'7:00' was what my car watch was blinking at me. Here I was late for my interview and my car was taking its sweet time. It was at 7:15 for a position at Fantasia. I felt kind of bad for taking up another job behind Sam's back but I really needed the money. Gran's house wasn't looking too hot. And the potholes were getting worse on the driveway. Hey what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. I slowed down and stopped at the red light. I really didn't see the point of having one in a small town like this. People walk around like cattle in the middle of the freaking street anyway. The only thing that was really killing me was swallowing my pride and interviewing with Eric.

Ever since you know who (Bill Compton may he rest in hell) told me that he pretty much used me and pretended to love me because of the (excuse my language Gran) Queen bitch herself Sophie-Ann, its been hard to face any type of vampire. Oh come on car go a little faster. I tried to accelerate but it protested. Luckily I saw the Fantasia sign up ahead. I sighed. I hoped I was dressed well enough, I wasn't sure how were supposed to dress to a vampire interview. I wore my hair up in a messy bun, with two curls hanging in the front, one on each side. I had on a cheetah blouse and a pencil skirt (a proud size 6...on a good day) with some red peep toe sling-back 50s heels. Thank you Tara's Togs. I pulled up and parked at the employee area. I figured it was wishful thinking. Deep breaths. I checked the rear view mirror to see if my makeup was still ok. I gave myself a little pep talk 'C'mon country girl, you can do it!'. My car watch blinked 7:14. Sigh. I reluctantly got out the car and walked my way to the back entrance. I wasn't sure what to expect since I haven't been to Fantasia in a coon's age.

I opened the door and when my eyes adjusted to the red lighting, it was just like I remembered. Big room with the actual bar on the right. On the left was the DJ playing some song I didn't recognize. There were tables in the middle and booths at the darker parts of the bar. The fang bangers were the same as usual. Desperate look in their eyes, tight black clothing, and occasional holes in their necks. I saw this one girl who wore her skirt so short I saw that she had bite marks on her thighs. Sad. At the front of the place was the stage and the throne where a huge blonde, blue eyed viking is suppose to be sitting. Where was he? Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see a semi attractive woman wearing a tight grey jumpsuit and heavy eyeliner.

"Are you here for the interview too?"

"Yes I am. Im Sookie Stackhouse, what's your name?"

"I'm Janice! Im so excited, I really hope we get to work here"

Why does this dumb blonde bitch think she's cool enough to work here?

I stared at her. When you can read minds, you always know which people suck. That's not always a good thing let me tell you. It's not as cool as they show you in Twilight.

"Um me too" I looked around praying to find somewhere I can go to when I spotted Pam. Relieved to see a familiar face, I practically ran towards her.

"Pam thank Heavens"

"Ah. Sookie. It has been quite a while since I have smelled you. You are late."

I glanced at my watch and saw it was 7:30. Crap.

"Pam I've been here since 7:14 I just couldn't find anyone I swear! Can you just please tell Eric I'm here?"

Pam gave me a long look up and down and smiled. I shivered.

"Come" was all she said. I followed her. Guess what else followed? Every fanger's eyes when they saw me make my way into Eric's office.

Dumb bitch.

I'm way skinnier than her!

She won't put out

They'll get bored of her quickly

Oooo thanks guys. I put my shields up as high as they could go. I heard Pam say something in a language I couldn't understand and then she told me to go in. When I stepped in I was taken aback at how fine Eric was. He was sitting in his desk chair with his hair cut up a little above his neck now. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and some jeans I probably couldn't even dream to afford. He was staring at me, and I flushed. Then I realized another set of eyes were staring at me. I looked to my left where the other couch was and saw a man sitting there. Ok he was hot. Jesus Christ Shepard of Judea he was hot. He has the face of someone in his 20s, yet he still looked sweet and manly. He had his shirt unbuttoned so you could see his intriguing tattoos, beautifully tousled curly black hair and piercing ocean blue eyes rapped together with some soft plush pink lips. Calm yourself Sookie. Then I realized something else. He's the guy I talked down from meeting the sun in Dallas. He's the guy I saved from the fellowship of the psychos. Oh yah, Eric's maker. Oh...what the hell was he doing here? Then I heard Eric's throat clear

"Sookie, if you're done drooling at my maker, you may come sit"

I nearly died from embarrassment as I walked over to my seat in front of Eric. I saw a little smirk on his maker's face which made me want to die all over again from embarrassment. Sigh. I gave Eric my resume.

"You are late, that isn't a very good impression"

"I wasn't late, I was standing in the front for more than 10 minutes."

Eric didn't even glance up from the paper he was reading. Mr. Manners.

Then Pam walked in and said something to Eric in another language. Then Eric had a very scary look on his face. One that made me feel for whoever was on the receiving end of it. He said something to his maker on the couch and rushed out of the room. I was confused and well aware that I was alone with a vampire. I let my shield down relieved that I didn't have to worry about that with vampires. I turned around. He was staring at me. I quickly turned back, my heart beating faster. I heard a chuckle

"It's alright, you can turn around, I will not hurt you"

I slowly turned around. "I'm not afraid of you. Just a little embarrassed is all"

"Well I'm glad you are not. I wouldn't want the woman who saved my life to be afraid of me"

I blushed a little "Oh...well I'm Sookie in case you don't remember"

He chuckled again. Thats me, Sookie the entertainer. "Of course I remember. But they call me Godric."

"Yah I remember your name" Gran would chastise me for lying but I didn't want to be rude. And well he was hot "What are you doing here if ya don't mine me asking?"

"Well theres a bit of a...problem at my nest so I've come to stay with Eric for a while"

Ah. I didn't know why but the word 'nest' always made me laugh. Don't ask. I didn't want to press him on what the problem was because I figured I'd be finding out very soon. Then he got up and walked to the mini fridge. My he had quite the backside in those jeans. Snap out of it Sookie. He took out a Tru Blood, and put it in the microwave. It seemed to be the favorite among the vampires I knew. At least Bill preferred it. The microwave beeped and Godric took out the blood and opened it.

"It's better if you shake it" I said

"Pardon?" I walked up to him, carful not to wobble because my foot was a little asleep from sitting so long in heels. I took the bottle from his cool fingers and shook it. His eyebrows furrowed while he stared at my actions curiously. I opened the bottle and gave it to him. "Try it now" I said with a little sheepish smile. Who said being a barmaid was a useless job?

He took a swig of the O negative blood. He looked so beautiful when I saw the rose color surface on his skin from the blood. He put the bottle down, and looked at me with a smile. I noticed his fangs were out a little. "Better. Thank you again ma cherie"

I felt a blush coming up from the nickname but I tried to focus on something else. It didn't help that his shirt was unbuttoned...Damn what was taking Eric so long!

"So you think I got the job?" Godric twisted his kissable mouth

"I'll put a good word in for you" I couldn't help but smile at that considering he was Eric's maker. Speak of the devil. Eric walked in, but he wasn't alone. A woman walked in after him wearing a tailored suit and an I-really-don't-want-to-be-here-right-now expression. Godric took me by the hand and sat me on the couch. Now I recognized her, she was that vampire lady on the news. Huh, I guessed the camera added 10 pounds to vampires too. Eric looked more frustrated than when he left. The woman walked right to Godric who was still standing with his Tru Blood.

"Well well well if it isn't the 'hey fellowship guys, why don't you make the vampire's lives hell by taking me?' Godric in the flesh"

"Good to see you again" Godric replied in a neutral tone

"Oh cut the bullshit. Because of you I went to hell and back cleaning up that mess, now someone is going to pay for it and I don't care which one of you bitches it is but I'm leaving happy tonight"

I was completely shocked by this woman's rudeness! If she wasn't a vampire I think she'd be drained by now.

Eric growled (I'll admit, it was hot at the moment) but Godric put a hand up. "I agree, I will take full responsibility for my actions, no one else"

The bitchy woman stared at Godric and said "Fine, you are stripped of your title as Sheriff in Dallas. I feel better already"

I didn't like the way she was talking to him like he was inferior, if anything he could be her grandpa.

"You can at least take the attitude out of that unflattering voice of yours" I heard a voice say, it took me a second to realize it came out of me.

Every vampire in the room was staring at me. "And who is the blood bag? A fang banger?"

"Nope I'm not but that's more than you'll ever be" then suddenly I was pinned to the wall, the woman's hand on my neck

"Maybe you should watch that pretty little mouth of yours" my fingers clawed at her hand. Then Eric threw her across of the room

"I've grown tired of your disrespect, out!" he said with a menacing growl. The woman straightened herself up.

"Oh you'll pay for that one Northman" she barked and she left. Godric was hovering over me for a while but I didn't notice until now. I was still in shock. "Are you okay ma cherie? Does anything hurt?" I mentally felt myself around. Nope, I was good.

"Uh, I'm okay y'all. So did I get the job Eric?" I was eager to change the subject because both vampires had their fangs out. Eric and Godric both stared at me. Then they started laughing.

"Yes, you get the job lover" oh thank goodness. I didn't think Janice would be happy with the news though.

Eric walked to a closet and threw me a fangtasia shirt.

"Your first assignment is to keep Godric company"

I stared at him waiting for the punchline. Oh Crap, he wasn't joking. Eric walked out the door, and for the second time tonight, I was alone with a vampire. Who I noticed has his fangs fully extended.