It was about exactly noon and I was getting ready to go out for lunch with Oliver and I was now in my room looking into my mirror.

I don't know why the heck he asked me, but he better not try anything funny, or else…

Suddenly, my father had came into the room and said, "Antoinette, Oliver is here waiting at the door. You didn't tell me you were going on a date."

He started to chuckle and for some reason I felt my cheeks turn red.

"I-I'm not going on a date with that jerk!" I denied angrily, but I had to admit I was slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, I suppose these days going out to lunch with the opposite gender aren't considered a date anymore I presume, eh?"

He started laughing and I felt my cheeks burn insanely as I was scowling.

"You're being so unnecessary!" I told him as I walked towards the door and I adjusted my hands onto my hips while I walked towards the door.

I looked back to see him winked at me. My eyes widened in embarrassment, feeling that my face was growing even redder, and I looked back towards the door quickly.

I slowly opened the door to see Oliver standing there, smiling at me, but his smile recited once he saw my face.

"Uh, you okay? You're face is redder than a tomato," the farmer exclaimed and he suddenly put his hand onto my forehead.

My face instantly turned neon red once I felt the contact from his hand and I quickly pushed his hand away from my forehead. "Don't touch me!" I yelled coldly.

"Look, if your ill or something, we can do this other day," he told me and I shook my head.

"That won't be necessary. I'm perfectly fine and besides, I want to get this over with!"

Oliver started to chuckle and I then saw that signature smirk appear on his face again. "Well, let's go then."

"Fine. Humph."

We both made our way to the Café and entered.

The both of us had sat down at a table and I felt somewhat uneasy.

I just want to get this stupid date- I-I mean I just want to get this over with…

"So, what do you want to eat?" he questioned me.

"I don't know!" I said rudely.

I didn't actually mean to say that, it came out of my mouth before I had any time to think…

He smirked. "Well, aren't you feisty today? Guess I'll just surprise you."

My eyes widened. "Surprise? What do you mean?" I questioned in suspicion.

He sighed, putting his hand to his face, and explained in a cocky tone, "Since you're not really sure of what you want to eat, I'll pick out something to eat for you, thus, surprising you. Now, was that, that hard to understand?"

I growled and clenched my teeth. Oh, if I could, I would totally slap him right now! He so irritates me!

"I just asked you a simple question! Don't act like I'm stupid or something!"

"I was just clarifying things," he stated still smirking and I growled even more.

"Well, if you don't mind, I will go order our lunch now," he told me in the same cocky tone.

Oliver had gotten up and went to the counter.


I wonder what he is going to get for me and I'm still wondering on why he wanted to take me out for lunch.

Suddenly, Sherry had entered the Café, and she flashed me one of her polite smiles.

She walked up to me and asked, "Antoinette, are you on a date with the new farmer?"

There goes my face again, instantly turning red, and I shook my head. "No! I..It's a long story."

Sherry looked somewhat disappointed. "Oh I see. Well, I shall talk to you later, Antoinette."

The polite woman then walked up to the counter and Oliver came back with our food.

My eyes grew wide on seeing what was on the plates and I was terrified. There were these huge blue fishes on our plates.

"Are you kidding me? I'M NOT EATING THAT!" I shouted at him, getting up from my seat.

I paused in my tracks as I felt his hand grab onto my arm and I heard him say, "Wait!"

"If you paid more attention, you would notice that's it's not a real fish, it's just a cake shaped like a fish, smart one," Oliver explained with a smirk and he released his grasp from my arm.

"Oh… Well, whatever!"

I sat back down, avoiding eye contact, and I continued to eat my 'fish' cake. It was rather good I must admit.

"You like it? I've noticed that you like a lot of blue… And that was the only blue thing they had at the moment, so… I got you that…" he told me in a soft tone, and I could have sworn I saw some pink in his cheeks.

I looked at him puzzled and I felt blood rush through my cheeks.

"O-Oh, uh… Yes, I like it very much… U-Um, thanks…" I stuttered and I felt this weird sensation, but I wasn't quite sure of what it was.

He started to eat his cake and we both spent about five minutes in eating in an awkward silence.

I suddenly felt the presence of someone behind me, and I turned around to see my father watching us outside the window.

My cheeks instantly turned red again as I turned back around, and Oliver seemed to notice it.

"You're turning red again. You okay?" he asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine…"

He smirked. "As long as my princess is happy, then I'm happy."

My eyes widened in confusion and I felt my face grow neon red. "W-What did you call me?"

"I'm just kidding."


Author Note: Well, I got two chapters for this story in one day. I guess that's a good thing.

I hoped you all liked this chapter and thank you to those that have reviewed.

Please review and I shall update soon.