I do not own Bleach or Hell girl R&R

It was a normal, beautiful day in Karakura Town. Well, it seemed to be that way. In actuality, a gigantic hollow was attacking the town. But to the none spiritual sensing residents of the town, it seemed to be just another normal day. But to those who could and happened to be Substitute Soul Reapers, it was a busy day. One of these people was Ichigo Kurasaki, who seemed to be quite busy these days. As he ran in full Soul Reaper gear, he couldn't be seen by those who couldn't sense spiritual pressure. The Hollow began to push its fist through the buildings around it, starting a huge commotion around it.

"Dam it," Ichigo muttered, flash stepping to the top of a building. He pulled his gigantic sword from its wrap, easily swinging it and putting it directly in the Hollows face.

"Get the hell out of here," Ichigo warned, his signature scowl plastered on his face. The hollow grunted and tried to bring its hand down upon Ichigo. Ichigo closed his eyes and smiled a bit.

"I thought you would say that," he retorted as he flash stepped away from the attack and brought his sword down upon the Hollow's arm. The arm sliced off cleanly, the Hollow shouting in pain.

"Shut the hell up!" Ichigo shouted, slamming his sword directly into the Hollows face. The Hollows face imploded from the attack, its mask breaking easily and finally it disappeared. Ichigo swiftly replaced his sword back onto his back and sighed.

"Well, good to see you can handle this on your own," a voice said. Rukia Kuchiki stood behind him, smiling broadly.

"Why the hell are you in your gigai for?" Ichigo snapped. "Were you actually planning to watch me fight?"

"Plan? I did," Rukia said simply, sipping on a juice carton. Ichigo fell to the floor comically. Rukia finished the juice and threw the carton over the edge of the building. She turned to Ichigo, a serious look on her face.

"I have some troublesome news Ichigo," she said, folding her arms across her chest.

"Lay it on me," Ichigo replied, sitting down on the ground Indian style. Rukia shook her head and continued.

"It seems that people have been accessing a site on computers that allows them to banish a person to Hell thanks to someone name Hell Girl," Rukia said.

Ichigo almost fell over again.

"Hell Girl?" Ichigo said, a big smile on his face. "That seems like something out of a manga or a cheesy fanfiction (Epic Foreshadowing). Rukia shook her head and looked at Ichigo again.

"It is real," she said solemnly. "At least, the Soul Society thinks it is."

"What the hell, the Soul Society is involved?" Ichigo asked, jumping up from the ground.

"Not fully," Rukia answered. "They are investigating it. They want a Soul Reaper to try to sweep through these towns finding anything that might be evidence."

"So who do they want?" Ichigo asked dumbly.

"Who the hell do you think?" Rukia asked.

Ichigo crossed his hands together.

"No way am I getting involved in this bullcrap," Ichigo said, walking away from Rukia.

"That is not a request that is an order!" Rukia screamed. Ichigo stopped.

"And when did I start taking orders from the Soul Society?" he said coolly as he jumped down to the ground. Rukia stood on the building, a worried expression on her face.

"You must think your something special, denying a request from the Soul Society, carrothead!" a voice shouted. As Ichigo began to walk away, he was swept back onto the building, where 3 new people stood, Renji Abarai, Byakuya Kuchiki, and Yoruichi Shihoin.

"Yoruichi?" Ichigo asked.

"Brother and Renji?" Rukia asked.

"I'm afraid we need your help Ichigo," Yoruichi said to Ichigo, who looked confused. "What Rukia had explained to you is completely true. Byakuya himself called me to tell me himself." Byakuya grunted as he took over.

"Enough playing around," he said, flash stepping to Ichigo. "This isn't a joke. Now are you going to do your job, or will I have to arrest you?"

"Calm down brother," Rukia said, walking to Ichigo. She looked deeply into his eyes.

"This is completely serious Ichigo," she said softly. Ichigo's whole attitude changed as he got serious and looked at Yoruichi.

"How many people have died so far?" he asked.

"Too many are disappearing and being sent to the underworld," Renji explained. "The Soul Society keeps track of every person on this planet who dies and where they are sent when they die and if they were picked up by a Soul Reaper. So far, over 150 people have died and the Gate has been open, but by who? Only a Soul Reaper has the power to open the gates of hell, but it seems someone else has either gained the power and is sending people to Hell on their own accord."

"So are there any known leads?" Rukia asked. "Anything for us to work with that can actually get us somewhere?"

"No, not yet," Yoruichi said. "Only thing that is known is that all the people who died were targets of a certain website, called Hell Link. And that someone name "Hell Girl" brought them there."

"So this Hell Girl, is it a person or maybe a Soul Reaper?" Ichigo asked.

"It's not known," Byakuya said. "The most logical explanation is that it's a Soul Reaper, but it hasn't been confirmed."

"Is it maybe him?" Rukia asked.

"No," Renji said. "We have been tracking his movements and if he moved anywhere near the real world, we would have him cornered in less than a minute."

"Aizen," Ichigo whispered. "Ok, I'm in. Let's search for this Hell Girl."

"The captain and I shall be assisting you," Renji said.

"I don't need a babysitter," Ichigo said, looking at Byakuya.

"I don't want to have to babysit," Byakuya said smugly.

Rukia sighed as she watched Ichigo and her brother eye each other down.

"This is going to be a long week," she said, sighing.

As this conversation occurred, across the street, on top of another building, Ai Enma and her companions, Wanyudo, Ren Ichimoku, and Hone Onna watched and listened to the conversation.

"So it seems that the Soul Society has found out after all these years," Wanyudo said.

"Indeed," Hone Onna said, looking at Ai. Ai stood there, silent as she listened to their words.

"You don't seem at all worried about this," Ren said, looking at Ai as well.

"It is all going according to his plan," Ai said softly before turning around and walking away. Hone, Ren, and Wanyudo looked at each other, confused as they turned also and followed Ai away.

Ichigo sat at his bedside, wondering what would come of this Hell Girl character.

"Hey you up?" a voice asked as Ichigo's closet slid open and Rukia stuck her head out.

"Yeah, I'm up," Ichigo said, looking at the floor.

"Are you worried about this?" Rukia asked.

"Maybe a little," Ichigo said, rubbing the back of his head. "I mean think about it, a girl is going around with the power to send people to hell. And she's not using it to send bad people who deserve to go to Hell; she is sending people who don't deserve to go there."

"Yes, I agree," Rukia said. "This is why it makes it an even more pressing matter to find this girl and put a stop to this before anyone else has to suffer."

Ichigo gave a small smile as he lay down on his bed. He threw a pillow at Rukia, who easily dodged it.
"I'm going to bed, scram," he said as he turned over. Rukia gave a small knowing smile as she closed the closet and settled in herself.

"Yes, let's get some sleep," she said quietly as she turned over. Suddenly, the window sprung open and Renji came in.

"Ichigo!" he shouted, causing Ichigo to fall off his bed.

"What the hell asshole?" Ichigo said, rubbing his head from the pain.

"Sorry, but sleepy time is over. We have work to do. It seems that another 5 deaths were reported tonight."

"What!" Rukia said, popping out the closet.

"Yes," Byakuya said, flash stepping in the room. "We have direct orders to contain the situation."

Ichigo looked around and then ran out the room. He came back a few minutes later carrying a small bear.

"What the hell Ichigo?" the bear said, groaning. "It's about time you rescued me from that witch you call a sister's room!"

"Shut up Kon," Ichigo said, knocking a small pill out of the bear. After taking the pill, Kon replaced Ichigo's human body and Ichigo stood on the floor as a Soul Reaper.

"This is harsh treatment!" Kon complained, scratching his head. "I swear I'm going to go in there and choke your sister to…"

"Shut up Kon!" Rukia said, taking a pill and appearing in her Soul Reaper form. "Stay here and hold down the place."

"Fine," Kon grumbled, sitting on Ichigo's bed. "But someone better explain what's going on here."

"A splendid idea," Renji said. "But no one needs you, so shut up and be a stuffed animal."

Kon looked away, insulted.

"Let's go," Byakuya said, as they all flash stepped out the room.

Meanwhile, Ai watched closely as a young girl prepared to pick up a straw doll with a red string tied loosely to it.

"This is it," Ren said, watching with interest.

"Humans are truly pathetic sometimes," Wanyudo said, shaking his head.

As the young girl pulled the string, a voice out of nowhere suddenly said, "Your grievance shall be avenged."

"Time to go boss," Ren said, looking at Ai. Ai nodded as she disappeared and Wanyudo turned into a flying flaming wagon and brought her back to her house. Ai entered the house, where her multi colored kimono was waiting. After putting it on, she returned to Wanyudo in wagon form and returned to Earth. She then made her way to the target and began to torture him.

"H-hey I didn't do nothing!" the man screamed as he was swallowed whole by a roll of giant dollar bills. "Her family wasn't even that rich!"

"Pitiful soul, tainted with sin," Ai began, looking at the damned spirit. "Would you like to give death a try?"

"NO!" The man shouted as he was swallowed into nothing.

Moments later, the man was on a boat, being rolled down to Hell by Ai. Ai rolled the boat slowly, looking ahead the entire time.

"Hey girlie let me out!" the man shouted, looking at Ai with fear in his eyes.

"I cannot do that," Ai said softly, keeping her eyes ahead.

"Why not? Look if you getting paid I'll triple it!" the man begged.

"Sorry," Ai said. "Hell is all that awaits you. I consign this damned soul to Hell."

When Ai was finished with this, she returned to Earth to meet up with Ren, who was watching the young girl with a small tattoo on her chest.

"Its too bad isn't it?" Ren said, looking at the girl. "She will go to Hell when she dies." Ai didn't say anything, remaining silent. Suddenly, she saw a bunch of Soul Reapers from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes widened as a small, unknown expression appeared on her face.

"Did the Mistress just smile?" Ren wondered to himself, looking at Ai, shocked. "I didn't think her face was capable of it."

As Ichigo, Rukia, Renji, and Byakuya flash stepped around the town, they were getting nowhere, and quickly. Ichigo moaned as he angrily stopped and looked at the rest of the group.

"We are getting nowhere!" he shouted angrily. "Why?"

"Be patient Ichigo," Rukia said.

"Yeah, be patient and more people are dying!" Ichigo screamed.

"Enough," Byakuya said, looking at Ichigo with a harsh expression. "You are not helping the situation by acting like a child." Ichigo balled his fist, about to return a comment to Byakuya. But as he was about to, a large fire looking blast almost hit him, but he dodged it just in time. A black haired girl wearing a small navy blue dress with a little red and white in it appeared in front of them, her red eyes glaring at Ichigo as he stared at her in surprise.

"Who the hell are you?" he screamed, pulling out his Zanpaku.

"I am Ai Enma," the girl said softly.

"Ai Enma?" Ichigo repeated. "Are you the one who has been killing these people and sending them to Hell?"

"I only did what I was supposed to do," Ai said, staring at Ichigo.

"That's enough!" Ichigo screamed, preparing his sword. "I don't care if you are a child, you are through!" He ran at her, sword in his left hand, but as he did, he ran right through the girl and everything became pitch black. Ichigo looked up slowly as he looked and seen his mother, Masaki Kurosaki, staring back at him.

"Mom?" Ichigo asked, rubbing his eyes again.

"Ichigo, my baby," Masaki said softly, holding Ichigo's face.

"No, this can't be real!" Ichigo shouted, getting up. Masaki stepped back, surprised.

"What do you mean Ichigo?" she asked him. "I'm here with you. Isn't that what you want? Do you not want me here?"

"No!" Ichigo shouted, looking down. "It... It isn't that. I thought you were dead."

"Not anymore," Masaki said, looking at Ichigo and wrapping him in a hug.

"Not… Anymore?" Ichigo said, his mind doing back flips.

"I'm back baby," she said softly, hugging Ichigo tighter. "And this time, I'm not going anywhere."

Ichigo smiled as he heard these words, feeling so warm. Suddenly, he felt a warm liquid begin to drip on him.

"What is this?" Ichigo wondered as he pulled his hand up and a handful of blood was in his hand.

"What!" Ichigo screamed, pushing back. His mother was bleeding, and badly. She looked at him, falling on top of him and looking at him, tears in her eyes. Ichigo looked in horror as the Grand Fisher appeared in the back of her, laughing as he threw Ichigo's mother off him and picked up Ichigo by the throat.

"You're weak Ichigo!" he screamed, laughing in Ichigo's face. "You couldn't even save your mommy!"

"No!" Ichigo screamed, turning away. Behind him, Ai Enma stood, looking at him.

"You? Why did you show me that?" Ichigo screamed, tears coming from his eyes.

"To see how weak you truly were," Ai said simply, looking back at Ichigo. "You can make this all go away Ichigo. Take this straw doll and pull the string."

"Why would I do that?" Ichigo said.

"Because it wasn't the Grand Fisher who killed your mother," Ai said. "It was an assassin."

"Bullshit!" Ichigo screamed. "He admitted to it!"

"Of course he did," Ai replied, not turning her glare away. "He did this to trick you, knowing full well he did not do it."

"Enough of your lies!" Ichigo screamed. He then opened his eyes and he was in his bed, Rukia, Kon, Orihime, Chad, Uryu, and Yoruichi looking at him, worried.

"Are you ok Ichigo?" Orihime asked a worried expression on her face.

"What?" Ichigo said wildly, getting up and looking around the room. "Where is she?"

"Where is who?" Everyone asked, looking at each other.

It seems that Hell Girl has show herself to Ichigo, and no one else. What is she planning and why does she want him to use the straw doll? Find out next time!