Alright peeps, I'm back with this one. I told you I wouldn't abandon this one, it just took way longer than I thought. I am not in the same place I was seven years ago, that caused me to need this story as an outlet. Now I can write it because I love this story and just want to continue it. I hope all the readers I had all those years ago still get the alert (lol) and all new the new readers...welcome. I hope you like it.
Graveyard Shift ch. 26
They had solved the Adam Fairfield murder which turned out to be his brother Garrett. He was using low budget materials to produce his high budget material product line for his own business because he was broke. He was upset because his step brother was put in charge of the family business and not him. Anger and jealousy always did make for a powerful motive.
Needless to say, Jane wasn't that upset about going to his mansion and arresting him straight out of his Olympic sized swimming pool. She positively loved it when the smug look he was sporting got slapped right off of his face. He was actually trying to hit on her again while she placed the cuffs on him and read him his rights.
This was the second time that smug smile was knocked off his face. The first time being when they were in Maura's home…when Maura told Garrett she was completely and utterly in love with Jane. It was at that point when Jane got to sport her own smug smile.
Maura couldn't believe that Garrett could actually kill his brother, regardless of any circumstances. She didn't think he would ever be that type of person, but boy, was she wrong.
The Doctor wasn't a jealous person by nature and Garrett's behavior was no exception. She knew how people saw Jane. She actually found it quite amusing. It did please her immensely though, when it was her lover's turn to sport quite the smug grin.
Jane and Maura were hanging out in the morgue just spending time together until the Detective's shift started. They sometimes did this when the Doctor worked later than normal. Some days it was the only time they got to spend together. Maura would sometimes stay over on Jane's shift but not if Jane had to actually work or if she herself had to arrive to work early the next morning.
She did need to get her eight hours of sleep, after all.
Jane is currently leaning against the counter while Maura disinfects the final autopsy table, when two delivery drivers emerge through the delivery door.
"Got a fresh one for you Doctor Isles." One of them announced. "Guy collapsed in a cab on his way to Logan. EMT's pronounced him."
"Put him on this table, please." She asked, pointing to the freshly sterilized table and they fulfilled her request.
"Dennis Rockmond, thirty-seven." She read the delivery sheet as she signed for the body, then handed it back to the driver.
Opening the body bag, as the technicians retreated the morgue, Jane finally spoke in a whispered tone only the Doctor could hear.
"Maura, he's not dead."
"How do you know, Jane?" She asked inquisitively, as she proceeded to feel his neck and face.
"You mean besides the boner he's now sporting?" Jane laughed, as the man laying on Maura's table started to respond to her gentle touch.
"Oh my God, he's alive! How did you know Jane…before that?" She pointed to his erection.
"I can hear his heart beat, it's faint but there." She quickly stated.
Giving him a quick but thorough exam, she isolated the problem.
"He has an obstruction in his airway, it might be a bronchospasm. I need to perform a Cricothyrotomy. Find me a slender tube please, anything that can create an airway like a straw."
"Well damn, I wish I hadn't thrown away your latte!" Jane joked, as she started searching for anything that would suffice. Seeing a ball point pen, she grabbed it and ran to Maura. She called the EMT's for them to come pick him up to transfer him to the Emergency Room as Maura worked her magic.
Maura made the incision, inserted the tube and blew until the air passage opened. When he came to, Maura quickly calmed his fears and explained what happened. She spoke to him until the EMT's got there to transport him.
"Well…that was weird." Jane commented.
Maura was upset and was going to report that EMT for overlooking the obvious. Even with the pulse extremely faint, he still should have detected one. This man could have died had they waited too long to bring him in. That kind of practice was highly unacceptable.
Maura was visibly upset and that was highly unacceptable to Jane. She walked up next to her and gently pulled her into a loving hug. "Let's just be thankful that he was brought to you and you were able to save his life." She told her inamorata, as she kissed her temple.
She had no idea that she would come to regret that sentence.
Two days later, the Medical Examiner walked into her office and on her desk was the most gorgeous cluster of white orchids. She thought they were from her one true love until she read the card. They were from her almost deceased Dennis Rockmond.
When Jane came down that evening to see Maura, she noticed the flowers immediately and her eyebrow went north.
The Doctor saw it and laughed. "The patient with the erection is being released from the hospital and sent these as a thank you." She smiled, as she walked up to her and put her arms around her neck.
"Well, good! I wish him and his wang a speedy recovery." She stated, as she pulled Maura in for a very wanton kiss.
Before the kiss could turn into something they would need to close the blinds and lock the door for, Jane's phone went off with a text.
"Ugh…dammit." Jane groaned. She and her love had barely had anytime to themselves this week with their own case loads in full force. It was only the stolen moments of their overlapping shifts, that they even got to touch and that was even at the bare minimum. "It's Frost. He has our suspect in interrogation."
"Go interrogate." She kissed her love on the lips. "Studies show that the best antidote for sexual tension is distraction." She kissed her again.
"Okay, fine. But the only reason I'm going is because if I don't leave right this minute, I'm going to end up fucking you every possible way on your couch…and your couch blows. No offense." She laughed as she jumped out of the way, as Maura tried to playfully slap her on the bicep.
"It goes with the décor." She matter of factly stated, as Jane cleared her doorway and vanished out of sight.
Turning around to go back to her desk she heard her lover shout. "It still blows." Maura could only laugh.
The next day Jane had went in as soon as dusk hit, she was hoping to drag Maura away for a bit of one on one time before her shift started. She wanted to take her out to dinner and hopefully end up back at her place for a couple of hours. She really missed her Doctor.
"Hey you." Jane said, as she cleared Maura's doorway.
"Hey, honey." The nickname was not new but it still made Jane's stomach do a flip every time she heard it. "What are you doing here so early? You didn't get called in…did you?" She almost sounded sad. She had intended to finish up and go surprise her.
"No, love. Just wanted to see if you were done. Maybe I could take you for dinner?" She asked.
"For dinner or to dinner?" Her left eyebrow show up accompanied by a sultry smile.
"How 'bout to dinner first, then for dinner afterwards?" Her sexy grin just got sexier.
"I would love that. Just give me a minute to conclude this." She knew Jane didn't eat but she didn't want Maura to go without the simpler things in life until the time came when she couldn't enjoy them at all. Just one more thing she absolutely loved about her vampire. She proceeded to finish her latest autopsy report and signed off on it when her phone buzzed signaling an incoming text.
"Our medical miracle is here to thank us. Come on, we can say our 'hello's' on the way out." She said as she got up from her desk.
"Ugh, I'm keeping my distance. I'm afraid of that erection." She joked and Maura laughed.
When they got to the lobby, Maura introduced herself.
"I remember." He smiled, as he pulled her in for a hug.
She gave Jane a look of uncomfortableness.
"Thank you for saving my life." He told her as he disengaged from the hug, catching eyes with Jane for the first time.
Maura immediately saw his demeanor change. She saw the lust take over.
"And you too, Detective." As he tried too eagerly to hug her, as well.
"Oh, no! I am not a hugger." She said, as she backed up and extended her arm for a handshake.
Looking downtrodden, he accepted the handshake as Maura giggled at the situation. For she knew Jane was indeed a hugger but only with her. She cherished that fact, that no one would ever experience the feeling of being in those powerful and protective arms but her.
"Your hand's cold." He commented not able to take his eyes off of her.
"Oh, sorry about that. I was in the dead people fridge juggling some guy's organs." She said frankly, knowing he wasn't really listening, just drooling over her.
Maura laughed, as that was now a running joke between them but silently admonished her for what she had just said. It was extremely inappropriate and highly unsanitary and would absolutely never be allowed under her tutelage. In their time together, she had gotten used to people salivating over her beautiful girlfriend. Jane would randomly throw the weirdest scenarios out there and of course no one ever even noticed.
That was Jane's mission…to make Maura laugh.
Clearly not hearing a word she had just said, "May I buy you dinner Detective Rizzoli?" He asked overly excited.
"Thank you for the offer but I was actually about to take my girlfriend out for something to eat." She couldn't hide the grin that overtook her face, knowing that in about an hour her girlfriend would indeed be eating something alright…her.
"I do appreciate the offer though."
"Another time perhaps." Ignoring the fact that she just said she had a girlfriend.
"Have a good evening, Mr. Rockmond." She told him, as she took Maura's hand and escorted her out of the precinct.
"Please, call me Dennis." They heard him call after her.
Maura couldn't help but giggle. "Does that ever get old?" She asked her eternal mate.
"What?" Jane asked, unclear of her question.
"The way people see you…as a piece of meat instead of a person." She simply stated.
"Honestly, after one hundred and twenty two years, I don't really give it a second thought anymore. It was bothersome at first but then it became common practice so I no longer notice it. The only person I care about how I'm perceived is you." She replied honestly as she pulled Maura into a tight embrace and quickly found her lips. "Where would you like to eat?"
"It doesn't really matter." She replied.
"Italian, sushi, steak..." She listed the cuisines nearby as Maura interjected, "Sushi."
"Done." She pulled Maura by the waist as they headed in that direction.
They got back to Jane's apartment after Maura thoroughly enjoyed her Dragon roll and saki. She was really going to miss her food and alcohol after she joined Jane in her forever. But it was a sacrifice she was more than willing to make for her one true love.
Jane gave her inamorata just enough time to place her doggy bag in the fridge before she damn near attacked her.
Jane pressed her Doctor between herself and the fridge, her front to Maura's back. Trailing both hands down Maura's forearms, she encompassed both wrists and raised both arms above her head pinning her to the refrigerator.
Maura moaned rolling her forehead against the cold stainless steel. It felt good on her skin. She felt strong fingers seductively dig into her flesh as they made their way up her thigh, rounding to her right butt cheek. Those same strong fingers grabbed tender skin as they lifted and spread her open wide. She followed through by inserting a toned thigh between the folds pushing her way straight to her lover's core.
Maura gasped, as she pushed herself against that same thigh…almost forcibly. She was making her intentions known as to what she wanted.
Jane understood.
Before Maura could even bat an eye, Jane had her face down in her own bed pinned again between herself and the comforter.
This was one of Maura's turn on's. The first time Jane did it, it was not stimulating at all however. Jane was trying to stop a fellow officer from fleeing the scene after she saw Jane in her natural form. The second time however, Jane had taken Maura from her living room to her bedroom. It had happened so fast, she didn't even realize it had happened until she was bent over her own mattress as Jane took her from behind.
She often wondered if she would have that ability. She would love to reciprocate and see if it was equally arousing to Jane. She really hoped so.
Jane raised herself off of Maura. "Turn over." She requested and Maura obliged.
Laying all of her weight back on her Doctor, she placed her thigh back between her inviting legs.
Maura grabbed Jane's face, holding her in place as their lips tentatively met. Slow and sensual at first, but rapidly they heated up. Clothes were quickly shed as teeth, lips and tongues caressed over one another. Hands roamed over each other's supple skin, thighs ground into each other causing one another to moan or grunt.
Another arousing quality for Maura, was Jane's tongue, that tingling sensation was still erogenous for her. She loved her tongue touching her everywhere and anywhere but her favorite place was still her vagina. That tingling sensation alone could make her come but when coupled with her vampire's talents, her orgasms were blissfully spectacular.
As if Jane read her mind, she left her nipple and trailed down her rib cage to her abdomen. Maura closed her eyes and relished in the sensations of that tongue. When Jane settled between alabaster thighs, she took a deep breath, inhaling her lover's arousal.
That was one of Jane's turn on's. She loved the smell of her inamorata's desire for her. Knowing how much Maura loved her tongue there, she didn't make her wait.
And another one of Jane's turn on's was the sounds she could get this gorgeous specimen to emit during their love making. They were highly addictive. They were sounds that she only made with Jane and that's what made it so erotic. No one would ever hear these sensual sounds but her. That's how she knew how much Maura loved her tongue. The sounds she made when Jane used her fingers were vastly different from the ones she made when she used her tongue. They were still sexy and exhilarating, but the sounds Maura made from her tongue were down right primal and gluttonous.
Another turn on for Jane was when Maura would beg for what she wanted or needed. Although, she never really needed to beg at all. All she had to do was ask for what she desired. The love making was immensely gratifying on both parts. They both were extremely generous lovers.
Thank you Angieb628 for the beta.
Would love to hear your thoughts…let me know.
Until next time.