A/N: This is beyond short, but I hope you like it anyways :)

Disclaimer: Don't own them or the show.

She doesn't think it can hurt much worse until she's lying in her bed later that night, and then she knows it can.

His smell is everywhere. Permeating her sheets, the pillows. He slept on her side and as she tosses and turns, she feels as if she is suffocating. He was there, and it should have been a comfort, but it's a curse.

The worst part is that she's not sure how long she can stay mad at him, how long she can punish him for this. Because the worst part of it all is that she misses him, she needs him. And she's not sure she can do this without him.

But until then, she'll continue to torture herself. When she does her laundry, she doesn't wash the sheets.