Author's Note/Basic Story beginning intro to this fanfic:

(PS to those of you who have read, waited and perhaps forgotten my other fanfics, I am sorry for the extreme delay on them. I have since gone back to college and have found less time for such things I love doing. However Christmas break is soon upon us and I feel the creative juices running again as they should as I'm changing my major to Graphic Arts and I've just started working on my photography seriously. I hope to start on my actual books again soon and these fanfics help get my brain flowing in the right direction. Thank you for your patience and feel free to review if you wish…I do take them into consideration when writing my stories)

Bella Marie-Swan Potter is the older sister of Harry James Potter-by ten months. She has grown up with Charlie Swan – a wizard who chooses to live as a muggle and in fact doesn't use his wand that often but never leaves it as home. He enjoys his life as Charlie Swan, police chief of Forks, WA but when Dumbledore asks him to take in Bella – his goddaughter when she survives the attack of Voldermort at just a toddler age. He does so without a question.

She then goes to Hogwarts at age eleven. She helps her brother fight Voldermort but at age sixteen…before her sixth year (Harry's fifth) she heads back to Forks, WA. Wizards are dropping out of

sight all over the place and in the last battle between them and Voldermort (in the graveyard), somehow Cedric (I'll allow that Cedric and Edward look alike but we are going off the book stories for the most part so there will be no claim between the too in the story) does a spell of protection on Bella—no one in the graveyard—besides her brother—remembers her at first (for a year time)…so to continue the protection Bella moves back to Forks and meets the love of her life….then its time to head back to Hogwarts….(skipped a year so she's now a sixth year like her brother—though she's seventeen…she takes advance classes alongside regular six years)…but now that Dumbledore knows about vampires such as the Cullens…he's prepared to use them especially when he finds out they are actually all past students of Hogwarts but having been turned in vampires their wands were taken away from them as due to certain laws though some vampire/witches don't follow those laws (such as those under Voldermort)…however now that Dumbledore is back in the good…well decently good graces of the ministry…he can have the laws changed for the Cullens as they have more than proven themselves. However they are sworn to oath to use their powers to only protect hogwarts and the children within it.

The stories (years 0ne-Five) are very similar to those originally written by JK Rowling…this story continues at the HP story when they arrive at Hogwarts (or rather slightly before). I do not like to change her great stories more than necessary but Sirius hasn't died and this sixth year will be different because it will be hard to write about a story isolating HP during his Half-Blood Prince moments and still have Bella be telling the story as she does in the Twilight stories as she will be in this one. From the Twilight side, she obviously spent more time in Forks her 1-11 years and during the summers…so we're going to have said that the Cullens were even more of newcomers to Forks and they were the ones that came in the middle of the school while she had started back in Forks at the beginning of the year…still awkward but not as much so. She, therefore, had a chance to become even closer to Jake before Edward shows up…however from where Stephanie Meyer goes from there in her first book and into the second when he leaves…except it wasn't a birthday celebration because Bella won't turn 18 until during this year (because of the age necessity and I don't want her toooo much older than her school mates in Hogwarts. So Edward leaves…she's in a slump but in a way is glad because she would have to leave her family anyway when school starts.

Written in third person but from Bella's point of view…. I am more able to write in such a manner then first person. Names familiar to the world is property of either Stephanie Meyer and her wonderful Twilight series or JK Rowling and her Harry Potter series. I claim no rights to their original works or any pieces of it that are in this fan fic. Any mistakes are my own. There are similar wordings and phrases to hold onto the original personality of the original character as written by the authors. Please note the usage of such was originally used by the above mentioned authors and I do not mean to plagiarize their work.

Chapter ONE : Pain and Moving On

She could not believe that such her family, most of all, Edward had left her. She kept reliving the moment when just a mere drop of her blood was exposed to poor Jasper at the summer celebration. She hadn't even gotten a chance to assure him that she was okay, her gentle usually calming new brother so affected. It all happened in slow motion in her head as it seemed to happen in real life. Though as both vampires had superfast speed of movement, she knew that it had not happened slowly but in one instant a stupid paper cut—the one lie—her clumsiness—that hadn't been a lie caused so much pain for all of them. And now they were gone and she just wasn't sure of what Edward had said before he had left her that last time. Part of her, a small, very small part held onto the belief that he had lied as she had. That what he had said was an act to push her away.

But this was a small part of her and she could not help but listen to the very much bigger part of her hurt soul that screamed that what he had said was true and all the rest had been a lie. That he did not love me…

Bella let go of the tear in her eye…

"Oh Bella," Charlie's soft caring but no-nonsense voice pushed into her reverie and self-pity. Her godfather wiped the tear away and cupped her cheeks. "If Edward ever shows his face…" he shook his head and held in his anger as Bella flinched. "Dumbledore is here Bella, to take you to the Weasley's," Charile said, sighing eternally when Bella just stared blankly at him. "Bella! Dumbledore is here." He said with more force and the most injured set of emerald eyes met his. He had gotten use to the muggle version of Bella, her original self looked so much like his cousin Lily that his heart broke even more so at such the depressed look in eyes he had seen so much joy in…both Bella herself and Lily.

"Dumbledore?" a small smile grew in place. She reminded herself that she would get to see her other family soon. And that she would have had to leave Edward anyway, though she had been hoping to come up with a way to tell him before now and perhaps once he got around the lies she had told to protect her identity and therefore in extension to those she loved back in the wizarding world that they could have worked something out. However that chance never came… and she must move on. Burying her pain, she pasted her smile on and went into the small kitchen where Dumbledore waited.

"Ms. Potter, are you ready?" Dumbledore had aged since she had last seen him, and it seemed as if the twinkle in his eye were dimming. He held out his arm and she gasped at the sight of his blackened hand. "Ah, yes well we've all had a busy summer." He pointedly looked at the scar left on her arm by James at the end of last school year.

"Yes," she said simply. He nodded and suddenly she was whisked through an endless realm to finally where she crashed landed next to Dumbledore at the Weasley's.