Note: Hi everyone. I've been so amazed by the talent of everyone posting their stories here! Thanks for sharing your gifts. I kinda got inspired to start writing too. *sheepish smile* This is my first fanfic...! Anyway, here goes... :)

Too fucking bright.

He brought his hand to his forehead, laying the flat of his palm across his eyes. He lay in that manner for a few minutes before turning to the clock on the nightstand.

7:42 am.



He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and looked to the side as his vision cleared. The pile of laundry by the foot of the bed has gotten high enough to be visible from where he was sitting. In the corner, the sole table, a narrow desk with a cheap metal lamp, was littered with paperwork. In fact, as far as Danny can tell, clutter occupied all available surfaces in the studio apartment. He groaned as if seeing it all for the first time, dragging himself to his feet.

The path to the tiny bathroom was paved with dirty laundry, empty beer bottles and takeout containers. He grabbed as much as he could on the way.

But a cellphone ring pierced the air from underneath the blankets. Then in a half-asleep haze, Danny tried to do too many things at once. Just as he brought the phone to his ear, pressing the button that would make the shrill sound stop, his other hand reached down to swipe another shirt, his foot stepping on a piece of paper and slid out, causing him to drop the entire load from his arms and his bad knee collide into the corner of the bed. He collapsed to the floor in agony.

"#%^* *)*#* $#^% #%$ ^!"

"Good morning to you too."

"I'm busy, what do you want?" Danny winced to himself, cradling his knee to his chest.

"Busy? How can you be busy? It's Saturday."

"I'm supposed to pick up Gracie in half an hour and I've gotta clean and shit."

"You're bringing her there?"

Danny stopped rubbing his knee to throw his hand up. "What? You have a problem with where I live? What is it with you and your inability to keep your opinions to yourself?"

"Me and my opinions?— Look, Danny, I'm just saying maybe you want to take her to the beach or something. Some place that's you know fun."

"You saying my place isn't fun? My place can be lots of fun. We do lots of fun things together when she's here."

"Yeah? Like?"

"Fun. Things. What, you going to tell me how I should be raising my kid next?" At this, he attempted to stand up but a sharp pain jolted through his leg. "Aghh, #$%^!"

"No— you okay? What happened?"

"Nothing." Danny shut his eyes waiting for the pain to subside. "I just hurt my knee again." He let out a long breath.

"That didn't sound like nothing. You need me to take you to the doctor to get that checked?"

"No it's okay it's fine. Gracie's waiting for me. I'm fine."


"It's fine Steve. Listen I gotta finish cleaning here."

"You know why don't you and Grace stay at my place this weekend. You don't have to clean. There's plenty of room. To do your fun things."

"I don't think so."

"Come on. You can watch movies, make popcorn. Play hide and seek. Or well, play hospital. I promise to leave you guys alone. You won't even know I'm there. That particular skill, they did teach us at SEAL school."

That earned a chuckle. Danny softened. "That's really generous of you Steve, but really you don't have to."

"I do. I want to. I'll be there in ten minutes. We'll pick her up right after."

Danny was about to respond but Steve had already hung up. He smiled to himself and started to get dressed.