The Bridge
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Enjoy; Chapter I: The Bridge and The Mysterious Women
It was one of those days that tested people's patience, the sky a nice hint of grey which could bring a smile to anyone who loved a peaceful rainstorm. Unfortunately, Kurama was not that type of person, the quiet pattering of the small droplets of rain against his windshield making undisclosed emotions rise up within his chest. A familiar song came on the radio, but the words were meaningless to him and soon his hand turned the dial of the radio to the left until an audible click was heard and the music stopped indefinitely. The only noise heard now was the rhythm-like sweeping of the windshield wipers against the patter of the rain.
The best way to describe Kurama was a hopeless romantic. Since he was a little boy he had the image of a feminine princess being his bride, a woman who would love him no matter what, someone he could reassure and would be modest of how great she really was. His physical features were none too glamorous, although he was modestly handsome with crimson hair, soft facial features, and standing taller than most at about 6 feet even. His true beauty however, was inside of his physical shell. He was an emotional, considerate, and affectionate man, the rare type whom could melt the heart of the coldest woman.
However, life is a cruel monster and he had not one girlfriend he actually cared about, just one failed relationship. Maybe it was the rain, or maybe it was the fact that it was the weekend and he was alone, that he began to ponder if he would ever be happy or meet anyone. Just like magic, old man Irony decided to play a game, and as his coupe pulled onto the grating of the Marquis bridge its tires screeched against the film of water that the bridge was painted in, coming to a complete stop. Quickly, he unbuckled his seat belt and opened his car door, slamming it shut behind him and as he put a hand over his brow the droplets splashed off the back of his hand as well as his vulnerable body. Had he seen what he thought he did? In a very uncommonly loud voice for him, he called out to what appeared to be a woman, sopping wet from the chilling rain.
Hearing Kurama, the woman slowly turned her head to face him, her hair matted to her face, and by the look of her Kurama knew that it was her salty tears that made her mascara run down her pale cheeks, not the rain. He was too far from her to notice anything but the shape of her body; she was no super model with a firm muscular frame, but rather skinny and starved. However Kurama didn't notice any of those superficial attributes, what he did notice, however, was that this woman was on the wrong side of the railings of the bridge, her knuckles white and shaking as they held on tightly to the rail. Slowly her head turned to face away from him, glancing down slightly to the watery abyss below as she exhaled a quaky breath of nervousness.
"E..excuse me?" he said in a less firm voice, quickly running to toward the poor trembling woman, only to be halted her innocent, terrified voice. "Not a step closer! Please… please don't.." With that, Kurama slowly raised his hands up and shook his head slowly. "I'm not.. just please don't do whatever you're thinking. Will you please just come back on solid ground?" he pleaded with his soft voice and unspoken facial expressions. There was not another car on the road, not even this woman's. It was a Saturday morning and it seemed no one had plans on this side of town this early. "Just leave me alone, you have no idea, no one understands, just get back into the car and drive off!" She sobbed. He crept closer to her, his shoes softly thudding against the slick ground as he outstretched a hand. "Please, just talk with me, that's all I want." The closer he got to the young woman the more he began to comprehend how beautiful she was, her eyes although teary were a beautiful blue hue, her skin was pale but flawless, and he had already heard her angelic voice; troubled but beautiful.
Dear God! How he wanted to help this woman. She was in need of help and he knew that if she would give him the chance he could make her happy, please give him the chance. "My name is Shuichi.. Shuichi Minamino, but my friends call me Kurama for short." He said in the calmest voice he could muster out, trying to lighten the mood. "Kagome…" came the timid, mouse-like voice, "Please.. don't come any closer, you make this all so much worse." Slowly his hand reached into his heavy rain coat, pulling out a lighter as well as a soaking wet pack of cigarettes. "I'm sorry.. I..I just can't leave you here, Kurama."
Although he had been quite bold, in reality Kurama was just as shy and timid as a four-year old, it was all part of his charm, the charm that his friends all told him he had, but no other girls that he had adored had seen in him. Placing the small, white stick into his mouth he slowly flicked the spiral of the lighter, producing a small spark. The rain prevented any chance of a flame from being produced, but it did not stop him. Relentlessly he flicked the lighter's ignition as his cigarette only became more drenched, the soft grinding noise causing Kurama to look over at him slowly. A flame was then produced after the fourteenth attempt, and he placed the tip of the tear shaped flame to the end of his wet cigarette, nothing seeming to happen. Then the second miracle of that day occurred, a soft jingle of bells was heard, causing Kurama to whip his head over to the woman, witnessing a smile on her face.
From the corner of his lips the wet tobacco product fell to the floor and a small smile played upon his lips. That picture perfect image of a man standing in the rain, attempting to light a wet cigarette had just been odd enough to trigger Kurama to laugh, funny actually, how the human mind works. "Ok, now we both are uncomfortable, so will you please just come over the railing so we can go get a cup of coffee? I'll treat." The shimmering orbs of blue slowly eyed the man before her slowly parted her lips, but only to close them and nod slowly.
"No, I don't want any coffee.." It was a bittersweet moment, she had finally decided to not take her own life, but instantly rejected his act of kindness. "But if you would offer me a cup of tea, I would be most grateful." She said quietly, stepping over the rail, one leg swinging over at a time. Their hands gripped one another's tightly , his own digits at least a whole half inch larger than hers, as he assisted her over the solid floor of the metal bridge.
A/N:{Hello; and thank you for reading my first fanfic, I defiantly appreciate your kindness and your terrific support! I'd hope you'll stick with me throught out the chapters, once again thank you for reading and see you next time! ^^}
Too Be Continued... Real Soon!