants, leaving him in just boxers and a thin t-shirt.

"H-hey…" Tsuna murmured, blushing yet again.

Saying nothing, the taller male also stripped out of his clothes and into his pajamas. Tsuna watched in amazement as he studied Hibari's toned and beautiful body. It practically made him almost drool but he tried his best to contain himself.

Finally, Hibari joined Tsuna at his side and the both of them laid down on the futon, covered underneath the warm blankets, cuddling against one another.

The night ended peacefully though tomorrow was another day.


"This was all your doing?" Mouth ajar, Tsuna stared at Reborn and his family in disbelief.

"I'm so sorry Tenth! But I was forced to do this!" Gokudera, who was already on his knees, apologized over and over again.

"Yeah, it was the baby's idea. I'm sorry too Tsuna," Yamamoto said.

"SAWADA!" Ryohei yelled. "I'm sorry too."

"No, it's ok! I'm not mad!" Tsuna said, feeling a little bad about having his guardians apologize to him. It's not as if they had hurt him in many ways.

"NO! It's my fault! I hurt you Tenth! I apologize!" The silver haired had his head bowed to the ground.

"G-Gokudera-kun! Please get up!" Tsuna stuttered as he hastily tried to make Gokudera stand up on his feet.

With much effort, he finally got the silver-haired to calm down and the room fell quiet. It felt a little awkward and tense but what was even worse, was the very angered Hibari standing at the back of the room, glaring sharp blades at everyone.

"So, let me get this straight. This whole wedding was planned? So it's a fake? And it was all to get me to reveal my true feelings?" Tsuna asked to clarify.

"It was," Yamamoto answered.

"Because you're so fucking slow." Reborn cut into the conversation. "And you're so stupid, No-good Tsuna."

Wow, still so mean even though it was all your fault. Tsuna wanted to say it out loud but he'd rather not get beaten up to a pulp so he stayed quiet and listened.

"B-But why do I need to do that?" Tsuna questioned.

"You fucking idiot, it was all for YOU. You were so slow in confessing and your relationship was getting absolutely nowhere. SO, being a nice guy that I am, I went ahead and sped things up for you." Reborn explained.

"The wedding and the kidnapping?"

"Yes. It was all to see if you would actually do anything about it. Initially, it was just the wedding but you were too fucking scared to even reject that proposal or less, do anything about it. It was so stressful watching you AND you," Reborn said as he glanced back at Hibari and placed his gaze back on a frightened Tsuna.

"U-Um…how did you know?"

"Know what?"

"Y-You know?"

"Oh, about you and Hibari?"

"W-What? Don't say it out loud!" Red scattered across Tsuna's cheeks and he covered his face in embarrassment.

"We already know Tsuna," Yamamoto said, laughing lightly.


"I told them of course. You ask me how I know? Well, you should know the answer already." Reborn smirked.

That's right. Reborn knows everything. Tsuna felt like a load has been lifted off his shoulder, but, another one was just dumped back on. His head was throbbing a little from the great amount of information he just received.

"Haha, Tsuna, are you alright?" Yamamoto asked.

"I'm fine…" Tsuna said and sighed.

"TENTH! I'm sorry!" Again, Gokudera-kun.

"Don't blame yourself. Everything worked out ok."

Tsuna smiled at the silver-haired so that he wouldn't put himself down so much. It was always hard to lift his spirits back up when he felt like he had done something wrong.

After the explanation was over, everyone was dismissed. Tired, Tsuna left the room as well. He wasn't going to do any work today after what he had been through.

Right as he entered the hallway, he spotted Akari waiting at the door. "Akari?"

"Sawada-san, I wanted to talk to you."

"What is it?"

"I-I wanted to say I'm sorry for deceiving you."

"Oh. No it's ok. It was Reborn's fault after all."

Bam. At that comment, he felt something hit his back. Tsuna turned his body halfway to look and found a threatening Reborn staring at him.

"Watch it," Reborn warned

The Vongola chuckled nervously and turned his attention back to the girl. She was laughing.

"He is always like that…" Tsuna mumbled.

"You guys have a great relationship. But, anyways, I'm really sorry. You were so kind to me so I felt bad."

"Don't worry about it! It's fine."

"Are you sure? You aren't mad?"

"No, I'm not."

Smiling, Akari stood on her tips toes and leaned forward, placing a kiss on Tsuna's cheek. "Thank you Sawada-san. You're too kind."

And with that, she simply left the stunned brunette standing there as he watched her disappear out of his sight.


Startled, Tsuna jumped.

Oh no. Hibari-san. Was he watching? I hope he's not mad. It was quite clear whose voice that belonged to. The man had crept up from behind and scared the boy by suddenly speaking out of nowhere.

Tsuna braced himself and closed his eyes, slowly turning around to face his lover, scared that he would be angry at him.

But as he turned around, he felt something warm press against his face, a feeling all too familiar. Opening his eyelids to see what was before him, he found Hibari's face right next to his. The guardian was kissing the exact place that Akari had kissed just seconds earlier.


Hibari smirked at the brunette as he pulled back. Smiling, he turned around, facing his back against the Vongola and walked away from him.

Tsuna was shocked and couldn't utter a single word. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink, heating his face up.

Pouting, the brunette ran after Hibari and grabbed a hold of the taller man's wrist. Stopping in his steps, he turned around to face the shorter boy.

Tsuna reached out his hand to grab onto Hibari's tie but missed and accidentally got a hold of the inside of his jacket. The brunette froze for a moment and mumbled a quiet oops.

"What are you doing?" Hibari questioned at Tsuna's clumsiness.

"Nothing…" The boy murmured as he shifted his gaze to the floor.

Scoffing, the guardian smirked at him. He wrapped his arms around Tsuna, tugging him close towards his body and slipped a hand into Tsuna's back pocket.

"A proper kiss is what you want?"

Obviously. Blushing, he nodded.

"A kiss it is."

The end.

Author's Note.

T^T Yes. The story has ended! Nuuu! It was short-ish but, it's over.

I'd like to thank everyone who read and reviewed! I hope you enjoyed the ending as well as the rest of the story because I had a lot of run writing as well as sharing it with everyone :)

LOL. At last, together...well, official. Stupid couple...you two but tis cute? :

Anyways, I hope to write more on TYL!Hibari x TYL!Tsuna since I adore and love 1827 so much. Thank you~