Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling; therefore, the characters I use are not mine. For this particular FF, the plot is not entirely mine either; it is mainly JK Rowling's with use of some of Warner Bros. material from the movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One. I, however, did change part of the plot.

Note: Thank you to all who reviewed for Part Four! I am really sad to announce that this is the last chapter of this fic. I am brainstorming other fics now, and a new one is almost finished! A very short one shot is your only little hint! Anyway, it has been so much fun writing this, I sure hope you enjoyed it. Sorry that this post has taken so long, it has been a very long, sad, stressful week. A little side note for this part, there is a section where it could be rated M, but it barely suggests anything. So just a forewarning, nothing happens that would require me to change the rating of this fic.

[Recap]: Finally, we made it out to the beach, I could see Harry at Dobby's grave again, I wonder what's on his mind. Hermione sat between my legs again and leaned against me, she quickly fell asleep. Her healing process was going to be slow and so was getting back to the hunt.

Part Five:

The sun warmed me as Hermione was lightly sleeping against my chest. I wonder what she is dreaming about or even if she is sleeping well. I have been so concerned about the well-being of Hermione; I hadn't had a chance to think clearly through everything that has gone on around me. I had light stubble lining my jaw and dried dirt was plastered on my arms and face, a result of the run from the snatchers.

I closed my eyes for a moment and suddenly the sun light was blocked from my view, slowly, I opened my eyes to reveal Harry standing before me.

"Is she sleeping well?" He nodded towards Hermione.

"I assume so, we just went in with Bill to try and remove the wounds. It was pretty bad, we got it to scar over, but, we can't fully remove it. Hermione wants to try again tomorrow." I brushed some of her hair out of her face and looked back at Harry.

"What did Bill do?" he questioned.

"Used some potion on her arm to heal it, it was really strong and completely burned her arm." I showed him her arm, and the burns that remained on top of the scars. Each letter was a deep red, but clearly, skin had formed over the lacerations leaving dark scarlet letters surrounded by bright red burns.

"Ow, that must have been really painful. Did you get enough sleep last night?" he cringed at the sight of Hermione's arm.

"Yeah, I'm was so relieved to know Hermione was alright." I replied.

"Yeah, but we still have a long way to go. Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about with you. We need a new plan for what we are going to do after this stay here. I've been talking to Griphook about breaking into Gringotts." He looked at me trying to read my face, which of course I was surprised that he would even suggest such a thing.

"That's impossible! You can't just break into a wizarding bank!" I exclaimed, "Who's vault did you want to break into anyway?"

"The Lestrange's vault, I think there could be a horocrux there."

"Are you bloody insane?" I was astonished. When I yelled I must've jostled and woken up Hermione who moved to sit up.

"What's going on?" she asked in a drowsy voice.

"Harry is just telling me his crazy and impossible plan." I explained and put my arm around her.

She slowly leaned into me before responding, "What is this crazy and impossible plan?"

"He wants to break in to Gringotts and more specifically Bellatrix's vault." I explained. When I said Bellatrix's name she visibly froze, I squeezed her to me in a loving way.

"How do you plan for us to do that?" She asked, her face was masked with strength again, even though I knew that inside she was freaking out.

"Well, I thought maybe polyjuice potion." Harry clarified.

"Where are you going to get the hair? We are not going back to Malfoy Manor." I demanded to know, I wasn't going to bring Hermione back willingly to the hell she had survived.

"Well, I searched Hermione's clothes for maybe a trace of Mr. Malfoy's hair possibly or even Bellatrix's hair. I was successful. I asked Bill if he had any and he did. So we can go in like we got in to the ministry."

"When?" Hermione asked in a business like tone.

"Well as soon as we're done here, I guess." Harry said.

"We need to think this through some more, I for one, would like to go lay down upstairs. It has been nice, laying here in the sun, but I'm too hot right now and my arm is starting to hurt. Ron can you help me?" She started to get up as I offered her my hand for support as I got up as well.

"Of course, Harry let's talk some more inside." The three of us walked silently into the house and into the sitting room. I could hear Fleur working in the kitchen and Bill in the back office. Luna's door was slightly opening and a light snoring could be heard from her room. Ollivander and Griphook had left for a walk down the beach, with in the protection charms of course. We were free to talk about what we wished, without disturbance.

"I think we should stay here through the weekend and see how Hermione is feeling; I don't want you to feel uncomfortably sick while we are on the run." Hermione had sat down incredibly close to me, all of her weight was shifted onto my side and shoulder as her fingers gripped my forearm while my arm was around her shoulders. She bit her bottom lip, a routine tick she had when she was thinking. "Hermione?" I wanted to see what she thought.

"Hmm?" she responded, clearly only half in the conversation.

"What do you think about leaving on Monday? Or even Sunday night?"

"Let's put some thought into this first, I don't want to end up going on another hunt when we really don't know what we are looking for. We don't need another fight." She rationalized while taking a glance at me. I knew instantly what she was referring to, my reasons to leave. I could feel my blush creeping up my neck again, the same familiar heat.

"But, Hermione, I have already been talking to Griphook." Harry complained.

"No." Hermione's voice was rising, the most energy that she has had since before we left for the hunt. "We need more than just that, we need a plan, and a good one at that. If you want to go so badly then you can make the plan, a real one, not one where you assume that we come out fine." Her voice was steadily rising and her body slightly shaking. I tightened my grip around her.

"Fine, I will work on it some more. Ron, maybe you can help me a little while Hermione catches up on some sleep." Harry seemed miffed that Hermione was opposed to his plan, but I agreed with Hermione. Although I vowed that I would never leave her again, I never want to be under the influence of a horocrux and so paranoid. My stay with Bill helped me realize what I really want in life, Hermione; I would do anything for her.

"I don't need sleep anymore; I'm just a little tired. I have been sleeping for too long!" she was truly angry now. I once again squeezed her to me.

"Relax," I whispered in her ear, Harry looked away, out the window. I felt bad for making him uncomfortable but he had to deal with it, I've waited too long and if the outcome of this war separates Hermione and I, then I want to make the most of it now. After I soothed her and Harry felt comfortable he got up and left for the kitchen. Hermione let an audible sigh that signified her sleepy state.

"Ron," she asked, "do you think you could rub my back? I am really sore." She was clearly embarrassed by her question, but I decided to make the most out of it. Without replying, I helped her up and to the room.

She laid down on the bed on her stomach, her arms circled around the pillow that she rested her head on. I sat down next to her, it wouldn't be the best position to be in, but this is all about her being comfortable and healing. I began to rub her shoulders and neck, she relaxed under my fingers, a good sign that it was going well. Now if she really wants a good massage, I would not be sitting next to her, and well, there wouldn't be as much clothing. I allowed my mind to wander, even though I knew that it wasn't going to help me as much. I instantly blushed, but kept going with the massage. I was now working my way down her back, pushing her knots and kneading them out with my knuckles and fingertips. Her breathing wasn't as steady as it was before, each time I hit a knot and worked it out she made a little whimper, so quietly that it took me a moment to realize what it was.

"Ron, you're so good at this, thank you." She whispered, "Don't stop though." I chuckled a little, this was the most intimate thing that we have ever shared, even if it wasn't meant to be sensual, we shared things that I would've never thought of before. I was learning about her mind and body every time I touched her skin or looked into her eyes, this made the both of us vulnerable to the other but, it was as if we completely trusted the other to stay within bounds, even though we both wanted more. Something only we could share, no Harry.

I continued to work out the knots in her back until there were no more that I could find. She was sleeping lightly when I finished so I moved her over so I could lie down next to her, we shared a pillow as we both took a nap.

She was already awake when I opened my eyes, she was leaned in over me looking down smiling thoughtfully, "Thanks Ron, I feel so much better, I appreciate that you respected me when I fell asleep," she used her hand to wipe hair out of my eyes, "plus, you're a really good pillow." She smiled at me even more. I reached up and held her face in my hand, lightly. She closed her eyes lightly and breathed in deeply.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" I asked. She opened her eyes at me questioningly.

"I'm not, don't lie," She grabbed her wrist and pushed up her sleeve and thrust her scars in my face, "this is what I am. You can't change that." She was crying, no one had told her or taken the time to tell her how beautiful she was, no label or scar could alter her beauty.

"'Mione," I moved my hand to her neck and brought her to me, enveloping her in a crushing hug, "You're the most beautiful woman in the world, no one can change that. I love you, so much. No label, scar, stereotype, and whatever other negative word there is out there can alter your beauty. You have been my best friend since I met you, even though I have been awful to you. I still feel awful that I wasn't able to get to you fast enough, you don't deserve to have those scars." Hermione was crying into my shoulder and grasping the back of my shirt. "You are beautiful, Hermione, believe it or not, you are always beautiful, especially to me." I grabbed her wrist and kissed it and then I kissed behind her ear and whispered, "always to me."

"Oh Ron, I'm sorry, I'm so weepy lately, I am confused." She was still gripping me, but her words stung.

"Confused?" I felt something boiling in me, what was this to her? I am serious here and she's still confused?

"Oh no!" she exclaimed, "Not about this," she motioned to both of us, "just about what is going on, I don't want to go back out there and have something go wrong. Everything is going around me so fast but I don't feel like I am a part of it. Harry has secluded himself from us, Bill and Fleur are still unsure of what they are even doing with us here, and the world is becoming even more of a mess as we are sitting here."

"I think the reason Harry has secluded himself is because I refuse to leave your side, and he might feel a little uncomfortable." I offered my explanation.

"That's exactly what I didn't want to do!" her words once again stung.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I was getting angry.

"Ron, he had to leave Ginny, it's not fair to flaunt that I have you and you have me, while he has no one. Of course we're his friends and aren't going to leave him, but still, it's not fair." Her words still hurt, I have wanted her for so long, and now she was telling me I had to be quiet about it. The only thing I wanted to do was shout it from the roof top that I had finally told her my feelings.

However, I didn't want to start a row between us, "Fine, we'll include him more, and we can tone it down a little, but only when he is there." I complied to her wants but still bartered with her a little, I wasn't going to give it all up just so my friend, who broke my sister's heart could keep flying by the seat of his pants in trying to find crazy ways to defeat a dark wizard. "As for Bill and Fleur, I know that Harry talked to Bill about it too, but he knows he shouldn't risk our mission by telling anyone, and they are doing a great job. Lastly, the world will be cleaned up when we finally dispose of you-know-who, then I will take you to get your parents, just you and I. Got it? Then you can bring your parents back home and all will be well." I hadn't really mentioned her parents to her since they had gotten on their way to Australia, she always got misty eyed when she thought of them, it was clear she was still broken inside about them.

"Okay well then we should get planning to get this war over and done with, then we can start planning our trip," she still had her arms around me and she began to kiss my jaw until she reached my lips, "we should tell Harry that we will leave Sunday night. Oh and Ron, I love you." She pulled away and pushed me off of the bed and towards the door, I chuckled a little and leaned back to kiss her forehead.

"I love you too, 'Mione." I left the room to inform Harry. When I returned she was asleep again. She was far enough over on the bed to leave room for me, her head barely on the pillow. I removed my shoes and socks and changed into pajamas that I had found in the beaded bag and changed her into one of my larger shirts, careful as to not disrespect her. I pulled the covers around us and held her in my arms, it had been a long few days and an even longer future ahead of us. I will never let Bellatrix near her again, the plan had been set and we would leave in a matter of hours now. On the road again, no more of that torturous life without Hermione knowing, she would be mine forever, as long as she had me. No more true torture to harm us, she had me and I had her, all we would ever need, to heal, to breathe, to live.


Note: It's over! I hope that you all loved it! My next fic will be out soon, so watch out for that one, it is not a part of this series and it will be a one-shot! Thanks for reading, please review.