Well guys, this is it.

I can't believe I'm finishing my first chapter story! This is so exciting! I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me as this story went through some weird and crazy times. And thanks to all the new people who discovered it when it went through the re-vamp! You guys are honestly wonderful.

Two notes: All my info about how a court system works is from watching Law and Order: SVU. And keep in mind Ryou goes to school in Japan. High school is only three years, freshman (grade 10), junior (grade 11), and senior (grade 12).

I still have the poll about whether I should write Ryou and Malik one-shots during TAC! Please go vote! I wanna know people are interested!

Without further ado, I present the last chapter of Three's A Crowd.

Disclaimer: I don't own YGO, but I do take claim over all my Shadow Realm things I added in and Azazel, Murzix, and Wioqu.

Chapter 15

Judgment Day

A voice, almost above a whisper jarred him from his limbo.

"Master Malik!"

No. It couldn't be… could it?

"I shall protect you!

Malik's eye focused and his awareness of the world became sharp and clear. His gaze trailed across the stadium to the stairs where Odion, breathless, weak, and pale, stood clutching the side of the wall.

Marik's voice echoed around in his head, curses and threats aimed toward his brother. Malik pushed them aside and looked at his brother, aghast. He heard him. He heard his pleas, his asking for forgiveness. Odion's spirit and will to protect Malik must've been so great he awoke from his coma.

"Please… don't give up," Odion pleaded in between breaths. "There is still time!"

"Bull," countered Marik. "Our insignificant little duel is almost complete. It's too late."

But Malik felt a small fear in his head coming from Marik. He knew since his creation Marik never liked or trusted Odion, but as a child he never understood why. Once he started travelling around, Marik's dislike of him waned a bit, and Malik started realizing why his dark hated his brother. It was here during the duel that Malik got the full explanation of why Marik hated Odion.

"You have no business being here," Marik continued in an angry tone. "I should have killed you when I had the chance."

"Let him speak," the pharaoh glared at Marik who returned the look with equal menace before shrugging and looking away.

Odion tentatively let go of the wall and staggered forward. Ishizu rushed over and supported him, helping him walk closer to the dueling platform. He nodded at her to let him walk by himself and she cautiously let go.

"Be careful," she said as he started walking over to Marik's side.

"We were getting along fine without you," Marik piped up, eyeing Odion from the corner of his eye. "But you continue to insist on getting in my way." He laughed. "Just look at you! You are hardly able to walk! What makes you think you can make a difference in a duel that was predetermined by fate? Maybe you'll be able to stand a few moments longer to watch me crush the pharaoh." His gaze flipped up to Malik and he felt the burning glare of his dark. "And the destruction of your precious brother."

Odion continued forward, almost falling a few times and breathing heavily during his entire trek to the opposite side of the platform. "Release my master now," He put force behind his voice, but it was just barely above an indoor voice.

"Your 'master' is nothing," Marik gestured to the floating bit of Malik's head, the only thing remaining in the physical world. "The shadows will soon consume him and he will remain in the Shadow Realm forevermore. You're too late. I will gladly substitute being your new brother." He cackled menacingly at Odion. "Little Malik-dear could hardly hold me back in your duel. What makes you think he can now?"

"Because I know my brother," Odion said. "Malik never gives up without a fight and continues kicking even when he's already defeated." He looked over at Malik as he said this, indicating that he heard Malik when he talked to him. Malik's eye widened, understanding that Odion was well aware of why Marik hated him so much. "I'm here to ensure that he prevails."

Marik's eyes widened and he whipped the Millennium Rod out of his back pocket, pointing it at Odion. "That's enough!" The Eye on the Rod glowed and Odion was thrown back against a pillar.

"Odion!" Ishizu cried and rushed over to her brother. He waved her away and slowly got up.

"Master Malik," he said, directing his attention to Malik and staggering forward. "Fight your dark side. We've conquered him before and I know you can do it again."

"Silence!" Marik shouted and Odion was thrown back again against the guardrail. "I told you that was enough."

Ishizu once more tried to help her brother, but he pushed her away. "I'm fine, Ishizu." His steps were rocky, but he was able to get to the side of the platform again. "Please, Malik. You have the power to stop your dark side. You were the one who created him. You have the power to destroy him."

Watching this encounter, Malik never knew how much his dark side feared and hated Odion… almost as much as Malik feared and hated Marik. A pang of guilt hit him as he watched his brother. He kept getting thrown back but it didn't stop him from getting up again. Malik was going to give up. Fighting in the Shadow Realm was one thing; getting out actually seemed like an option and keeping his fighting spirit alive wasn't hard with the company of Ryou. But once he was dragged into the realm world by his dark… escaping no longer seemed possible. He was once more at the clutches of Marik and giving up was the optimal thing to do. But he was wrong. So wrong. His views were flipped. In the Shadow Realm, there really was no way of getting out. But face to face with his dark side, someone he once was able to keep at bay, he realized that he could take over again. His fear was the only thing holding him back.

His eye widened as a plan quickly formed in his head. Focusing hard, he fixated his soul on his body, on the Millennium Rod, on eradicating his dark half. A small bit of Shadow Magic crackled around him and he felt a tugging at his gut. He was suddenly dragged into a limbo state but… not at the same time. Somewhere close by Marik was screaming. Malik felt legs and arms and a body on and off and heard Marik's constant screaming.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" he shrieked.

"I'm taking back my life." Malik replied in his head.

"Fight, Malik!" Odion encouraged. "Remember who you are. Remember why you are a Tomb Keeper. Remember Father, and all others who you did harm. Fight for them, for Ishizu, for me. Fight for yourself."

Marik screamed over Odion's works, but Malik still heard as he fought to enter his body.

"No," Marik growled. "I've come to far to have you little fleas come in my way. I am the one and only. I am the true you and I will not have my weak little light overpower me."

And with that, Malik forced his spirit inside his body with a throbbing headache, both he and Marik groaning in pain. He was whole. He felt arms and legs… but the fight wasn't over, not by a long shot.

"Pharaoh!" He cried, finally able to use his voice. "If you can hear me, attack now!"

"No," the pharaoh replied. "I can't, not without risking your life."

"Screw my life!" Malik answered. "Please, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold on. I need your help to banish my dark side." As he said this, a skull-splitting headache pierced his head and he cried out in pain.

"You will not be able to overpower me," Marik thought to him, dark waves of hate hitting Malik with force. "You are a little maggot for me to crush."

"No," Malik replied. "I am sick and tired of you pushing me around. I will crush you."

"I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused," Malik found his voice again, speaking against the pain and the glares from Marik. "As a Tomb Keeper I was charged and raised to serve you and my resentment and anger has ended up with… well, me here. But I am ready to take responsibility for my actions and right my wrongs." He looked over at Odion. His brother nodded in approval.

"Well said, Master," he commended. "I have waited many years to hear this. You are finally growing up."

Malik opened his mouth to reply, but another headache crashed into his skull, threating to rip his body in two. Somewhere in the forefront of his mind, Marik was yelling threats and curses. "Please pharaoh!" He called. "You must attack now! It is the only hope for my survival!"

The glowing Eye on his forehead glowed brighter and Malik was shot back in his soul room—did he miss this place—as Marik took control.

"No, I will not have this happen!" Marik cried.

The Eye flashed again as Malik forced his way out the door. "Yes pharaoh! You must save yourself and all mankind! Please!"

"We can't!" Yugi cried. "The force of the attack could send you to the Shadow Realm!"

"That's fine! I survived the first time I was banished there!" Malik cawed back. "Just do it! It's the only way to rid of my dark half!"

"But I don't want to risk that!"

"Yugi, I'm afraid we don't have any choice," the pharaoh replied. "We must trust Malik's judgment."

"Please!" Malik pleaded. "It's the only way!"


Ryou woke up with aching muscles and a mild headache. He blinked a few times before sitting up, his blooding rushing back into the body. He shivered for no reason and racked his brain for memories but came up empty. A strange feeling of déjà vu washed over him and he feared for a moment the Spirit took over his body before he caught sight of him in the corner of his eye. Ryou turned to look at him. His back was turned as he spoke.

"You've finally awaken," he said evenly. "How was the nap?"

"How did I blackout?" Ryou asked. "I don't remember anything."

The Spirit finally turned to face Ryou, an odd look on his normally placid face. "I knocked you out in our fight. You overestimated your power. I'm not surprised."

"You look damaged too," Ryou noticed.

"How can you see this?"

"Your Shadow Aura is one tell."

Bakura glanced down at himself and Ryou smiled small and quick, knowing that he at least was able to do some damage. Bakura's Aura, while still dark and thick, wavered, flickering on and off like bad television reception. Ryou looked down at his own Aura. It was the same size as it was when he stopped repressing his new and improved abilities, but it occasionally flickered to something darker. He watch it interestedly, fear of his own power threatening to take over his sense. He looked back at the Spirit, who was watching him curiously.

"…Yes?" Ryou asked cautiously.

"You said one tell." The Spirit drawled. "What was the other?"

The Brit hesitated before saying, "Your expression."

His dark's expression scrunched up in confusion for a moment before smoothing over with his normal indifference. "And how could you tell from my expression?"

Ryou looked away, his gaze fixated on nothing in particular. "I see it in the mirror everyday."



"I active Ragnarok!" the pharaoh shouted. "Since both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl are on the field, I can release its power! First I must remove all monster cards from my hand, deck, and graveyard."

"No!" Marik yelled and the Eye flashed as he took control. "Stop this!"

"Too late."

Every monster from the pharaoh's deck appeared on the field in ghostly forms, the Shadow Realm's magic allowing the actual monsters into the game. The Eye flashed again so Malik could see this time and the sight was truly one to behold. Even the gods themselves appeared for the pharaoh, all of them behind Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. Malik looked down as he felt a squeezing, Osiris wrapping himself around Ra. Realizing that since he was fused with the god monster he could feel his pain as well, Malik let Marik take control to take the beating since he was the one who put them in this situation. Through his eyes though, Malik saw Obelisk wrap his arms around Ra's head, gripping him in a secure lock hold.

"No one can defeat Ra!" Marik called out lamely. "Release me!"

Instead of doing so, Osiris and Obelisk lifted Ra and Marik high in the air, Kuriboh acting as an aircraft marshal. Marik cried out in pain and another headache hit Malik just as he screamed.

"This is over." The pharaoh said sternly. A pentagram with twelve points blazed above his head as the Magicians' wands began to glow. The three monsters entered the pentagram just as the Magicians fired their shots and the world glowed in a bright light.


Malik opened his eyes and blinked, looking around. He was in what appeared to be a courtroom… an Ancient Egyptian courtroom. The room itself was made out of sandstone and the gallery seats were gold with hieroglyphics carved into the sides. The jury's seats were also gold with hieroglyphics carved into the sides. The judge's seat, currently empty, was an elaborate golden design with rubies and emeralds and sapphires embedded in it. He turned; the entrance to the courtroom was open, sunshine flooding the room. White linen sheets hanging from pillars in the entrance lazily drifted in a breeze. Suddenly a shadow obscured the sunshine as a large red figure lifted its head and gazed down at Malik.

Osiris, Malik thought just as the god monster shimmered in a golden light and shrunk down to human size, his red skin turning black as night. His features were sharp, but strong. He wore a white Atef crown with two curling ostrich feathers at each side and was bare-chested except for a Usekh collar around his neck. He wore a simple linen Shendyt, or skirt, around his hips with a belt of gold holding it up. His crook and flail were in his hands. He surved Malik with dark eyes before sighing tiredly.

"If only we could find a way to destroy that insufferable Shadow Realm," his deep voice was heavy with exhaustion. "We wouldn't have to deal with this."

Malik opened his mouth to answer, but when another voice chimed in he realized the comment wasn't directed toward him.

"That's what you get with minor gods," a tall, deeply tanned man walked in. He wore a blue Atef crown and a light brown tunic with a golden belt wrapped around his waist. Gold armbands covered his forearm and elegant earrings dangled from his ears.

"Obelisk, you are a minor god," Osiris intoned. "You weren't even an official god until that pharaoh, Aknamkanon, came along."

"At least you are official!" he complained. "You know how I got worshipped? With those stupid statues! Humans don't even know I exist anymore."

"Well they must if you haven't faded away."

Obelisk opened his mouth, but closed it abruptly.

"Gentlemen," said a new voice, one that radiated of power and also kindness, "if we could please proceed with this, we may continue on with our immortal lives. I have a schedule to keep. The sun doesn't drive itself."

This man was also dark-skinned but had the head of a golden phoenix. An elegant Usekh collar was around his neck and he also donned a white linen Shendyt with a golden belt securing it at his waist. He had armbands at his wrists and upper arms and bands around his ankles. A golden crook was in his hand as he strode into the room.

"Of course, Ra." Osiris replied.

"Dealing with all these teenagers is giving me a headache," Obelisk moaned. "It reminds me of dealing with those Kane boys. What were their names? Julius and Amos?"

"Obelisk," Ra groaned.

"And now we have to deal with these kids! I told you, Ra, teenagers should never be pharaoh!"

"What about Tutankhamen?" Offered Ra. "He was a good king."

"Pah, besides him. That Cleopatra was no good."

"Well of course," Ra said. "She was Greek. We aren't exactly on good terms with their Parthenon."

Malik watched with amazement. Gods. The Egyptian gods who he learned about and worshipped were standing right in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't notice that they were staring back until Obelisk cleared his throat.

"Oh, uh," Malik bowed awkwardly. "My apologies."

Obelisk snorted and trekked down the aisle to the jury seats. Malik started to turn toward Ra when a banging of a gavel interrupted his thoughts.

"The trial between Marik and Malik Ishtar is now in session."


He's able to read me now, Bakura thought bitterly. That means I'm growing weak.

Their awkward silence was painful for a few reasons.

It was extraordinarily awkward

The silence itself was so quiet there was a ringing in his ears

Bakura was left with his thoughts which was never a good thing

He released Diabound back into the Shadow Realm and was left by himself with his host, whom, by this point, he wanted nothing to do with. His back was turned and he faced the slow pulsing light grey shadows. He actually started missing the real world and all those lovely people for him to manipulate.

His thoughts were disrupted by a loud and long growling noise. He turned and Ryou was doubled over, whimpering.

Bakura broke the silence. "Hungry?" He said snidely.

Ryou looked at him, a deep pleading and desperation in his eyes. "Very much so."

"When was the last you ate?"

"How long has it been since we escaped Azazel's façade?"

"A week."

"Then a week."

Bakura pursed his lips and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I can't do anything about that."

Ryou glared at him, sitting up. "They why did you ask?"

He shrugged. "Just making conversation."

Ryou's face was incredulous. "Since when do you make conversation? And on top of that, since when do you talk to me?"

Bakura paused at his statement. Since when did he start talking to his host? He was spending too much time with the boy. His host and Malik were rubbing off in him. Bored, he guessed, was the main reason why he was talking to Ryou. No reason to leave this place since—hopefully—they were leaving soon anyway once the pharaoh beat Marik. He never really tortured Ryou before and there was no point starting now. Zorc obviously wanted nothing to do with him at the moment. There was nothing really to do, nothing really to think about…

"Boredom." Bakura concluded.

"You are talking to me because you are bored?" Ryou asked, confused.

"I suppose so."

"That's… odd."

"Why are you answering my questions then?"

Just like that Ryou shut up and turned his back to Bakura.

The silence resumed.


The gavel slammed a second time and Malik found himself sitting on the plaintiff side. He looked over at the defendant's side. Marik's legs were on the table, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face; he was pouting. He glanced over at Malik and stuck his tongue out at him. Malik gave him a what-the-hell face and looked at the jury. Ra and Horus as well as an array of other gods sat in the benches. Malik picked out Horus, Isis, and Thoth as well as a few other major gods. He looked behind and the courtroom was mostly empty except for a few minor gods sitting in the gallery.

"Court in now in session," Osiris began. "I, like usual, am presiding. Both plaintiff and defendant will act as their own lawyer. The person found guilty will be judged against the Feather of Truth." The Millennium Scales appeared on the judge's bench. "If found guilty, that party will be executed."

"Osiris," said a voice that Malik found vaguely familiar. He turned and running up the isle was none other than Shadi.

"You!" Malik cried out.

Shadi ignored him and muttered something to Osiris. Sighing, Osiris nodded his head. "I understand." He looked up at the courtroom. "The guilty party will be the one whose soul is up for gamble with the Shadow Realm." Shadi nodded and ran back the way he came. Osiris muttered something and shook his head. "Mr. Ishtar," he looked at Malik. "Your opening statement?"

Malik hesitantly got up. He had no idea what to say. Learning the rules for a courtroom was not something he learned during his time underground. Of course he knew that when people died their souls were judged with the Feather of Truth, but he wasn't dead…

His realization came the moment he walked in front of the judge's bench. The losing party was going to die. Still, he had never seen a trial and didn't know what to say. So he decided to go the safe route and just regurgitated what he told the pharaoh and his friends.

"I was born a Tomb Keeper of the Ishtar Clan charged to keep the pharaoh's secret until he returned. I was bitter of this honor and ended up resenting the pharaoh. After I received the Tomb Keeper's Initiation I made up an imaginary friend to keep me company. He was very nice to me and told be it was okay to be angry with the pharaoh for burdening me with such a task."

A muffled giggle sounded behind him and Malik turned and looked at his dark. Marik's hands were covering his mouth and he was trying very hard to contain his laughter. Malik continued.

"After my sister took me to the outside world I became even angrier and ended up killing my father, the first time my dark side took control. I ran away and committed countless crimes. When I heard of the pharaoh's return in the form of a boy in Japan I gathered my followers and made my way there to ensure my revenge for keeping me locked underground. I was going to kill the pharaoh and finally be free of the burden of his secret. Things got out of hand," he gestured to his dark, "and now I am fully remorseful for everything I have done. I want to make things right with my king and fulfill my duty as a Tomb Keeper."

"Thank you," said Osiris as Malik sat down. "Mr.… Ishtar?" he looked at Malik who shook his head vigorously. "Okay then, Mr. Marik, your opening statement."

Marik swung his legs off the table and leisurely got up, strutting forward with confidence.

What an idiot, Malik thought. If I know nothing about trials, like hell he does.

"I was born from a lonely boy who needed a friend," he said. "I helped him when he was sad, laughed with him when he was happy, and protected him from those who tried to do him harm. When he said he no longer wanted to be a Tomb Keeper, I told him why not run away? I fully supported everything he ever did. When he started backing out of his plans, I took over to help him." As he spoke, his eyes trailed to Malik and an odd look of sincerity was on his face. "I wanted what he wanted. I was just trying to help." He smiled, a normal genuine smile, at the jury, judge, and then finally Malik before sitting back down.

"Thank you," said Osiris. "Mr. Ishtar, since this trial is between you and…" he looked a Marik for a moment before saying, "yourself, your dark will be your only witness and vice versa. Please call your witness to the stand."

"Uh," Malik stood and looked around, unsure of what to do.

"You say, 'I call so-and-so to the stand' and ask them questions about their crime," Osiris answered Malik's confused face.


"Well, it's more of a 'who deserves the body more' type thing, but yes! The crime!"

"I still don't understand."

Osiris started getting annoyed when Ra stood from the jury's seats. "Yes, dear boy. The crimes here are," a piece of paper appeared in his hand. "Murder, larceny, reject of one's true self, and…" he squinted at the paper. "The fourth one is smudged. But you get the idea now?"

Malik nodded and turned his attention to his dark. "I call Marik to the stand."

Marik smiled his insane smile at him. "You said my name for once. I'm so honored." He got up and strode to the witness stand next to Osiris. A beautiful goddess with her black hair cut in a sharp bob and dressed in a simple white dress similar to something Ishizu would wear approached the stand. Malik guessed she was Maat, goddess of truth since a white feather was in her hand: the Feather of Truth.

"Place your hand on the feather." She said and Marik did so. "Do you solemnly swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Ra?"

"I do."

From the stands, Ra smiled and glowed faintly.

Malik walked over to his dark.

"Hi, Malik-dear," he said. "How's it going?"

"The witness is not allowed to talk unless he is spoken to." Osiris ordered.

Marik pouted but closed his mouth.

"Is it true that you were trying to help me?" Malik began, mostly to appease his curiosity.

"Of course," his dark chirped. "Everything I did was to help you."

"So you murdered all those innocent people to help me?"

"I never murdered anyone."

Malik blinked. "What? Of course you did!"

Marik shook his head, a frown on his face. "Nope. Never did."

"Well," Malik stammered. "You killed my dad."

"I'll admit to that one," he agreed. "Besides that I never killed anyone. That was all you."

Malik stopped, taken aback. Holy shit. He was right. "You thought about killing people though, right?"

A slow smile crept across Marik's face. "Of course I did. I thought about a lot of things. Murder, homicide, suicide, rape, torture…" he ticked each word off with his fingers. "The works."

"You thought about suicide?"

Marik shrugged. "A few times. Not because I liked the idea of killing myself, that would be a crime in itself, but because it sounded like fun."

"You're sick."

"You created me."

Malik took a breath to collect his thoughts. His dark was getting to him, and Marik knew it. He inhaled before asking, "Did you ever steal anything?"

"Nope. You did that."

"You stole my body," Malik glared.

The smile got larger. "I did that."

"You stole my deck."

"That too."

"YOU STOLE MY LIFE!" Malik lunged forward and wrapped his hands around Marik's neck. The jury gasped and Osiris banged his gavel.

"ORDER! ORDER!" He boomed and snapped his fingers. Malik was lifted into the air. "There will be no throttling of throats in my courtroom! Understand?"

Malik nodded.

Osiris looked at Marik. "And you! No taunting!"

Marik rolled his eyes but nodded.

Osiris put Malik back on the ground. "Please proceed."

"Are there any crimes beside that that you actually committed?" he asked.

Marik shook his head. "No. There was no way for me to being locked up in our soul room."

"Oh." Malik paused. "Uh, I don't have anymore questions."

"Then say 'no more questions.'" Ra supplied.

"No more questions." And he sat back down.

"Mr. Marik, would you like to cross examine yourself?"

Marik shook his head.

"Would you like to call a witness?"

He jumped over the witness stand and strode over to his light. "I'd have the honor of calling Malik-dear to the stand."


"So…" Bakura drawled.

Ryou ignored him.

"Wanna split the deck and play a game of Duel Monsters?"

Ryou looked at him disbelievingly. "What is wrong with you? You are acting way out of character."

"So are you." Bakura noted, crossing his arms as a thought dawned on him. "I guess this part of the Shadow Realm alters personalities. That explains my rather… 'friendly' behavior and why you are so cross."

"I guess so," Ryou uttered.

There was a paused, then, "Wanna play?"




Marik took the first few minutes of Malik's sitting in the witness stand just staring and grinning at him. Malik new he was raking it in, this little bit of power, to finally put Malik on the stand… literally. Malik often questioned his dark about his motives, but never the other way around. Now it was his turn to get some answers.

"Well you admitted to killing and stealing," his dark started. "Why did you though?"

Malik swallowed before answering. He took an oath to tell the truth, and that's what he was going to do. "Because they got in my way or I didn't need them anymore or they knew too much information. I stole because I wanted."

"And did you want to kill the pharaoh?"

"…Yes. At one time I did."

"But you don't anymore?"



"Because I was wrong." Malik answered candidly. "He is a just and worthy king. I was selfish. Compared to the greater good, my needs were petty. I understood this a bit late, but it's never too late for a second chance," he look at Osiris, "right?"

Marik frowned hard, thinking of another question. Malik felt like his chances of winning were grim. Marik was right. He never really killed or stole or threatened… and the questions he asked his dark didn't make him seem like the bad guy. If anything, it revealed a lot about himself.

"Did you reject your Tomb Keeper heritage?" Marik asked suddenly.

"Uhm… yes." Malik said. "I still kept with some of the traditions, but by leaving the tomb I basically said 'screw you' to the Clan and the pharaoh."

"No further questions." Marik concluded and strolled back to his seat.

"Mr. Ishtar, would you like to cross examine yourself?" Osiris asked.

He thought for a moment, but couldn't come up with any questions to ask himself. He shook his head.

"Then give your closing statement." Osiris said.

"You tell the jury why we should think you are innocent." Ra provided before Malik asked what that meant.

Malik nodded and slid off the witness stand and stood in front of the jury. "Honored gods and goddesses," he began. "I screwed up. I abandoned my heritage, murdered people, stole ancient artifacts and Duel Monster cards, and brought pain to almost everyone I came in contact with. But I have a chance to make everything right. By regaining my body I can rid the world of my darker half. Once the duel is done he will kill the pharaoh and bring darkness to the world. I will remedy that and complete my duty as a Tomb Keeper by giving the pharaoh the information carved into my back. I want to make everything right and bring honor back to the Ishtar name." He looked pleadingly at the jury for a moment before sitting back down.

"Mr. Marik, your closing statement."

He sauntered over to the jury and smiled. "I deserve the body because I've never had one of my own. Technically, I'm only seven-years-old. How am I supposed to know right from wrong when everything I learned came from a six-year-old? And I'm just trying to fulfill a childhood dream." He bowed politely and sat back down.

Osiris banged his gavel. "The jury will go into recess to deliberate the fates of Mr. Ishtar and Mr. Marik. This court is adjourned." He banged his gavel again and in a flash, the gods were gone.


Even if what Bakura said was true about this area of the Shadow Realm warping personalities, it still didn't stop him from getting on Ryou's nerves. God, he was being so annoying. He kept asking random questions and pestering Ryou to do things. It was aggravating.

"Will you leave me the bloody alone you twat!" he crowed.

"That's not very polite," Bakura commented. "I was just trying to be nice."

"Explaining why you kept me locked in my soul room almost all throughout my junior year of high school is not being nice!" He yelled. "I only have one year left of high school and I can barely remember this year. Fantastic."

"Sorry?" Bakura proposed lamely.

Ryou glared at him and continued to ignore his dark.


"How does it feel?" Marik chimed. Since the gods left, Malik moved to the back of the courtroom, leaning against one of the pillars, anything to get as far away from his dark as possible.

"How does what feel?" Malik asked back through gritted teeth, refusing to look as he heard his dark approach him.

"Your defeat. Obviously you're the guilty one. I did nothing."

"You were the one who goaded me to do everything!" Malik accused, turning to face his dark.

Marik smirked. "Oops. You should've mentioned that."

"Ugh!" Malik pulled at his blond hair and walked back into the courtroom just as Osiris appeared and banged on the gavel.

"The jury has come to a conclusion. May all parties come back to court." He said. Malik stood behind the plaintiff table and Marik unhurriedly walked back to the defendant table.

"Ra, the verdict."

Ra stood and looked down at a piece of paper. "We find the defendant, Mr. Marik innocent."

Malik's face fell. No… no… this wasn't supposed to happen! He was supposed to guilty. How could this happen?

"We find the plaintiff, Mr. Ishtar, guilty on accounts of murder, larceny, and rejection of true self."

"No!" Malik cried. "This can't be right! I… I'm the hikari! The light!" He pointed to Marik. "He's the dark side! The yami! He's supposed to be guilty, not me!"

"Mr. Ishtar, that is the jury's decision and we don't speak Japanese." Osiris said. "Please come forward for the weighing of your soul."

Tears threatening to pour from his eyes, Malik swallowed and approached the judge's desk.

"Maat," Osiris said and she walked over and plunged her hand into Malik's chest. He cried out just as she pulled out a wispy white form that looked like condensed fog: his soul. She handed it and the Feather of Truth to Osiris. He thanked her and addressed the jury. "We now begin the Weighing of the Soul." He placed both the feather and soul on opposite sides of the Scales. Malik closed his eyes and heard the Scales tip…

"The Feather of Truth finds the chosen party innocent."

Malik's eyes snapped open and sure enough, the Feather was heavier than his soul. Maat took the soul off the scale and gently nudged it back into Malik. He shivered as is passed through him. His closed his mouth when he realized it was hanging open. It felt like a thousand pounds were lifted off his shoulders.

"May the previously declared innocent party approach the stand."

Marik, bewilderment on his face, walked forward. Maat pushed her hand into his chest and pulled out his soul; instead of white, his soul was black smoke. She handed it to Osiris and he repeated the process. The Scales tipped, Marik's soul heavier than the feather.

"The Feather of Truth finds the chosen party guilty."

"WHAT?" Marik roared and Maat roughly shoved his soul back into his chest. "I deserve a body more than he does! Don't I get a chance?!"

"You had one, Marik," Osiris said, stepping down from the judge's desk and walking around to stand in front of the two Egyptian teens. "But the Feather never lies. Malik is correct when he says that you are the 'dark half' of his personality. You shall have your punishment served back on earth."

"What… 'back on earth'?" Malik repeated. "Where have we been then?" He asked curiously.

Osiris smiled. "The Duat of course." He lifted his crook and flail, but a voice interrupted.

"Osiris! Wait a moment!" Ra cried, running down to join the small group. "The smudged bit of the crime cleared itself! It says," he looked down at the paper, "'preventing the pharaoh from saving the world from darkness.' Apparently Maat purposefully had it smudged." He glanced at her and she smiled.

"The trial wouldn't have been fair if we had that little detail included." She said innocently. "Besides, Malik needed to come to terms with himself." She winked at him and he felt a blush creep into his cheeks.

Osiris rolled his eyes and began chanting, his crook and flail glowing brightly until the light consumed both Malik and Marik.


Then smoke. Malik felt weak and hot. Something heavy was weighing his arm down but he couldn't see anything or remembered what happened. Some piece of fabric seemed to be chocking him. Then voices… faintly familiar and far away... then the voices grew louder and were directed in front of him. The smoke began to clear and figures appeared… two across from him and a bunch below. A memory triggered. A duel! Right! His dark side was battling the pharaoh and he dragged Malik and Yugi into it as bargaining chips.

"He made it!"

The smoke cleared fully. Malik breathed heavily, trying to remember what else happened… something about the Duat? He couldn't remember and decided it wasn't important anyway. What was important was he got his body back and defeated his dark side. He looked up finally at the pharaoh and Yugi, still trying to catch his breath.

"Pharaoh," he said weakly, throwing off the heavy cape to help cool his body. "There is something else we must do. I still have one life point left."

Yugi gasped. "You're right! The duel isn't finished!"

Just as he spoke, a form shimmered next to Malik. Where he once was kept hostage, Marik now hung from the shadows. He was nearly gone; the only thing left was one of his chaotic, pupiless eyes. His voiced echoed around, a voice lost among the shadows.

"W-what's going on?" He sounded scared. "Th-this shouldn't be happening!"

"Looks like the tables have turned," the pharaoh observed.

"Malik, listen to me," Marik's voice was urgent.

"You said my name for once," Malik spat, the words sounding vaguely familiar and yet suiting. "I should be honored."

"Please, Malik." Marik insisted. "We could still defeat the pharaoh! Think of the reason why you left the Tomb Keepers! Your childhood was wasted away because of him! Think of the pain he caused you!"

"No," Malik replied, looking at what was left of his dark. "You are the one who brought pain to my life, not the pharaoh."

"But think about it!" Marik continued. "We could kill him and not have to worry anymore! We could even take the god cards and find the Millennium Items! We could rule the world together if we wanted."

"I never desired absolute power," Malik said. "You know that."

"Don't be a fool, Malik!" Marik's voice started getting impatient. "We've come so far. Don't throw away everything we'd worked for."

"You keep saying 'we,'" Malik observed. "I think the proper pronoun is 'you.' You wanted all of this. I believe I remember you admitting to being the one goading me on to do these horrible things. I never wanted all of this. You did." He looked back at the pharaoh and he nodded.

"Your move." The pharaoh said.

Malik nodded. "I'm sorry. For everything I did. I can't change the past, but I can start over and embrace my family legacy." He looked over at his siblings and smiled a little. "I'm proud to be a Tomb Keeper and I'm proud of my sister and brother."

Odion smiled back. "Thank you."

Malik continued. "My family has waited five thousand years for your return. Now that you're here I can fulfill that destiny." He lifted his Duel Disk up and hovered his other hand above it.

"No!" Marik wailed. "Yo-you can't do this!"

"Yes, I can." Malik glared at the eye. "And yes I will. I must fulfill my destiny so the pharaoh can fulfill his. Before I can reveal the information on my back to the pharaoh, he must be in possession of all three god cards." He grinned again. "Luckily for him, I have the third one."

"You are making a huge mistake!" Marik yelled.

"No," Malik closed his eyes. "For the first time in years, I am making the right choice." He laid his hand on the Duel Disk. "I forfeit the game."

"Don't you dare!" Marik howled. "You need me! You'll regret this!"

Malik turned on fully to face the tiny fragment left of his darker half. "Like hell. Have a nice time in the Shadow Realm. I hear the weather is lovely."

Marik roared in protest but shadows wrapped around Marik's eye and he was gone. The shadows cleared away, revealing a bright blue sky and ending the Shadow Duel. He sighed in relief and looked back at the pharaoh. Yugi was no longer present, but by the way the pharaoh was addressing the area next to him, he could tell he was back in his soul room.

"Thank you, my pharaoh," Ishizu said.

"If anyone, you should thank your brother," he replied. "Thanks to him the darkness was lifted."

That one henchman of Kaiba's that Malik couldn't remember the name of ran up on the platform and announced the pharaoh—Yugi—as the winner of Battle City. His friends cheered and hollered as the platform descended back down. When it finally was flush with the rest of the tower, Malik ran over to his siblings, tackling them both in a hug. His sister had tears in her eyes. He released them and smiled sadly.

"I am so sorry." He said.

"You've apologized enough for one day," she answered. "All that matters is you're safe and that you're back… both physically and to the old you."

"Well," Malik said. "I kinda went through a lot of shit. I'll never be the same as I once was, but I can still be the person I'm supposed to be."

His sister smiled at him. "Indeed. And you accomplished the mission of the Tomb Keepers."

A memory sparked in Malik's head, one from a conversation he and his sister had what seemed like months ago—to him, it probably was months ago. "Hey Sis, does this mean that the three of us can start over? Can we live on the surface world now?"

"Yes we can. No point living underground again. I think it's time we start living in the light, don't you?"

Malik couldn't stop his grin and the over enthusiastic hug he gave his sister. She laughed and returned it with the same chagrin. He let her go and looked up at Odion, his eyes shiny from tears threatening to pool. "Thank you. For everything."

Odion patted Malik on the head. "I'd do anything for you Master Malik."

"Oh my gods, come on!" Malik moaned. "You can stop with the whole 'Master Malik' stuff. You're my brother, not my servant! I wanted you to call me that when I was still an asshole."

"Language!" Ishizu chastised.

"If we're gonna live on the surface, we gotta get with the times," Malik replied. "You have to be less formal, Sis. No one will take you seriously."

Ishizu slapped his arm.

Mokuba's voice suddenly floated to Malik's ears as he loudly said, "The winner gets the loser's strongest card."

"Oh yeah!" Malik said, quickly taking his deck out of the Duel Disk and shuffling through it, trying to find Ra. "I almost forgot." He walked over to the pharaoh and handed him the card. "I also thought I'd mention that everyone who was banished to the Shadow Realm by my dark side will return, and probably has as I'm speaking." His mind flipped over to Ryou, wondering where he was. He noticed the Millennium Ring hanging around his neck and wondered where it came from.

Bakura's probably in there, He thought. And Ryou probably wonders where it is. I'll get it to him soon enough.

"Thank you," the pharaoh smiled earnestly.

Malik returned the smile as his siblings joined him and everyone else on the platform. "And now to perform my final task as a Tomb Keeper, I can reveal to you what is carved in my back." He turned around took off his shirt. There was an audible gasp and a wolf whistle that Malik guessed was from Duke. He rolled his eyes.

"These markings were passed down from generation to generation to the eldest son of the Ishtar family." He explained.

"We were taught that when the ancient pharaoh saved the world from darkness, he wiped his own memory clean to prevent his enemy from defeating him in the future. He knew someday he would return and need his memory back, so he entrusted our family with his secret. That secret is carved into Malik's back. All you need to do is read it."

"Alright." Malik heard the pharaoh say. After a moment, Ishizu nodded at her brother and he retrieved his shirt. He put his hand around the Millennium Rod and for once, it felt off in his hands. That was okay though.

"You'll need this," he said, handing it over to the pharaoh. "We no longer need to guard it and you are its rightful owner." He glanced over briefly at Kaiba and the Millennium Ring suddenly seemed heavy on his chest.

You know what, he thought, fuck you, Bakura. Sorry Ryou. He took off the Ring and also handed it over to the pharaoh. "I think this is safest with you."

Kaiba scoffed. "Can we end this love fest? I have a company to run and the tournament is over. If you'd like a free ride back to Domino, I suggest you board now. The Kaiba Corporation is not liable to any injuries you sustain if you remain here. The island will explode in one hour."


There was a huge upset over the island exploding and the airship not working and not being able to find Kaiba, but luckily a helicopter was available for the group to escape on. Malik and his siblings ran off the airship and onto the helicopter with the obnoxious Kaiba Corp. "KC" engraved on the sides. As Malik boarded, he caught sight of Ryou. The Brit gave him a small smile and waved. Malik waved back with twice the enthusiasm.

"Thirty seconds…" one of Kaiba's henchman said as the helicopter lifted swiftly into the air.

"I hope Kaiba made it out," the pharaoh muttered.

Just as he spoke, a loud explosion and bright light erupted from the tower as the manmade island started to crumble into the ocean. Out of the rubble, smoke, and explosions, a Blue Eyes White Dragon zipped away.

"What?" the pharaoh remarked. "How is that even possible?"

Laughter sounded from the speakers and it dawned on Malik that the dragon looked too metallic and robotic to be the actual monster.

"You gotta be kidding me," Jou remarked.

"Surprise!" Mokuba's voice was garbled through the static, but his tone was friendly. "Hey bro, why are they in the helicopter?"

"Oops." Kaiba's voice was smug. "I guess the airship wasn't repaired."

Jou stormed up to the front of the helicopter and grabbed the radio. "YOU THINK IT'S FUNNY WE ALMOST DIED?!"

"Sorry, Jou," Mokuba said. "We have some important Kaiba Corp business to attend to!"

"Don't worry. You haven't seen the last of me." Kaiba remarked.


Kaiba ignored him. "You owe me another duel, Yugi." He stated before flying the jet in the opposite direction of the helicopter.

"COME BACK HERE!" Jou shouted into the now dead radio. "I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!"

Honda and Duke wrestled the radio away from him and Malik looked over at Ryou who was sitting by himself near the end of the bench. Malik walked over to him.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked.

"Not at all," Ryou replied and Malik sat next to him. There was a small awkward silence, something rare between the two of them. But they had been through so much and there was so much to say. How to begin was the question. Malik went the easy route and spoke up.

"How long were you in there after I was taken hostage?"

"About a week."

"Ouch. A week with Ba—" Ryou gave him a look. "A week with your darker half must've been hell."

"It was… strange." Ryou laughed lightly. "You know that blue-grey area we were in?" Malik nodded. "Turns out it altered personalities. I started acting like a prick and the Spirit was behaving like a needy child."

"Get out!" Malik exclaimed. "That's unreal! Did you fight at all?"

"At first right after you left," Ryou kneaded his hands. "But I don't really remember much of it. I remember losing and… nothing. Then waking up to the Spirit looking battered. It was peculiar. How about you?"

Malik recalled his tale from being brought to the duel up to giving the pharaoh the Millennium Rod. He felt like he was forgetting an important detail, like how he was finally able to take control of his body, but he couldn't remember.

"So the total count of us being in the Shadow Realm was eight months." He stated.

"Eight months and a week for me," Ryou said. "That's a long time."

"Too long."

"I agree."

"I'm not shadow travelling again for another year."

"I'm not even going to try shadow travelling." Ryou laughed. "Hey, since you gave up your Rod, can you still do Shadow Magic?"

Malik nodded. "Remember the two hour thing? Still applies here. I have two hours worth of Shadow Magic. Not like I have a limited time slot, but say for example we had a Shadow Duel and it took two hours. There would be my time."

"Ah," Ryou said. "Okay."

"You know you still have Shadow Magic right?" Malik asked. "Are you going to use it?"

Ryou unconsciously touched his chest and looked down, noticing he was missing the Millennium Ring. "Where did my Ring go?"

Malik indicated the now Yugi who was conversing with Anzu. "I gave it to the pharaoh. I figured he could use it more than you and thought I'd do you a favor."

The Brit smiled at him but sighed. "Thank you, but I know I'll find it on my bedside table in the morning. To answer your question, no, I don't think I will. I've had my fill of Shadow Magic for some time."

"Uh, not to burst your bubble," Malik said. "But you're dealing with the Spirit of the Millennium Ring. I don't think he'll let you off the hook that easily."

"I supposed not."

Malik held up one finger as a thought occurred to him. "Can you give me a moment? I gotta do something." He walked over to Mai who was chatting about some magazine with Serenity. "Hey Mai, could I talk to you for a moment?"


The ride back to Domino took up the rest of the day, the helicopter landing at sunset. On the way back, Malik was able to make up with Mai; she told him she felt like she was in the Shadow Realm for three weeks, but it felt like forever. Instead of complaining about how long he was there, he apologized again and again. She forgave him, but said she wouldn't forgive his dark side. He understood her position.

He and Ryou talked the rest of the way back, recalling the fonder memories of the Shadow Realm and just talking in general. They even compared and contrasted the similarities and differences between their worlds from Azazel's maze. The rest of the group was curious about their time there, but once Mai started crying they decided that was a bad idea.

When the helicopter landed and the group got off, Malik gave Ryou a hug.

"Thank you for keeping me sane."

"Thank you for not letting me die."

Malik laughed suddenly and Ryou cocked his head. "What?"

"That's exactly what 'you' said in that fake world Azazel tricked us into."

"Really?" Ryou asked.

"Yeah. It was something really cheesy, but kinda okay. Cheese isn't bad sometimes."

"It's my favorite dairy product," Ryou supplied and the two laughed.

"I'll make sure to give you a visit once my family gets settled," Malik said. "How long is a plane ride from Egypt to Japan? Six hours?"

"Ten hours and thirty minutes," Ryou corrected. "And that's without layovers and if the flight is direct."

"Nevermind," Malik made a face. "That's way too long. Maybe I'll make an exception of shadow travelling to see my best friend."

Ryou chuckled. "I'll make the plane ride then. You're too impatient."

Malik shrugged, but smiled. Best friend. He had a best friend. And he was positive Ryou thought the same thing. It seemed they made a pact with each other when they first shook hands, almost like a promise to each other that if they got out they'd remain friends. They went through a lot together and after spending eight months in the darkness, you can't help but make friends—even best friends—with your company. After all, two is a company.

Whew! That was LOOOOOOOONG. XD

Well, that's it. I again want to thank you all for keeping with me. I am very satisfied with this story and I am so happy to finally complete my first chapter story. It's a bit sad, but I'll get over it. An ending to one thing leads to the beginning of another!

Thank you. 3


Over and out,
