A/N: Yes, this is a repost-Kinda. I felt the other one was a complete ripoff from John Tucker Must Die and decided to add my own plot in an AU. This will take place about 5000 years after the group failed on the eclipse, pretending that the rest of the events in the series didn't happen. This first chapter is more of a prologue than anything to try and set the stage.
Twin Cities, Ba Sing Se, 5023 PE (Post Eclipse)
"I hate traveling by car, Sokka." Katara complained, watching the high priced condominiums and houses whisk out of sight.
Sokka scowled and checked his paper again before glancing at his sister out the corner of his eye. "Well, let's go get a Flying Bison then Katara. We just need to deal with what we have."
Katara sighed as she caught a glimpse of her once sarcastic and kid brother before the 'providing father/brother/mother' mode kicked in again. "That never made sense to me." She said, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
"What? Having to scrape by?"
"No," she grumbled, "How were the Bison able to fly five thousand years ago, but as soon as we try to get a human in the air, they go splat!" She clapped her hands together.
Sokka, the ever innovative one, looked thoughtful and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "Hmm, that's not necessarily true. People can hang-glide and parachute, but only if they get cleared by certain government programs. I know the government is corrupt. Dad made sure we knew it too. Everyone else is brainwashed or something."
Katara's laugh startled her in its abruptness, "You had me going 'til you had to say brainwashed." Her mood changed almost as abrupt. "When is dad gonna be home?"
"I have no idea. You know as soon as his tour is over he'll be back. He's going to stay by his troops until he can find a way to bring The Leader down. Plus, his general got you into this great school and got us an apartment." Sokka pulled their rusty '03 Land Rider into the parking lot of the Three Waters apartment complex. "Plus, they moved everything in for us." He said as they parked.
"I guess, but school has already been in for, like, a month, Sokka. That and I don't like leaving Gran Gran all alone in the South. You know it gets cold there." Katara said worriedly, unbuckling her seat belt as the car shuddered off.
"Kat, is Gran Gran really gonna let a little cold weather bring her down?" He laughed, taking the keys from the ignition and shoving them in his pockets. "If you really feel bad, I'm sure she'll send some stewed sea prunes for you."
Katara turned slightly green. "Great." She said sarcastically and followed her brother to a bottom level, two bedroom apartment.
"Home sweet home, Katara." Sokka opened the front door with a flourish. "Wow! This is awesome! The rooms are up the stairs, I need to get something from the kitchen. Go check it out!"
Katara rolled her eyes at her brother but grinned, caught up in his childish excitement and ran up the stairs. She opened the door with her name and smiled softly at the picture of her family on a simple wooden dresser. It was the last picture they had taken of her with her mom before she was murdered by a vicious gang called Ozai's Angels. Rumor had it the man lived in a mansion somewhere in Twin Dragons City.
"Surprise!" Sokka shouted and she turned around to hear soft whimpering sounds coming from his arms. A small mutt of a puppy squirmed in his arms before he dropped it on her bed. "His name is Foo-Foo-Cuddly-Poops."
Katara giggled and plopped on her bed, fighting off the puppy from slobbering her face. "He's slimy! And that's a huge name for a tiny puppy!" She accused through her giggles.
Sokka laughed with her and sat down next to her. "Fine, we'll call him Foof for short." His smile faltered as he looked down at her. "He's kind of a multi-purpose gift. I don't want you to be stuck here alone and he will be your portable heater for the winter."
"What do you mean?" Katara asked, confused.
Sokka rubbed his arm subconsciously. "Well, we can't afford to run the heater this winter. We need to pay half the rent for this place."
"Well, that doesn't sound too bad. How much is it?" He mumbled. "How much, Sokka?"
"Two grand." He muttered looking down.
"Two grand!" Katara cried with shock. "How in the world can we get two grand?"
"Well, dad got me a job with his friend called The Mechanic. It should pay about five hundred to six hundred dollars a week. That should cover rent and food if we're careful." Sokka lay back on the bed and reached over to pat Foof on the head.
"By the Spirits, Sokka! I'm not gonna let you do that alone! What about Ba Sing Se University, huh? What about fun? There's no way you're giving up all your money for this place!" Katara prodded him in the chest. "You hear me?"
Sokka gave a weary grin. "Dad knew you would say that. He got you a job too."
"Really?" Katara asked, surprise lighting her features. "Where?"
"Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon!" A deep and rumbling but calming voice came from a portly man with tangled gray beard and hair in a cream apron. Kind albeit sharp golden eyes sparkled at the two siblings under wild gray eyebrows. "My name is Iroh and you must be Miss Katara and Master Sokka. You look so much like your parents." He smiled at them and gestured to an empty booth.
"We really look like our parents?" Katara asked excitedly, giving a small bow to the old man.
"'None sees more than a Dragon, but a Dragon' and I am the Dragon of the West!" Iroh chortled, hands on his belly, missing the confused looks the siblings gave each other. "Yes, you have come for your job Miss Katara?"
"Yes, sir. But I have school until almost four and I can't miss." She said nervously, folding her hands in her lap.
"Ah! You will be going to school with my nephew! I'm sure you would be great friends." He said with a knowing smile. "Now, let's see if we can get you a reasonable schedule."
Katara checked her reflection in the mirror for the umpteenth time. She wore a blue wrap-around dress with dark blue leggings underneath and a white belt to match the trim. She wore simple fur lined boots made of turtle-seal leather so supple, it felt like she was walking barefoot.
She nervously fingered the silky ribbon that held her mother's necklace around her neck and rubbed the coin-sized pendant with her thumb. The glinting blue matched her eyes perfectly as she scrutinized her face for any blemishes. Her full lips were pursed in concentration as she spread the tiniest bit of copper onto her lids. She liked the way it looked on her skin. The copper lifted brown tones to glow through her mass of curly hair.
She quickly tied a navy blue ribbon and drew her hair into a low pony-tail, two hanks of hair falling in loops from the silky material.
Faux sapphires sparkled on her ear lobes as she spun in a circle and flicked a speck of dust off her jeans. She smiled cautiously at the mirror before wiping the makeup off her eyes. There, she thought, now I look like mom. She finally grinned.
"Zuko!" Iroh shouted through his nephew's door, pounding as loud as he could to wake the still sleeping teen. He heard a thud and nodded with satisfaction as his nephew fell from his bed.
What, Uncle?" Zuko stumbled to the door, yanking it open and shaking his hair out of his bleary gold eyes.
"School." Iroh said simply and turned, leaving an uncomprehending Zuko behind. He knew it clicked when he heard Zuko yell and slam his door shut. He yanked on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before taking a glob of gel and running his hand through his hair and shaking it.
"Uncle, where's my backpack?" Zuko ran into the kitchen, grabbing his car keys from the rack and looked around wildly. Iroh handed him a black and red bag. "Thanks. Can I have—" Iroh threw him a power bar. "And a—" a tea bottle was lobbed at him.
Zuko ran into the hallway, skidding on a floor rug, almost knocking over a stone monkey statue. "Thanks. Have you seen my—?"
"By the door!" Iroh yelled, shaking his head at his nephew's sporadic actions.
Zuko shoved his feet into his shoes, still hopping in them as he ran to his car. He blew out a breath in the cool car and instantly it was a few degrees warmer.
He caught a reflection of himself in the rear view mirror and grinned before scowling. I'm a moody, underprivileged/deprived son and I feel nobody likes me, he thought to himself, feeling a stony look cover his face. He looked in the mirror again, only to see his eyes dancing with mirth.
Well, he thought, my reputation would be ruined if people would actually look me in the eyes. Seeing as they don't, he smirked, Perfect.
"Ty Lee! Hurry your ride is here!" her mother called up the steps. "No, no, no Ky Lee, the other bowl! Ry Lee! Get your cat-monkey off the table..." He voice faded as she got further away.
"Coming!" she said sweetly back, knowing her mother could hear her anyways. She checked over her appearance again.
Hair: braided and looking cute but still fierce with a perfect bump.
Clothes: Perfect amount of pink. Cute skirt with matching pink top, each slightly ruffled.
Nails: Manicured with pink under coat, jeweled flowers on the thumbs and perfect white half-moons on the tip.
Skin: no blemishes with perfectly smooth and tan from spending the summer at Ember Island.
Lips: perfectly blended pink lip gloss and no wrinkles from smiling.
Eyes: Lightly lined and lashes curled to accentuate smoky, grey eyes.
"Ty Lee!" How strange, she thought, mother talking to me twice in one day?
She glanced in the mirror, not letting her smile falter. Perfect.
Gloves. Check. Headband. Check. Cargo pants. Check. Breathable shirt. Check. Versatile shoes. Check. Bed made. Check. Suki grinned at her reflection in the mirror, showing perfectly straight teeth. Killer, kick-ass attitude. Check.
Hmm, it's not fair that I go to school but those lazy bums dropped out and get to sleep in...
She suddenly sprinted from her room, catching speed so she could jump swiftly from one side of the hallway to the other, knocking on doors as she went.
"Suki!" she heard yells of exasperation from her waking sisters, just back from military training. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in a mirror along the hallway. Her fly away hair now danced around her face with the copper color highlighting her sea green eyes to shining levels. Perfect.
Azula impatiently brushed invisible dirt off her dress. The red and gold fabric tied in the center of her chest, accentuating it before dropping into soft folds of cloth. It haltered around her neck where her dark brown hair fell straight down her back. Her gold-copper eyes glittered dangerously under perfectly curled eye lashes as she waited for the chauffeur to open her door.
Thank the spirits I was adopted by a rich family, Azula drawled in her head as a recurring thought, any less would be less than...
She opened a compact, checking for any imperfections. And finding none she snapped it closed. Her reign over the school wouldn't be stopped by some mere blemish. Teens scurried away from the limousine as her chauffeur finally got out to open her door. She smirked. Perfect.
His dark brown eyes flashed everywhere under his lids as he walked through the hall, nodding his head at anyone cool enough to address him. "Hey, Jet." The brunette with the fiery gold eyes looked at him appreciatively, watching as he conquered the halls he ruled. He flipped his hair out of his eyes, giving her a grin before moving on.
Many others called out his name, as he passed. He already knew he owned the school. It was just a matter of reminding himself. Ruling is something I was raised for, Jet thought arrogantly, starting at this school seems... He managed to catch the eye of two other girls in the next five seconds... Perfect.
E/N; So, some definite changes. I will explain more about the flying as the story goes on and the other chapters are much longer. Basically, they have the same technology as today, just in different ways and there is nothing motorized that can fly. Also, I don't do my own characters so you're stuck with the original cast. Bummer.
Drop me a review!