Okay, this is really short. It's a scene from my upcoming story, 'Darkness in the Light', kind of a memory of Revan's days on Dantooine. Hope you like it!
Reviews would be lovely~

Little Firecracker

By Shattered Glass Memories

"You left yourself wide open to that attack!"

Revan and Malak were dueling out on the plains, far from the enclave. Staring down at Malak, Revan had to smile. She was a lot shorter than Malak, but she didn't mind that; It felt good to be able to look up at him. And though she was smaller, her attacks were lightning-quick, often catching Malak off guard.

He called her 'his little firecracker', saying that even though she was small she packed a big punch. It was also due to her fiery spirit and temper. The name had started out as a joke when they first met, but over time it had become his pet name for her.

And Revan was okay with the name; she would have tolerated anything as long as she was his. Revan loved Malak, Jedi Code be damned.

With a sudden burst of adrenaline, Malak jumped to his feet and charged at Revan, and their lightsabers clashed forcefully. She couldn't deflect his attacks in time to get in a strike of her own, so she blocked the best she could, constantly backing up until she ran into a tree.

As soon as she hit the tree she paused, lightsaber in her hand forgotten. Malak dropped his saber and placed his hands on the tree on either side of her, pinning her in place.

"You win." Revan breathed, staring up at him. At first he didn't touch her, simply stared down at her, but his eyes caressed her in ways his hands couldn't.

Then he slowly, almost cautiously, raised a hand to her face, brushing the hair out of her eyes and tracing a finger down her jawline. Having him that close made Revan's head swim, and his touch sent a shiver of anticipation through her body.

Malak felt her response, felt the electricity running through her, and it encouraged him. He was nervous-after all, he had never done anything like this before. But as he lowered his head and gently touched his lips to hers, his nervousness fled. He knew this was what he wanted, what he'd wanted all along.

And as he felt Revan's arms slip around his neck, her body press closer to his, he knew she wanted it too. And that thought sent a thrill through him. Malak loved Revan, Jedi Code be damned.