Knocked up

Disclaimer: Bleach is still not mine

Note: read till a few weeks later in the last chapter then skip the last part. Sorry I did this weird. In this one Soifon does get pregnant.

Soifon felt nauseous she did not know why it had been only a few weeks since her encounter with Grimmjow. She tried to ignore the queasy feeling in her stomach but she couldn't as she felt her stomach suddenly lunge. She ran to the bathroom and vomited into the toilet. Why is this happening to me? I been like this for more then a week! She knew with the departure for the war was seemed to have noticed that she was sick and Unahana was already giving her curious looks,I just need some more medication and I will be fine. Soifon wiped the sweat from her forehead. This cant be….I cant not pregnant can I?


Soifon knew it was wrong to steal from the 4th division but she did not want anyone to know. She grabbed the pregnancy stick before returning to her quarters and locked the door behind her before racing to the bathroom. I hope its negative!

As she waited for the results she carefully thought back to the encounter remembering the bite marks and bruises on her body from her night with Grimmjow. Nobody really notice she was careful to hide them under her uniform but now this is a bigger problem. She found herself shaking. A espada and soul reaper having a baby that's not possible. Her eyes widen when she saw the small plus sign appear. Its cant be! She felt cold with shock as she slowly fell to the floor. I am pregnant it can't be. What will everyone say when they find out? She jolted as she heard a loud bang on the door.

"Oi Soifon, what is taking you so long in there?"

"Lady Yourichi what are you doing here?" Soifon squeaked her voice an octave higher then normal. I thought I locked the door how the heck….Why am I asking that? Of course she would know how to get in.

"I came to see you silly why else? "

"Ummm I am doing great just great," Soifon lied. This is bad this is really bad why did she come now of all times?

Yourichi laughed, "Is that why you had locked yourself in the bathroom Soifon?"

"NO NO don't come in," Soifon knew how desperate she sounded but her mind went into a panic.

Yoruichi walked into the bathroom and looked around to find Soifon sitting on the floor her face in shock. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the stick in Soifon's hand "You are pregnant? How did this happen Soifon?"

Soifon shook her head, she felt herself close to tears "Its nothing really Lady Yourichi it does not matter anymore."

"Somehow I find that very hard to believe and with the war coming up."

Soifon looked up "I am still going to fight."

"Shaolin I am not sure if that is your decision Its Captain Unahana's."

"NO please don't tell anyone!" she felt tears start running down her face.

"You would risk the baby and yourself, which comes to the question who is the father?"

"It was….Soifon looked down feeling her face become red, I might as well tell her, Grimmjow Jaegerjaques" she whispered.

"WHAT! The 6th espada! How did you?….when did you? need to tell me what happen to be beginning."

Soifon found that she was shaky but luckily she was not interrupted. "It was just a one-night stand, please don't be mad at me Lady Yourichi,"

Yourichi sighed, "You have to tell them you can only hide it for so long."

"Yes I know that, I will eventually."

"So do you love him?"

Soifon could not look at her mentor Do I? I don't even know anymore I am so confused. I wish I knew the answer to that Lady Yourichi."


Grimmjow had not forgotten the night he had with the 2nd division captain. Ever since he saw her last in the real world he could not stop thinking of her. "What is wrong with me? I shouldn't care, she is the enemy"

"You mean you slept with the enemy" Pantera snickered "I am sure Aizen would love that!"

Grimmjow growled,"Why would you care what I did with her."

Aw don't get all touchy

Grimmjow was so distracted he did not notice Nnoritra behind him. "What ya doing?"

"What the hell do you want?"

Nnoitra laughed "No need to get all angry kitty cat. I was just sent to tell you that Lord Aizen is calling a meeting "

"Good you gave the message now get lost!"

"I am sure he is wondering why didn't you kill that soul reaper. I would have."

Grimmjow twitched, "You would be killed if you fought her."

Nnoritra was now more interested, "Ohh and who was she? Seems like you know the soul reaper quite well."

Grimmjow tried to be as causal as possible, " Just the second squad captain"

"A captain huh, seems like there is a something more behind this. I wonder if is she the reason why you keep on sneaking off? Cause you know Lord Aizen doe not like it when you go off for hours"

"None of you businesses" Grimmjow let out a low growl.

"No needs to get so defensive kitty you are acting like you were fixed without meds."

Grimmjow's eye's narrowed, "Keep talking like that smartass and I will strangle you!"

"I would love to see you try, though you would die before you touch me. If you are done sitting there moping with your tail between your legs we better getting going don't want to keep Lord Aizen waiting."

Grimmjow looked at the moon before following back into the building. I hope after this is all over I will see her again.


(note this is now after the war)

Soifon was not happy not only her daily life was turned upside down she found her self eating more then usual and some of the strangest things she would never think of eating before. Her unborn child demanded a box of chocolate éclairs drowned in strawberry sauce.

"Omaeda, go get me another box of éclairs," she barked not caring that she sounded harsh.

Omaeda looked at his captain nervously, "Captain are you sure you want to do that? You just had full jar of pickles."

"Yes, I am sure you fat fool now go get me some or I will give you paperwork that will last you for months!" she snapped

"Yes, right away Captain just please don't hit me again," he ran as quickly as he could out the office.

She had already sent him to the fourth division on several occasions, not like that did not already happen. After the war ended it became more apparent she was pregnant and people already started to ask who was the father. She did not want to answer that just yet. It would only be too long till they figure it out. She walked outside and stared at the full moon, Grimmjow, I wonder if he is still alive?

"Bedrest? I don't need it." Soifon scowled at the 4th division captain. It was bad enough that her feet were swollen and her stomach was huge, but the last thing she wanted to do was to be stuck in bed all day! It took some convincing before she was cox into a bed so she could be watched over. Soifon's mood did not brighten with the surprise baby shower which thanks to Matsumoto, was over the top with too many streamers and balloons. As expected the word got out quickly on Captain Soifon's affair with and espada and their "devil spawn child," that grew inside her. She knew there was not much she could do but let it go and hope it dies down soon enough. When everyone had left she found herself lonely look out the window outside. The baby started to kick gaining her attention. "Hey I did not forget about you but it does not help me if you are kicking me!" She laid back for another restless night hoping the baby' exercises stop soon.

Soifon watched the child crawl around the floor of her office. He was small for his size but still had electric blue hair like Grimmjow. I am sure he will have the same sarcastic grin too. Grimmjow must be still alive somewhere in Huco Mundo if Ichigo did not kill him. I want find out but I can't abandon my post. She knew now she loved him but Grimmjow's fate was still unknown.

It was not for long till Grimmjow was captured. With the war over he still decided to cause destruction just for the heck of it. As he was led to the maggots nest he caught the eye of Soifon and stopped. Its her….she's alive! He could not read her face she seemed to pretending not to care. Gtimmjow could not help but show his trademark grin. You want to try to ignore me now? You can try but that's not going to work. "Hey there little bee long time, no see."
Soifon felt her heart start to beat rapidly. Grimmjow noticed that he was getting many dirty looks as soul reapers were whispering to each other. Quite a greeting I am getting, I guess that was to be expected.

"CAPTAIN ITS HIM!" Omaeda shouted, before Soifon smacked his face.

Grimmjow was puzzled, "What is going on?"


Grimmjow sat in his cell he did not like it cause it was cold and cramped. Crap of all the times to get caught it had to be now. He heard the door open to see Soifon in the doorway.


Grimmjow couldn't help but grin, "You just couldn't stay away from me bee?"

Soifon felt her heart give another leap, "Grimmjow I" she felt her face going red "I need to show you something."

Grimmjow's eyes widen when Soifon brought in a small child with bright blue hair, "Wait you got to be joking….the kid is mine?"

Soifon nodded, "It is"

Grimmjow walked towards the child and put a hand on his head. The little boy smiled and lifted his arms up to be picked up. "Well guess you will have to get me out of this dump so I can help raise the kid"

Soifon chuckled, "I will try though I fear for the Soul Society if they do."

Grimmjow let loose his trademark grin, "Oh I am a nice guy once you get to know me" and by the way, your face is red"

"Shut up!" Soifon's face turned darker shade of red.

Grimmjow put his had to her cheek, "Joking aside Soifon, I will stay with you/"

"You promise?"

"Ya, that's promise" and kissed her.


Auther note: Overhaul on fic I think was needed. Your welcome GrimmXSoi fans!

Soifon: what is with you people getting me pregnant *threatening look*

Crazed: *takes cover behind rock* don't kill me