Should've Lied

Chapter 2

It was wrong.

She knew it.

But she couldn't stop the feeling.

She hated Wyatt for it. Hated Leo too.

She blamed them.

Leo was supposed to protect both of them, not abandon one for the other. But he had. He had left his youngest son to be murdered just for his oldest.

The oldest…he was to blame for all of this. If he hadn't been so powerful…been born…then her baby would still be with her.

But her oldest son was born, was powerful and her youngest was dead. All she had left was his baby self, who she promised to never leave.

Even as those filled Piper Halliwell's mind, she knew she couldn't keep the promise.


Phoebe stared blankly at her computer screen at the bay Mirror. Sighing, she tugged on her short hair.

Everything was falling apart.

Piper was ignoring Wyatt and never letting the baby leave her sight.

Paige was never around Wyatt either. Actually she was barely around the house, only stopping by to check on the baby and Piper.

Leo spent most of his time with Wyatt, trying to make up for the absence of his mother. He rarely went near baby, never holding him. The only time she had actually seen him hold the baby was when the doctor had first handed him to Leo.

She hadn't been around the baby either, truth be told. She saw him a couple of times. But she couldn't stand to be in the same room as him for too long.

He was to blame for all of their problems. Leo and Piper and had been happy and in love with their beautiful, baby Wyatt. Paige and she had been doing wonderful as well, not a care in the world except for their nephew's safety.

Then he had showed up. He had claimed that they had to do this and that. He had forced them to go after demons and demons, going after more demons than they had in their whole time as being Charmed.

Phoebe rested her forehead into the palms of her hands; she wanted things back to normal. Back to when he didn't exist.

"You are willing to help complete strangers. How about family?"


"Is it ready?" Paige questioned, her eyes never leaving the Fairy Queen and Head Leprechaun.

Both nodded, causing her to grin. She pulled out the BOS, Book of Shadows, and a brown bag. Flipping through the Book, she quickly found the page she was looking for. Opening the bag, she looked down at the necklace on the wooden table in front of her.

It was her family symbol, the Triquetra. It was made from both Leprechaun gold and silver, with emeralds melted together to form the inside color. It was the size of an adult male's necklace, and she was beyond proud of it.

"Warren Witches

Stand strong beside me

Protect this child

With this gift

Lightest forces let it be

Give him Strength and Give him Might

Hear my plea

Blessed Be"

As she chanted the spell, the Fairy threw fairy dust at the necklace as the Leprechaun threw his type of 'luck' magic. At the same time, Paige threw the contents of the bag onto the necklace, Unicorn magic.

The necklace started to glow gold, silver and emerald, momentarily blinding everyone. As they shielded their eyes, a pulse of magic burst from the necklace, sending shivers down everyone's backs.

Once the light faded, the Leprechaun and Fairy nodded to Paige in acknowledgement. They both started to leave, only to stop. They shared a look before the Leprechaun spoke for them both. "Jus' sos you know…tha' boy, he will be a hero…to us all." His Irish accent was clear, as was his tone. It was praising, admiring. With those words, they both left, leaving Paige alone with the necklace.

Paige reached out for the necklace, noticing it was much smaller and ten times less heavy. Staring at it for awhile, she couldn't help but smile. It looked just like he said it would.

It was beautiful…and perfect.

It reminded her of Chris.

She would be there for Chris…for everything.

"I need you to trust me. And I need you to get Piper and Leo to trust me too, before it's too late."


Leo smiled lovingly as he watched his oldest child, Wyatt, play with blocks.

Wyatt was moving all the blocks in front of him, before he looked to his side, a smile on his lips.

Leo watched as the smile fell from his son's lips, only for a frown to replace it. Wyatt's eyes grew sad as he looked at the spot beside him and then down at the blocks before turning to look at the spot again.

Leo got down on his knees beside Wyatt, "What's wrong buddy?"

Wyatt looked up at him, tears filling his baby eyes, "Kwiss" He whimpered as he picked up a green block.

Leo's eyes widened, turning darker with feelings he tried to keep down. Tears rushed to fill his eyes as he picked up Wyatt. "It's okay buddy. Chris is still here."

Wyatt laid his head on his father's shoulder, his eyes closing. He needed his father right now, he needed some comfort.

Leo rocked him, wishing he knew what to do. "Chris is still here, he is." Leo whispered, though he wasn't sure if it was for Wyatt…or for himself.

"You were never there for me. You were there for everybody else. For mum, Wyatt, half the world, but you were never there for me. You didn't have the time."


Piper lay in her bedroom, her arms around baby Chris, and a sweet mournful yet loving smile on her lips.

It was strange to see Chris like this. She was used to the cold, secretive guy…but he was warm and loving at the same time.

Baby Chris was different. He was soft and warm, always. He constantly smiled, his eyes bright and full of life. Of love.

And yet they were so alike. Baby Chris always looked up at her knowingly. Like he knew what was happening, like he knew she was hurt.

Slowly, Piper placed pillows around Chris to make sure he didn't fall off, and placed crystals around the bed. She wasn't going to risk her baby's life. She started to walk out of the room, though it was slow and it was clear she didn't want to leave him alone for to long.

Grabbing the baby monitor on her way out, she made her way into the hall.

Piper slowly walked into the room she had given Chris when she found out who he truly was. Paige had packed a few things, but like Piper, she couldn't stand to be in the room for to long. It reeked of Chris.

The smell. The look.

It was messy, yet clean. Books were placed here and there, looking like they weren't in any order. Yet Piper knew, there was an order to the mess.

And the smell…God she could still smell the soap he used, still smell the shampoo. Walking over to the closet, she opened it and pulled out a hoodie. Placing it to her nose, she breathed in.

Tears filled her eyes and quickly fell as she remembered everything that had happened in the last year.

Her hands balled into fists, her eyes turning angry. Angrily, she threw the hoodie to the floor, her hair flying. Her hands reached for books and papers on his desk, her cheeks red. Unthinkingly, she shredded every book, every paper.

"How dare you!" Piper hollered, her hands flying at the wall. Tears flew from her eyes as she moved away and moved to his bed. Digging her nails into the mattress, she started to rip it apart. "How dare you leave me! How could you go and die and leave me here all alone?" As the mattress fell to pieces, a piece of paper fell to the floor. "Please come back. I need you." Piper fell to the floor, her hands, shaking like a leaf, picked up the paper. The paper turned out to be a picture. On the back it said 'Mommy and me'. Turning it over, Piper sobbed out, "Please come back."

The picture was of her, older, with a thirteen year old Chris. His arms were wrapped around her, as hers were around him. Both had identical grins on their lips. Their eyes were sparkling with love for the other.

They were happy.

Chris was happy…

As much as she wanted to blame Wyatt, Leo Phoebe and Paige…And mostly Chris, she knew whose fault it really was.

It was hers.

She hadn't been there to protect her son…

She had so much to make up for. So much to change. She wasn't going to leave Chris again, she would be there for everything. She wouldn't die and leave her baby in this timeline…she couldn't.

The voice echoed in her mind, a voice she would never forget. A voice she would always love.

"Well, as long as you learn something at the end of the day, that's all that matters, right?"


Piper made her way back to her bedroom only to find Paige sitting beside Chris. She smiled weakly at her sister.

Paige turned to look at her, "Hey sweetie." Piper made her way over to her baby sister.

"What's that?" Piper croaked out, pointing to the small necklace on Chris's neck. She picked it up and was surprised that it weighed close to nothing.

"Chris told me about this gift I had made for him after he was born in the original timeline." She caressed the baby's cheek as he slept peacefully. "It's a combination of Unicorn magic, Fairy magic, and Leprechaun magic and gold, silver, emeralds and Halliwell magic."

Piper nodded her heart swelling with love for her baby sister. She loved Chris just as much as she did. She had been with her every step of her pregnancy. "That was sweet Paige."

Paige shook her head, "Anything for one of two my favorite nephews." Neither spoke as they continued to watch the baby sleep.

"I love you so much..."


Once Chris woke up, both Piper and Paige walked downstairs, only to walk into Phoebe, Leo and Wyatt.

Piper wasn't ready to face them. Not yet. She wasn't ready to let go of her baby.

Wyatt looked to his mother, reaching out for her, only for her to step back.

"Piper! You can't do this to him! He is just a baby! You are his mother!" Phoebe screeched, tired of Piper acting like this. Leo stood beside her with Wyatt in his arms.

Piper shook her head, her youngest safely tucked into her arms, with her baby sister at her side. "No!" Her eyes were rimmed red from tears that were unwilling to fall. Her lips turned up into a bitter smile.

Leo looked at her in disbelief, how could his wife say that?

Paige said nothing, only standing next to her big sister in support. She understood, she felt the same way.

"Yes Piper!" Phoebe balled her fists, trying to not glare at the baby. Ever since he came into their lives, everything had messed up.

Guilt flooded Phoebe's senses as she realized what she was doing. She was blaming Chris, just like Piper was doing with Wyatt.

But it wasn't either of their faults, they all just needed someone to blame.

"Piper honey, you have to stop this." Phoebe softened her tone, trying to get her sister to understand she understood her.

Piper's smile turned even more bitter, the tears finally rolling down her cheeks freely. "You don't understand." She pulled baby Chris closer.

"Then help us too!" Leo begged, Wyatt clutching his shirt. He needed his wife back.

Piper looked them both in their eyes, "I can't forgive him yet. I can't forgive any of you…not yet." Piper shuddered, as if the thoughts in her head were a terrible nightmare. "If I do…" Her words came out chocked, "I'll forget about Chris."

Phoebe and Leo watched in shock as Piper fell to her knees, still cradling the baby, with Paige holding onto her.

She started rocking back and forth, clutching the baby to her chest, scared he would be ripped away from her at any moment. "I'll let Wyatt become my number one priority. I will constantly try to protect him. I'll put Chris as a minor character. I'll let him fade into the background." She shook her head rapidly, "I-I can't let that happen! No, not my baby."

This was her fear. Her fear that she would be like Leo had in the original timeline. She would just let Chris fall through the cracks, let Wyatt be number one.

Paige put her face in Piper's shoulder, tears flowing freely, "Shh Piper, it will be okay. I promise. I know sweetie, I promise we won't forget him." Her voice was low, a whisper, but everyone could hear her clearly, "We won't forget either of them."

Leo pulled Wyatt closer to him, his eyes full of tears as he watched his wife and youngest sister-in-law cry their hearts out for both the baby in her arms and the one that had faded from their lives. He watched as Phoebe fell to her knees, crawling over to her sisters, hugging them tearfully.


Leo knew now, watching his family fall apart…

He should've lied.

Leo's eyes turned cold, his mind going to the demon that was also responsible for this while mess. He would get his revenge on Barbas.

And he wouldn't stop until her did.

He had to get his family back…

And there was only one way.

He knew now…

He Should've Lied.


Iloveromance – Thank you for the review! Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I'm glad it stuck with how the series went! I tried really hard!

Jazmingirl – Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked their reaction! I tried my best to put myself in their position and bring out how they would have felt. I hope I did a good job of it. Lol, I wrote this chapter because you asked for another. This will be the last one, considering the ending is how Season 7 began.

Mitali – Why wouldn't she blame Wyatt? He is the reason Chris went back to the past and the reason he was killed. It makes sense she would be angry and blame him, because she also blames herself. Piper blames everyone, especially Chris and herself. She does love Wyatt, but her main concern right now needs to her healing. And as long as she still holds onto her guilt over Chris dying, she will never be able to love either of her sons the way she is supposed to. Thank you for the review!

Midori Yoshida – Thanks for the review! I'm glad it turned out good! Yeah, it was upsetting to see how they moved on so quickly. I hope you like this chapter!

EugeBlack – Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked it! I tried my best on this one, I'm glad it worked out!

Charmedfam – Thank you for the review! Oh thank you! I'm glad you liked it! Yes, it is soooo sad what happened to big Chris. :'(

Okay well its over. :( I had so much fun writing this though. I hope everyone who reads this, likes it!