-Epilouge- First, you have to understand that Elton John is gay, and the song I use on here, Freaks In Love, is about being gay and in love..that adds to the meaning of this song, in my mind. I really love this song, even before it was a "Malec" song in my head (:

I woke up, pushing the grogginess from my mind, and tried to figure out where I was. An unfamiliar bed...

Magnus's bed. Said warlock was wrapped around me, our bodies twinned. The warm air from his loft licked at the bare skin of my chest.

I wondered for a moment if I could disentangle myself without waking him, but decided against it, savoring the feel of his skin against mine.

I could see a bruise on the side of his neck and felt my stoamch flip. I did that, I thought. I made that mark. My mouth and teeth.

My lips still felt a little puffy, but much less swollen then they'd been when I passedo ut last night.

I strained my neck, looking at the clock on theb edside table(which hadn't made the switch to blue, unfortunetly, and neither had the bed).11 in the morning. Damn, it was a good thing I'd told Magnus to text Izzy and tell her not to wait up. Her reply to that, of course, had been, "Have fun with Alec ;P" Izzy was evil sometimes. Magnus had laughed and typed back, "Okay ;D" even when I told him not to.

I saw my screen flash, no sound or vibration, but color and light.

I bit my lip, looking at the phone, then Magnus, deciding I'd rather be buried in the warlock's chest. Much rather...

"You can answer your phone, Alexander." murmered Magnus, making me jump so suddenlyI almost lost balance and fell off of the bed.

He slipped out of my arms and I was quick to feel the chill.

Picking up my phone he smirked and said, 'It's Jace."

"Open it." I shrugged, pulling myself over to Magnus and sitting on his lap as he read the message, arms around me.

"Where are you? R u w/ Magnus? What the hell Alec!"

"Ask Izzy ;P replied Magnus before I could tell him not to. Magnus was sure monopolizing my phone a lot lately.

Not that I really minded.

"Magnus? Alec doesn't use winky faces."

"I have Alec's phone. Figure the rest out for yourself." I giggled, turning my face up to his. My phone slipped from Magnus's hand onto the carpeted floor and our lips connected.

Magnus sucked on my lower lip and Isighed softly.

My stomach growled.

"Hungry, Alec?" he pulled away from me, grinning.

"Not for food." I twisted around and pulled him on top of me.

"You'll run out of energy if you don't eat, Blue Eyes." he groaned, but I could feel his resolve disolving as he ground his hips against mine, smashing his lips against mine. My hips bucked a little, my back arching into him, and I felt myself getting lost in his body.

"Wait...Alec...I have to show you something..." he pulled up, getting off the bed, and switched on the stereo. He hit a few bottons and some soft music started to play. Magnus began singing the lyrics as the deep male voice did. "Me and you we're not that pretty, Me and you could use a lift,I'm out here on the corner crying, I got ribbons but I got no gift." He paused and murmered, "Listen to the chorus when I sing it."

"Me and you we're all we've got
Me and you could be our curse
We've got bleeding hearts and flowers
You got strings but you got no purse"
He turned to me, pinning my body down, and sang right to my face, in my ear, "We're just freaks in love, Saints above, Shine on our sweet life, Happy is the union, Of fools and freaks alike, And fearless are the idiots, Among the hawks and doves, We're on the outside looking in,A couple of freaks in love"
He grinned at the look of amazement on my face. Words were strong, I'd learned that from Jace, but I'd never been good with words; never had it occured to me that I could use someone else's words and have them mean so much.

"There's a wonder in this weakness
It's so beautiful sometimes
Across the universe we're lightning
In the race we're a step behind

Me and you we're not for everyone
Me and you we're damaged goods
We're antique and unacceptable
And just misunderstood."

He sang the rest of the song, tenderness in his voice as he kissed my nose.

"Freaks in Love." I murmered to him, a stupid smile surely on my face.

"Forever, Blue Eyes."

Three things-ONE would you want this to continue? Something bad to happen, then get fixed fluffily? Songfic fluff?

TWO-Would you like Chapter 17 and the Epilouge in Magnus's point of view?

THREE-Would you like a Cam story? I have a short, chapter or two idea in my head, anyone wanna read that? (:

Also, thank you anyone who has read, reviewed, favorited, or added me to your alerts, i love you all and really enjoyed writing this :D