Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. The author does not own anything concerning Gainax's IP Neon Genesis Evangelion. The company gives the word and this comes down.

Out There

The stars go dead. Everything grows colder. Not in all the world's turnings have I felt such a chill.

I am floating here, the Lance my constant companion. There are no others.

What oceans we swam to get here. Now I float upon the edge of the greatest, blackest sea. I am a child of a thousand generations. I will see a thousand more out here in the deep. Alone.

What you may call regret linger within. She, the Ikari, my complimenting soul, called me proof once. Proof of Man's existence and little else. Not even…kin.

It's so cold.

A/N: A Drabble series that was suggested to me by Mashadar. Nominally to aid my writer's block, but also to simply explore something the fandom has rarely looked at: Unit-01 itself. Not Yui's influence, but the mind of that colossal beast. Soulless it may be, but I posit a mind lingers within. Over time, when the inspiration hits me, I'll post many and more. Hope you guys enjoy. This is a new sort of journey for me.